What is your individual definition of alt-right?Aside from the obvious generic "we're the alternative to the right...

What is your individual definition of alt-right?Aside from the obvious generic "we're the alternative to the right, duh".

I've noticed many people using it now, but nobody seems to have a collective definition.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'd say it's a reactionary movement in response to leftist identity politics, multiculturalism, and political correctness.

I like little to no government, I can compromise.
Fuck neocons.

Also, how can the alt-right function in smaller political environments? Like on a state or city level? Seems like the alt-right only operates on a large, national scale.

It's a reaction to mainly leftist mantra that has been pushed since the mid 60's although some of it even earlier.
An opposition to multiculturalism
An opposition to mass immigration (read non-white)
An opposition to political correctness in all it's forms

Basically pretend WWII never happened.

The 1930's as if there was no depression.

1. Nationalist
2. Neo Nazism / White Supermacy
3. Capitalists
4. Alt-Libertarians

>White Supremacy

Why not white nationalism?

I am tired and forgot to put it there.

There isn't an actual "alt right" group.

It's not a political movement, it's just an umbrella term for right leaning youths from around the world that reject globalism.

I'm a fucking democrat that rejects liberalism. I hate Hillary and Bernie. I voted for Trump, and I'm loyal to him.

nationalist and opposed to white genocide

Yeah, I get that it's not a tight knit group. I probably misworded the OP, but I was curious how everyone individually defined it.


"I am alt right" : "I am a faggot"

My opinion of it?
It's a new movement for conservatives who are disgusted by neoconservatives. It has no clear or coherent view yet, but it fighting its way forward into being something relatively uniform.

Yeah why would the UK want to be WHITE???


there is 2 alt-rights not associated with each other, other than they both supported Trump.

Republican ideas, but against the republican establishment.


The Hegelian dialectic requires there to be an anti-thesis to each thesis.

Leftism is the thesis. Alt-right is the antithesis. Soon, there will be an alt-left antithesis, and the cycle will start over again.

And yet it appears to have become a sort of identity politics in it's own right, at least from the outside.

Could just be my leaf brain kicking in again, mind you.

Alt-right = knuckle dragging, White supremacists, anti-Semitic, anti-poc, pieces of shit humans

alt-right = retardism + irrational anger

Not an argument.

You can ask anyone what their definition of "alt right" is. You'll get a different answer every time.

I'm a working class guy. Didn't go to college. But I served in the military. I'm tired of smarmy people telling me how I should feel. I'm tired of people telling me I should feel bad for the color of my skin. I'm tired of the United States being an empire.

I want my own country, regardless of skin color. I want to be around Americans. People that love the flag. I don't want you in the country if you don't love America. That's it. I'm tired of being ashamed.

>What is your individual definition of alt-right?
It's a progressive meme. It's the label they needed to begin censoring the internet.

See this? This is why you will lose.

OP was not looking for an argument you turd, OP asked for a personal definition

>I want my own country, regardless of skin color.

What does that even mean??

That was the point, I wanted to see everyone's individual "definition" is. I noticed everyone's is different.

I appreciate your reply.

Alright then. Why is the alt-right so terrible?

Alt right: A bunch of immature adults and teens who can't educate themselves in politics and history and base the entirety of their political alignment as a counter to what a fringe minority of Tumblr attention-whores aka "SJWs" say.
If you expect me to take your opinion seriously, please stop fucking mentioning SJWs.

I want to be around people that are on the same team as me.

How is that hard to understand? I'm not ashamed of being white, but I don't hate you for being here either. We're a fucking team, and that is what America is.

I am not here to argue but to answer OP tyvm

I got no definition for the alt-right, I don't talk or think in labels, only in my own and my friends/family self-interest.

I believe this is the new term for "bad goyim".

>"we're the alternative to the right, duh".
That's exactly what it is. Stop being retarded.

Alt-right exists because mainstream republicans are corporate cucks

>I want to be around people that are on the same team as me.

You think a huge flood of Koreans or Chinese or Ghetto blacks would be on the same team as you?

Sup Forums always accept the premise given by OP and runs with it.

In this case, the actual existence of an "alt-right."

It doesn't really exist. It's just an umbrella term for all conservatives that aren't actual members of the media and political establishments.

This is not alt-right.

Alt-right is a racial movement. If you are for conserving your nations ethnic and cultural makeup, you are alt-right. Those Youtuber's who make their living on ripping on SJWs have nothing to do with the alt-right.

Yes, I realize the (((media))) will use the term against us, but the amount of "alt-right hatred" on here is hilarious, considering many of you do fall under the term. Maybe you're too much of a special snowflake to be labeled, but you still agree with them.

fuck government and fuck banks

And Arabs?

Stop falling for this (((Alt-Right))) shit.

It's made by kikes and libtards to once again group rational people into some form of '''EBILness''' and tin-foil.

It also makes it look like the rational ''right-wingers'' associate with neo-nazi, glue sniffing, tattooed skinheads once again.

Nothing is left vs right either.

It's Nationalism, Patriotism and Freedom VS Globalists and their puppet '''Liberals'''

>If you are for conserving your nations ethnic and cultural makeup, you are alt-right
So alt-right is just another word for white supremacist?
Please elaborate, in my mind, alt-right is just shitty teens who get their opinions from dumb ass memes.

I didn't say that you idiot. I'm not advocating that at all. Of course flooding our country with third worlders would fuck it up. I'm not retarded.

I'm saying that I support Trump because of course people are going to come to my nation. I want them to be the right people. People that want to love America. `


reminder that labels are created to limit, and then villify or control a particular group, there is no 'alt-right' just like there is no anything at all, all classifications are arbitrary and subjective

the real psyop being performed here is to slowly normalize this 'alt-right' expression so that some monstrous or irrational action can be undertaken in it's name

this will render the entire (nonexistent) alt-right group absurd via well-poisoning, or associating good information with bad information

the only simple and reliable way to prevent this label from harming us is to remain mobile, able to disappear and re-appear in a new form

this 'new form' does NOT have to be a new thing, it can be an old thing that already has an established identity, such as biblical christianity, or consitutionalist

>If you are for conserving your nations ethnic and cultural makeup,

Conservatives have always been for this. It's not some new alternative genre neo-thingamabob.

White nationalist, yes. Milo hijacked the term as the kike he is, but those who have used the term for longer than he's been famous (Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor) has always claimed race is essential.

milo's alt right disappeared after the elections
Richard spencers Alt right can't take a fucking hint and leave

Conservatives have always been for "securing the existence of our people and a future for white children"? That's a new one.

>People that want to love America. `

Don't you have preferences as to who you would want in the country?
Would an Englishman not fit in better than the Chinese or Central Americans?

I agree fully.

The establishment basically wants to group us all together to fight one front.

I probably very much disagree with you. But we can both come together to fight this evil. They want to group us together so they can claim that we are fracturing. "A divide in the "alt right""

>Conservatives have always been for "securing the existence of our people and a future for white children"?

Maybe in Norway. It's perfectly normal to want a future for your children.

That quote is the 14 part of 14/88 and refers to saving the white race. That's not mainstream conservatism.

Maybe that's what you don't get.

>would an Englishmen fit in better than Chinese

When you come to the US you should leave that behind. You're not Chinese anymore. You're not Dutch. You're not Mexican.

You come into this country, you are American. Does it work that way all the time? No. But that's how it should be. You need to be loyal to the flag, to the team.

Not put into words. Only in actual fact. For example, mexicans are exactly the same. They wouldn't want their country overrun by gringos. This is a conservative stance and it's perfectly normal.

Alt-right is a term used to classify an amorphous collective of largely anonymous individuals which defies classification.

It's not a self determined designation. They didn't have somebody to point the finger at so they made somebody up.

uncucked convervatism
uncucked means no neo-con crap, no marxist/commie crap and looking out for your own country first before doing anything else

civic vs ethno nationalism can be saved for later

Yes, but when white people have this stance it's suddenly racist and mainstream conservatives don't have the balls

National Conservatism is the word you're looking for.

Includes but not limited to:

>Republicans who hate Neocons
>Reagan Democrats
>Bush era liberals who see how stupid the left is now

Joey here got it right. We're basically 2009 anonymous with a political agenda.

I supported Trump for the lulz (and a little bit because A war with Russia would be rather uncomfy for us Germans).

I've participated in many, many raids. I'm a veteran of the reddit wars, the 9gag wars and the tumblr wars. Making Trump president for me is simply the biggest stunt Sup Forums has ever pulled. And make no mistake: We did this. All the Trump campaign did was making hats.

Western Nationalism. Anyone trying to turn it into white nationalism is batshit retarded and disconnected from practical reality. You have to make your movement palatable to normies, fucking retards.

I was a centrist until I disagreed with a friend about some libshit and now everyone I know calls me Alt right. I don't feel any different.

>You have to make your movement palatable to normies, fucking retards.

No. This was a pretty normie idea until 1965.

Resurgence of white identity, response to political correctness, multiculturalism, faggotry, trannies, glibalism and general degeneracy propagated by the left. Return to traditional values like traditional family and lifestyle.

I thought alt right basically meant fascism

aren't you guys fascist too or I was in the wrong place all along

I think this is the fairest definition, to be honest.

Fuck off kike.

Equality is bullshit. Hierarchy is essential. The races are different. The sexes are different. Morality matters and degeneracy is real. All cultures are not equal and we are not obligated to think they are. Man is a fallen creature and there is more to life than hollow materialism. Finally, the white race matters, and civilisation is precious. This is the Alt-Right.

A meme the media fell for.

Some are fascist.

We're mostly white nationalists.

Right-wing extremism.

Alt-Right is just what normies and the news call Sup Forums


MSM's definition: neo-nazi racist sexist fascist evil etc.

Personal self-applied defintion: anti-globalist conservative.

Actual definition: non-extant bullshit.

Conservative elements like tighter immigration, shift away from the liberal narrative as it exists.

Not so right as to be racist/caring about non issues like fags, gay marriage, trannies

Not necessarily religious

Thanks for an actually civil conversation everyone.

remain definitionless. Its better to build an ethereal dissonance that only the red pilled can pass through. if we make what we believe into a solid edifice it will be easier for idiots to claim they are with us while simultaneously giving ammunition to our foes.

Leftists who oppose mass immigration, oppose corruption, and support the freedom of speech

According to the media:
Someone who is not an establishment republican or a democrat. Includes Trump supporters, fascists, libertarians, classical liberals, greens, blue dog democrats, etc

Alt right does NOT exist. Its just the shitposting that made someones saggy tits quake.

A mix mash of fascist, might makes right, neotradionalists with a hint of ancap