Why is mainstream animation so shit? This objectively BTFO every single thing from 2017

Why is mainstream animation so shit? This objectively BTFO every single thing from 2017.

singular focus and unwavering passion are very difficult to reproduce on an industrial level

>2 years to produce 10 minutes of animation
>why doesnt everything look like this

it was one guy though, who presumably had other work to do in the meantime. Imagine how quickly a team of animators could produce something high quality

not gonna lie even though iv enjoyed some of the shows from last year alot. cant deny that short has really stuck with me in a big way and i cant really argue. even inspired me to plan a table top rpg game where there are crowns that give governance/comand over things/concepts. like the crown of fire, gravity, etc and then have a tournament or just the motivation where when you have more crowns than another crown wielder you can pretty much tell them what to do or at least they have to make checks to not be your bitch and act against your will.
would pretty much be a quest to gather as many of the crowns into your group as possible and gain all the powers.

>Why is mainstream animation so shit?
quantity over quality, deadlines over quality, the incessant reinforcement of demographic research

remember those beautiful films that the canadian government used to fund? that shit ain't happening again anytime soon

This And the fact that you are a faggot that keeps insisting on having children media pander to you, instead of supporting original indie creators, like the guy that you posted, or the people behind Tales of Alethrion.

While it's true that double king was a passion project of one man, I think OP has a point about mainstream animation being kind of inexcusably shitty right now. TV animation with digital aid was markedly better in the 90s-mid 00s, and it's almost jarring watching popular cartoons from that era and seeing how much better they were animated. Sure there was shit, but there were plenty of shows with better animation than what's currently airing on TV. EEnE, Courage, PPG, KND, Billy and Mandy, Invader Zim, Rocko, hell the list even extends to less popular or notable shows like Angry Beavers and Time Squad. These were TV produced shows working with more limited technology which have better animation than almost anything currently airing, what the fuck gives? Shouldn't the simplified styles of today's cartoons combined with more advanced digital techniques lend themselves to better animation?
And no, single episodes with stylistic shifts or guest animators don't really count, I'm talking about the shows on average.

i don't think OP is necessarily a faggot just for having an opinion

Double King was pretty fucking good, I'm having a hard time disagreeing with him

>10 minute shorts that have no deadline look better than several hours of animation that needs to be completed on a regular schedule

Are you fucking retarded? Kill yourself.

Don't tear OPs argument apart so easily like his uncle does to his asshole every Christmas

What's so good about it?

>made by 1 guy in his spare time
>versus usually 2 people who just have to do the boards and have an army of skilled animation studios overseas to do the grunt work
I dont even think this looks good but this is a retarded argument

Just wanted to say cool idea user

>double the people means it gets done in half the time with the same kind of quality right?


Why do people keep focusing on the animation? I always felt that writing is shit for shows being the biggest problem in animation.

Good animation with shit writing, you want us to be like anime?

>couldn't even afford VAs

He has to learn.

TV animation has to have commercial value.
If it doesn't promise viewership, it won't get funded.

Wait, YouTube is indie underground???

Sadly foremost it's all about whether it sells toys or not.

Look at motorcity. FANTASTIC art direction, interesting characters that have great personalities/flaws/etc, FANTASTIC animation, fucking dead cause toys didnt sell.

I thought it should have been nominated for an Oscar.

Tfw you up in the hood

>I dont even think this looks good
shit taste

>Good animation with shit writing, you want us to be like anime?
Anime doesn't have shit writing.

Every anime in past 5 years
>moe yuri x infiniy
>12-15 year old muscless boy with superpowers and girls all over his dick that he rejects all advances of.

Learn to read

This is nonsense. You have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe you should just stop.

>gets btfo
>oh man uhh uhh learn 2 read
Hehe xd

Prove me wrong.

How about you prove yourself right? (Unironic protip: you can't.)

You can't do it because you can't think of any adult protagonist animes without the above, can you? Sad.

Kokkoku is airight now. All the characters are adults except for one child. It's a thriller about people who can stop time. Takunomi is also airing, and it's a SoL about adult women, and there are no male characters. Boy that was difficult.

B: the Beginning, Inuyashiki, and Garo Vanishing Line for recent stuff off the top of my head