what did you expect? twitter to have no bias?

Sounds about right

Both of those posts should be deleted.

Neither should be deleted unless Twitter really wants to delist in the next 5 years

No. Both of them should be left uncensored.

this is why europe is cucked eternally

sheriff is right.

Twitter can choose what it removes or doesnt

But holocaust denial and the word 'palestine' should be censored, right schlomo?

This is true, but claiming one is abusive and the other is not is clearly doublethink.

Spread that pic all over twitter. Spread it everywhere.

Not for long, toothpaste. Trump will declare all social media to be a public utility and will nationalize those companies. The current CEOs will be executed for sedition and treason. Moderation will be performed by a new federal agency and will strictly conform to the constitution.

He's not saying that they can't, he's just saying that they shouldn't.

Besides, social media is a weird grey area regarding free speech, honestly.

not for long - they'll get their retribution along with the nigger king

Liberals don't ever follow their own rules, it's one the ways you know their ideology is objectively wrong.


Needs to be bombs sand niggers

Nope. I don't forbid you from saying Narnia, why would I forbid you from mentioning other made up states?


Clearly shopped, just more fake news from the alt-right again

I want to believe

masters have spoken
