TIME person of the year

Hillary is winning bigly at the moment.

When Trump loses this, Sup Forums will realise that they aren't as influential as they thought they were.

2 places to vote:



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Make assange #1 and trump second just incase

We need to change the narrative to finding assange, he might have been killed and putting focus on Wikileaks will blow this coverup.

They'll trying to get an interview with him and realize he's not picking up


Are nige needs to be number 1

>Sammantha Bee
>Colin Kapernick

Who the fuck comes up with this garbage?

How the hell would they justify putting Hillary number uno? She's literally the biggest loser in the last 50, 100, 200 years loooool

Developer from Apester here for that particular Poll, just a heads up TIME will not award the points to certain voters IF you autistic morons vote for Putin or Kim Jong Un

These are sanity checks make your vote look realistic, don't go all fucking 1488 on a TIME magazine poll.



85% Trump, go fuck a kangaroo.

>LeBron James
Fucking normalfags, I swear to god.

well well well

Yea don't



fuck off nigger. I'm going to rape that poll in a sec with my botnet

>imblying kim isn't person of the year in northkorea every year

everything you think you know about bestkorea is wroung

>Samantha Bee has 4% to Lin-Manuel Miranda's 3%
Just fucking kill me now.

it gives me a choice between those two though.... it is also giving me 100% agree with you when i voted on both links maybe they blacklisted Sup Forums votes?

if clinton wins person of the year TIME magazine is finished!!

marblecake, also the game

I voted among others for Nige even though I am pro-EU. Person of the year was supposed to be about the most influential after all, and he was undoubtedly a major source of happening.

so it doesn't actually count votes at all?

Time is for retards and people to use to wipe their ass.

I voted for Nige and Assange.

No just navigate to the URL and that doesn't matter


It should probably be Harambe, especially with the recent news that there was foul play involved. Justice for Harambe!


Why aren't I 50 points ahead?



Erdogan. Erdogan is doing better than Trump? The guy who purged over 2000 judges after a fake coup this past year?

What does it mean when the poll says "100% agree" after every question?

Should be Marine le Pen. It'll be a big Fuck You to Angela Merkel who won last year.

I think I'd rather see Hillary win. It would be the perfect example of the total sham that modern media has become. Nothing would make me happier than for Time to laud a monumental failure as the person of the year. Utter contrivance and totally tonedeaf.


its Jebs turn. time to surge.


>inb4 new

Isn't this the same magazine that promoted Angela Merkel as 2015's person? If so, then yes, Hillary Clinton is an ideal candidate to pick.

Bump for trump he really does need to win this desu

Anyone else having issues loading the page?

And we should change that why? If they make Clinton person of the year it will just show how biased and out of touch they are. Just like when they chose Merkel. People will stop reading forcing them to rethink their positions and hopefully make Time Magazine great again.

Voted yes on Assange, Comey, Donald and are Nige, everyone else can get fucked.


already lost

Don't try to get Trump as Time's person of the year, it makes normies think they're balanced. Pick something retarded that shows their loyalties, like the Khans.


surely someone remembers

Kaepernick is an even better choice than the Khans.

We want TIME to fail, not give it life support.

So the poll only counts if they vote people you want them to vote for? If you really are an employee

I don't see where to click Loser on this poll. Who's "Hillary"?

>unironically giving a fuck who is on Time
He's going to be the president soon. Fuck some magazine.

why should Michelle Obongo be person of the year again?

Ah fuck I lost

damn.. if only clinton supporters were as energized to vote in an online poll as they were irl lmao

Fucking make assange person of the year. Wistleblowers need more recognition.

>Fuck some magazine
TIME reaches millions of people around the globe. It's not just some magazine

Not awarding points when voting Kim Jong Un I can understand, but why can't Russians vote for their leader?

the Hilldawg defeat really hurt you huh

Please do, it would be deserved

lol I remember this. I actually met chris and told him I recognized him as Time's man of the year. he prolly knew I was feigning ignorance but it was funny

You know regardless of whatever actually happens from Trump winning presidency I think it's fucking amazing that one people could be so hated blindly and he still went on with his business, defeating and shitting all over those who did nothing but talk shit on him. If everything works out alright this is all gonna be more inspiring to me than what it already is.

Btw just ran the poll myself. Lietraly only trump and assange have more yes than no votes. But i still want assange to win (trump has more votes do)

first FLOTUS with a dick

time to get megyn kelly person of the year.

the fuck is Lebron james even in there...

Also can anyone explain to me how the fuck is hillary at 5%when in the questionere she has only 10% approval to be dick if the year?(she is first with lower approval rating than putin ffs. )

This poll is rigged. I voted for Trump, it showed that many people did the same, it even showed "70% of people agree with you", but turns out that Beyonce, LeBron James and Megyn Kelly, let alone no names such as Samantha Bee, Gretchen Carlson, have more votes. Are you kidding me?

I think it's rigged.

trump is at 2% only, despite the very survey itself showing everyone picked him.

Jesus christ


We all think Pepe was and is the most influential this year.

We had a family dynasty call him out. The nosey fellas saying he was a walking hate crime. New stations all across the world called him out.

I feel Pepe should be on the list.

What do you say Kek?

Trump is leading on both pools anyways. Hillary has almost no votes now

Rigged poll is rigged. I say we vote for Farage.

I'll give you 3 guesses (((who)))

Seriously im unironicly shilling for assange as person of the year... at least give this man some recognitio if you coulsn t save him from (((them)))

Someone add Sam Hyde if you can.
He committed all the crimes and still getting away with it, it's time to make him popular to stop him running free in our streets.

She gets the woman handicap that we pretend doesn't exist

He brought a championship to a Cleveland sports team for the first time in like 52 years. Also the Cavs beat the Warriors who went 73-9 in the regular season (Jordan's best Bulls team went 72-10) so on paper that team was one of the strongest of all time, also the Warriors were up 3-1 at one point in the Finals and lost 3-4 which is an unprecedented comeback. He's still a total cuck though.

>Samantha bee

You have got to be FUCKING kidding me

>reaches millions of people
not since the 1980s
all magazine circulation peaked in the 70s
even Playboy is a shell of its former self.

It's almost better if Hillary wins.

>megyn kelly
>samathan bee

wtf is this shit?

Oh man!

also what a shitty poll, who the fuck codes this rubbish

gg Sup Forums

And yet Clinton is at 5% while Trump is at 2%... Really makes you think

By their own definition Trump is man of the year

It's not going to budge from 4.2k votes with updated results until they update it manually. Pretty easy to weed out any votes they want but we will see soon enough once it does update.

Crispr is bigger that any fucking politician, guys