Iceman #11 - storytime

Last issue of Sina Grace's epic







I know the comic would have sucked regardless, but the ugly character designs didn't do this run any favors. If you're gonna pander to the gays, at least make the characters look hot.



















>Jean Grey helped Ed from Liverpool come out
It was all worth it.

She's mind raping people in real life now


Wait aren't the Drakes Jewish?

No? They where also right wing southern catholic to my recollection.

Jewish on his mothers side. I got confused because he was in some Jewish superheroes poster the other year and I thought they were all practicing ones.

Read 3rd page of letters

Midnighter had nice art for a cape book, but not for what you are talking about. In no way did Middy or any of the guy he was coupled with look at all attractive or sexual. Midnighter and Apollo was better, but was way more story oriented, so it wasn't an factor.

Wtf is with this page

WHY didn’t this get AMERICA-tier in infamy here on Sup Forums? Too awful? Too tame?

>Too tame?
That one. America punched battlefield Hitler in issue 1.

It got drowned out by much worse comics like America and Calexit, and the Mockingbird corgi issue. Jean turning iceman gay is a meme, and deservedly so, but nobody gave enough of a fuck about the ongoing to even hate read it.

Remember when Bobby went insane and killed thousands of people including personally freezing a block of ice in his father's heart and leaving him for dead. This entire run would've been far more interesting if O5 iceman got to find out about that.

first page and im already done reading this shit

"can we talk later? wolverine is angry"
what the actual fuck is this writing?

This is Superstar Writing, please stop being homophobic.

I hate all the smooth twinkfags who hate Rictor with a moustache and Strong Guy with a beard.

It makes Scott sound like a beaten wife.

Jesus christ if you're going to use half tones make it less intrusive. Change the settings you idiot.

Not sure what's worse, the artist trying to be immonen or the colorist trying to be gracia.

We can only deal with one at a time. Same way Generation X never got shit. Too bad they all ended nearly the same time.

Wtf is happening here? Does this mean Jean turned him gay?

>not dropping everything, cuz wolverine is upset

If I’d guess, Grace wrote it as Bobby being mad about Jean being intrusive and pulling him out of the closet

If nothing else, Bobby's butt is pretty decent here.

Honestly, this is actually a pretty good page. This subplot, and the metaphors around it, landed perfectly.

If the book didn't make Bobby such an annoying stereotype, and removed most of the parental drama, and didn't make the Bobby/Jonah romance so forced, it would have been a great book.

because no one actually gives a fuck about iceman. the book was tame and nothing really controversial happened that was worth talking about.

Bobby as a gay man was a bit of a stereotype - it's only annoying if you don't find it interesting, but you could say that about any number of things (and people do - such as why does Jon/Superboy command so much attention in the Superman books, or even small things like why is Lois driving the rented mobile home). The parental drama is a Bobby Drake pre-existing condition; did they spend too much time on it, probably. The romance was definitely forced, a series of hook-ups as was done with Midnighter, would have worked better, and then one could have turned into something serious. It's amazing that that book, in only six issues, handles two of these things more efficiently and less annoyingly, than this one did in 11 so MUCH less successfully.

The book's bad, but not over the top bad. The ideas are bad, but they're nothing memorable. Sina Grace is awkward, but he's not a trainwreck of a human being like Gabby Rivera.

It's like comparing The Postman to The Room - both are bad, but only one went above and beyond on multiple levels.

Knowing Sina, Cyclops probably wanted privacy so he could fuck the rage out of Wolverine.

because it's not a terrible book

That's a boldfaced lie and you know it, this book was absolute trash.

this would be the first example of a man being able to force a wife to rise the kids in a different religion in the history of non aristocrats or super rich. Bobbies dad worked all day and his mom was a stay at home mom. How the hell was his dad suppose to stop here from teaching him at least the most basic stuff about the jewish customs?

Huh 2 pages in and it’s already cringe. Is this just the new ‘abandon all hope all ye who enter’?

I hate mustashes but i like beards.

No, its just that it was overshadowed by America being worse.

It seems kind of bullshit anyway. If he was that Opus Dei on his Catholicism. He probably wouldn't marry a Jew in the first place. But since he was open enough to do that I doubt he'd care about shoving a small Menorah up or something.

oh wow. that dude is like 20 years older than bobby, if not more. very rarely do people date with an age difference like that. when i was in my twenties going after older women, we were just fucking.

lame ass bullshit writing.


what happened to rahne? i never did finish reading the 2nd (3rd?) volume of x-factor

Liverpool will win CL

>teen character from the 60s
>lecturing an older person in the 21st century on what PC is

fucking disgusting

>teenage bobby
>for a long time had difficulty coming to terms

this holds no weight

Seems pretty logical. Older Bobby is pissed at Jean committing the mortal gay sin of outing someone against their will and happens to be better than his younger version at keeping his thoughts private. It's good that canon now acknowledges that she did a pretty shitty thing.

No one cares if Bobby is gay, they didn't have to change his whole personality .

He's been making lame, obvious jokes from the beginning though.

I thought Bobby's dad died back when Andy and Adam Kubert were drawing X-Men in the 90s

Every character on this page is more interesting that Iceman.
Yes, even Beast. Even unknown girl in green.

>Generation X
It was alright though

I can't say Iceman had any scenes that would be remembered as THAT-scene. With American there was a THAT-scene almost every issue and coupled with the fact the book had horrible Spanish so we got Spanish speaking anons coming in to dump on it. If Iceman had Iceman going to gay pride rallies beating up homophobes it would be America level.