Alright, mates I have made an important decision. I am going to Europe...

Alright, mates I have made an important decision. I am going to Europe, to gather some neo nazis and start the revolution. It’s obvious nothing will happen unless we do something right now. I’m thinking Sweden or Germany. You can either be a nobody or you can be an aryan saviour of the European continent and your motherland.

I want to be somebody damn it

So here goes nothing. You'll be hearing about me in a few weeks. Maybe your children will learn about how the world was saved by an australian shitposter who realised he wanted to be more than just that. I've seen how fucked we are, if nothing changes then we're fucked. Instead of waiting for change, or someone to take the lead, I'm going to do it myself.

Other urls found in this thread:

Better than going off to fight for ISIS.

good luck


the wife won't let me go but I will loan you a vehicle can take you around the continent

>I am going to Europe, to gather some neo nazis and start the revolution.
You do that goy.

>A 24 year old Australian man was detained at Munich Airport today after posting a racist tirade promising a European "revolution" on a known right wing forum. The unnamed man was questioned by authorities regarding his motives for travelling to Europe. No charges have yet been filed.

Do you have any ideas? Concepts? Are you a good speaker?

>Autistic Australian attempts to purchase firearms and explosives from undercover police, murmurs something about a "fourth reich".

That'ld be great, don't think we can sneak that in europe though unless you have any ideas

No big ideas or concepts yet. I think I need to get my hands on a news station and broadcast something to all the TVs in the target country.

I was an excellent speaker when I was younger, won the school debating competitions three years in a row out of a hundred participants each year.

k. keep us posted

Keen as fuck m8, what's your game plan? Sydney?

If you want to acquire military grade gear and brass I suggest you visit the Czech Republic, there is literally no border control on German border; however, they routinely pull people over, so it's all how you hide it. I loved in Germany and I will tell you there are several ways around this either by foot, train, or bus. I recommend you meet up with a right win. Organization first, don't be too radical, they tend to have a view moles imbedded in those organizations, so be weary. In addition to this, I know for a fact that their are many Aryan brothers who are awaiting the right kind of motivation.

Be careful, be calculating, be concise and God speed.

K-keep me posted ya cheeky cunt

Yes Australia!

You are risking to set the cause of european nationalism years back just like Hitler did.

I hope you die quickly you fucking white nigger.

you wont succeed...theres too much security to stop these things..specially in europe


Don't fucking do it OP. Seriously, you're not helping anyone or anything. You'll just get more laws passed. Stop being an autist and go get laid.

this will happen naturaly m8. Also.
>Neo nazis
they are the white (sometimes """"white"""") niggers. Everywhere i went they drank and beat and steal as much as niggers.

You're completely right, but there has to be a point where we have to finally crack and fight back. Our children are being brainwashed and liberalised, they are being poisoned against their own countries and ancestors. The longer the happening is delayed, the harder is will be to pull off.

People don't like it when foreigners tell them what to do. You won't get a good following in Europe. Better stay in Australia and stir up rebellion there. Just don't do anything stupid.

Haha, reminds me of this gem.

start down here then spread the good news to other countries, don't abandon us

Fuck the laws, you little bitch! We follow one law, the highest law! Our survival!

Wife is German and Im pure frenchblood, thinking of going to South of France to live so maybe I will do the same, we will link up and in a pincer move and slaughter the infidels between us


Say identitarian or nationalist so people don't immediately disregard you as retarded

>Go find work at a chem company in Switzerland.
>Get work permit.
>Stock up ob guns.

come to germany frankfurt

Last time an Australian got involved in German politics six million Jews died. Be careful user.

You bring great shame upon ellhnas re malaka
Hellenic master race ya filthy kike gtfo greece

I can easily put you on the Aussie version in no-fly list. Maybe start building a boat.

an abo neo-nazi?

looking forward to you getting shot by skinheads