Why does Rick and Morty seem to get so much more praise and attention than Venture Bros?

Why does Rick and Morty seem to get so much more praise and attention than Venture Bros?
Venture Bros has had a phenomenal streak of (relative) quality for the last 14 years and Rick and Morty's quality already burned out after 3 years. What gives?

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Rick & Morty has a more appealing European Style Socialist aesthetic.

R&M is dumber, and therefor easier to intake than VB.


I'm not juxtaposing these solely on the basis of quality, VB and R&M both have very similar genres and seem to be meant for the same crowd.
also Action Man is the best venture.

You seem pretty fucking dumb yourself, to be perfectly honest.


Not enough dank memes in Venture Bros.

If I had to wager
>Got popular quicker
>Quicker turn around
>Network behind it
Venture Bros meanwhile is in its sixth season and lore heavy, Rick and Morty is only 3 seasons deep and you can watch from pretty much anywhere.


Veture Bros is for INTELIGENT PEOPLE.

This is fair. Still shows some injustice imo

Also, VB takes like five years between seasons.

whats the best place to watch venture bros? When I was in my early teens I was caught up to like where it was, but hiatuses and short releases I'm not even sure if there's much more to watch or not.

It's just life, be happy.
If Venture Bros had a big autistic fanbase instead of a humble autistic fanbase, I'm sure Adult Swim would be on Doc and Publick's ass to force out a season every year or other and quality would suffer.

Because one comes out more often than once in a blue moon after the sacrifice of a virgin who has given birth during the alignment of the planets, while winning the lottery.

>rick is a nihilist right wing libertarian type

try again

>Why does Rick and Morty seem to get so much more praise and attention than Venture Bros?

The fuck are you talking about? Both turned to shit in season 3 after a rocky but mostly decent season 2. Just like Adventure Time. And just like AT and VB, R&M will likely never be good ever again.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>Venture Bros ever being shit
Eat dicks.

get a load of this old man hahahahahaha

>inb4 why Venture Bros. isn't marketed as much
Because [adult swim] is butt mad they don't have full rights of the show and only air it out of spite because they know if they cancel it Netflix would immediately jump the gun to pay for more episodes.

Venture Bros is a perfect cult show. Rick and Morty doesn't have the investment factor of VB and is in that regards easier to put on t-shirts that will make a decent profit. It took me a second viewing to fully enjoy the Venture Brothers while Rick and Morty got me in pretty quick. That being said, Venture Bros I've watched through in entirety many more time than I've re-watched even two Rick and Morty episodes back to back.

>one comes out more often
It's going to be years before any more Rick and Morty, if we even get more.

Nonsense. Rick and Morty is ugly, crass american bullshit, through and through. There's nothing european about it. Hell, it has a rant about McNugget sauce in it.

Venture Bros. gets out like 6 episodes every five years, right?

Venture relies on people being familiar with the sources it's parodying to draw people in, I doubt anyone who doesn't know Johnny Quest would get through the first season.

(OP) #
To be fair, you have to have a very refined taste to understand Venture Bros. The references are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of comic and cartoon classics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head.

I didn't know Johnny Test and went through just fine

Venture Bros doesn't have Dan Harmon. Man is famous for making something that starts out decent and burning it out real quick. Also being an asshole.

>anarchist means libertarian
Read a book

>Venture bros being shit
Embarassing, look how pathetically low you go for the sake of being edgy and/or baiting

If anything, he’s a right-wing libertarian, just like the majority of reddit.


The word was originally libertarian, and it referred to left-libertarians who are now modern-day anarcho-communists.

>right-wing libertarian
>just like the majority of reddit
Is "reddit" just supposed to be a catch-all term for "things that are cancer" now? Because that makes no sense otherwise. maybe I'm just getting too old for this.

Look, I know, this site has made “reddit” into a phrase that describes anything any user doesn’t like. However, Reddit is indeed filled with center-right libertarians who:-
>praise corporations and billionaires that donate mere 0.016% of their wealth and see nothing wrong with that
>are against the government and police on a lot of issues
>see privatization of anything other than healthcare as a-ok
>still have ignorantly nationalistic values
>rampant casual racism about anything that doesn’t pertain to America, Australia, and Europe
>constant support and respect for the military while simultaneously ignoring all the harm it has done in the Middle East and Afghanistan. In fact, they’re quick to jump on any Korean who doesn’t like having US army on their land and ruining any attempt at peace with North Korea
>Jordan Peterson worship
>h3h3 worship, and h3h3 ALSO worships Jordan Peterson
>will unironically say they are socially liberal but fiscally conservative, aka “legalize gay weed but fuck poor people”
>unironically also say they got their political views from South Park, a show made by two libertarian centrists

Whenever someone says reddit is a liberal shithole, they are correct about it being a shithole, but that shithole is only a “socially liberal” shithole.

Venture Bros also only gets new seasons every 2-3 years

Because Venture Bros has an actual plot to it. The jokes are well crafted and elaborate, nothing is done off the cuff. Rick and Morty Season 1 and 2 are genuinely good because they don't try to force down a narrative. There is an arc to every character in Venture Bros from the very beginning. Some characters are meant to die, some are meant to change, but ultimately it's an ongoing evolution from one point to another. Hank, Dean, Henchmen 21 and 24, and nearly every main character are all very different characters from their initial appearance (Rusty and the Monarch are both excluded as their existence in the narrative serves a much different purpose to the overall plot; they remain perpetually the same as they are the main force of change to others. Their actions are the ones that will most influence how their separate casts will act and evolve throughout the show). There's no real plan to how Rick or Morty will change throughout the series because their characters are too well structured for an episodic format. The best episodes are the ones where a character ends up in the same place as they started despite the horrific lesson they learned that episode. Those episodes play off of the concept of the status quo while still obeying the rules of it. It's the first half of season 3 that things become a shit show when the writers realize their audience expect a grand revelation at the start of the season and would be disappointing if the season 2 cliff hanger was resolved in a throwaway gag. They eventually recover in the latter half of season 3, but the damage has already been done as there's now a forced continuity to a handpicked selection of events

It's easy to spot when a show forces itself to have a continuity because this shit falls apart really quickly (Adventure Time). You can't go on for maybe 2 or 3 seasons of continuity-centric episodes without your audience realizing the writers are desperately trying to rekindle the glory of the early seasons

Because the lazy fucks who make Venture Bros are even lazier than the lazy fucks who make Rick & Morty.

>RM gets several seasons in a few years
>VB gets a new season with multiyear gaps


Rick and Morty showed all the cards they have in their deck almost immediately. In season 1 alone of Rick and Morty,
>Morty almost got raped
>Rick and Morty destroyed the universe and went to a different one
>Summer found out she almost got aborted, and the rest of that episode with all that shit happened i forgot but I know it was shocking when it first aired
>We got some decent deepest lore, especially with the Council of Ricks episode which was a huge lore episode
>Episode to episode continuity and the like
They showed the extent of where they were willing to go and shocked their audience, and that kind of bold move gained them some popularity. They tried the same thing in season 2, but since we had already seen everything they tried to do in season 1, it fell flat a bit. They doubled on it in season 3 with the family drama and it just failed and kind of fizzled out. However shit eating normies couldn’t tell the difference and kept eating it up because WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB

someones a r&m fan, and triggered

King of the Hill didn't get the praise it deserved until much later than it started too, but you could see Simpsons all over everything for 20 years.
Venture Bros is something you can really appreciate binging all in one day, not waiting for each new episode to come out.

What the fuck does that even mean.

Rick and Morty is popular with normies. It has a plot but besides the Jerry divorce thing and some minor plot points, you can pretty much pick up R&M anywhere and watch any random episode and it’ll make sense. Meanwhile, try watching It Happening One Night from season 6 of Venture Bros, The Invisible Hand of Fate from season 3 or The Devil’s Grip from season 5. All these episodes are amazing but they all require a good amount of background knowledge of the show, world and characters to even understand so most people will just get confused and turn it off. R&M is a sitcom while Venture Bros is a story.

Venture Bros is slow starting, definitely a show that takes awhile to get to what makes it great.

Rick and Morty has the opposite problem, it establishes in the opening episode what you should expect and then in the next bunch of episodes shows it has some pretty cool ideas, but then it becomes apparent there are some serious idiots in the writing team who keep pushing some idiotic crap.

It make sense that the latter show can become more popular, especially since it'll have people who stick with the show hoping the writers realise where they are going wrong and get their act together.

Because up until S3 it was still fresh. VB is more than a decade old.

>No different from Later Homer and Bart, Peter, Stan Smith, Cartman, and Bojack

Rick is sheldon with Cartmans arrogant psychopathic mess of a asshole quirks.

can somebody please upload this shit on youtube already
i know it's called "optimistic space travel" or something but i can't find it anywhere

Venture Brothers is like The Shield; it came out before maximum internet saturation in pop culture, plus TPTB decided, while they would praise it, that it would never become a pop culture juggernaut because it was "too problematic".

Like The Shield did for FX and cable dramas (proving you did not have to be on HBO), Venture Brothers showed that Adult Swim could churn out shows of high quality and bend genre expectations.

But like the other, both were treated as red headed stepchildren by the people who determine what's "in". They'd get praise, but would never be treated with the respect and media felating that other shows (The Wire, Breaking Bad, Rick and Morty) get.

I'd also argue that Venture Brothers peaked WAY too early.

The show's peak creatively was season two and it never really recovered from the disaster of season three and other questionable plotlines (removing Brock, giving a half-assed resolution to the S2 cliffhanger, and not to mention the ORB shit, which retconned crap and was so reviled they wasted an episode in season four doing damage control on it)

I've never heard anybody praise Rick and Morty over Ventrue Bros or claim it was better in any way. Personally I enjoy both shows, even though Rick and Morty has this stupid "Reddit show" status here. Venture Bros is most definitely a much, much better show though.

Go back, redditor

Please don't do this to Venture Brothers like you did with XRA and other shit, stop drawing flavor of the month faggots to ruin good things.

I think part of the reason for Venture Brothers not being a huge mainstream hit, is that Publick and Hammer never expected the show to become a huge hit. They probably expected a season or two and never expected it to become a huge thing and more to the point, have actively tried to sabotage the show over time, because they would rather be doing other shit.

its all on hulu

R&M takes the brain-dead "God isn't real, science is the answer to everything so I'll mindlessly believe in that instead" mindset of the average millennial and presents it as cool, edgy, intelligent and always correct through Rick, validating their worthless opinions and making them feel smarter for having the same opinions.

>millennial's are every thing I hate

>There's no cancer in Venture Bros.

Or they could just be adhering to the old "quality over quantity" mantra.

Source ASS

It's really is a brillant show.

Bernie was Reddit favorite candidate so no the majority of them is way closer to the left

>Rick and Morty's quality already burned out after 3 years. What gives?
They can't staff their show for shit and we went from alcoholic super scientist to asshole who's always right because the universe bends over backwards for him.

Isn't cancer like a gigantic plot point in VBs is one of the only reasons the last season even happened
Because JJr. got cancer

>Why does Rick and Morty seem to get so much more praise and attention than Venture Bros?

Venture Bros has so much time between seasons that it can't build up momentum the way Rick and Morty did.

who would win?
Rick in the VB universe or Rusty in the R&M universe?

rick has no portal gun, can't make a new one
doc has your choice of dean or hank

Well, Venture Bros. is hurt and helped by how fucking long between season breaks are. Gives 'em more time to write and give things a spit and polish, but a lot of normies don't want to wait so long for the next season so they move on to something else.

Rick I guess.
Even implying that SCIENCE doesn't work like it would in R&M, Rick would eventually just beat Rusty to death to win the fight. Rusty would constantly just try to avoid the fight.
Best case scenario for Rusty, Rick gets himself killed on a faulty invention.


Such reason is one of the many examples why God doesnt exist
tips fedora

venture bros treats something as banal as human cloning as earth shattering. so what if the kids are clones. why would the clones give a fuck? it makes no sense.
rick and morty treats horror right. it's only horrifying for a couple of days, then you treat it as normal

Venture brothers isn’t exactly smarter but it requires more investment, the show doesn’t follow status quo, but things don’t change episode to episode which means you have to follow the show with an understanding of its continuity.

It’s also not always funny or always serious but both are a result of your connection with the characters.

You can legit watch rick and mortys in the background and talk over it, you still get it more or less but venture brothers in the background isn’t really fun. Basically it asks more attention from the viewer for a higher pay off, it’s not smarter because of it, fuck I laugh more at aqua teen hunger force and that requires pretty much zero investment.

this but unironically

Venture Bros. is a pastiche about the failure of the dreams of the jet age to materialize, along with some hardcore super spy parodying. It's closer to something like a parody of Knight Rider and Mission: Impossible.

Rick & Morty is a show about sci-fi dreams coming true except it's actually a nightmare. Kind of like a parody of Black Mirror.

Venture Bros is a bit more grounded with their reality. The clones were a big deal because they were illegal. Do you really think that R&M handled the whole "my own dead body in my backyard" thing realistically? When Dean found out it was a shock and eventually he grew to realize it was not a big deal.

More people just didn't seem to get early Venture Bros. I wonder if it is because you need to have some kind of basic familiarity with sci-fi or comics or old shows it was kind of mimicking?

Rusty is kind of a parody character, so if you don't understand what he's based in, you miss the joke perhaps?

Meanwhile "wud-a-dub-dub!" doesn't take much to understand I suppose.

1) VB isn't exactly in its prime. You might disagree but history has shown that "prime" isn't determined by quality, but by timing (see: South Park) and with the combination of its lethargic schedule and its dense mythology, VB is only attracting already long-time fans. There was a time when VB got a lot more attention than it does now; certainly not what "parking lot stabbing"-inspiring R&M inspired, but a good deal more than now.

2) VB started weak (don't get me wrong its first season episodes had just as fantastic writing as the later ones, but the premise was a stale [as] trope at the time, the animation sucked, and the tone was just too dry and referential of things no one cared about anymore), whereas R&M hit the ground running. You know what they say about first impressions.

3) Above all, VB attracts and maintains with quality (not to say R&M completely lacks it). But R&M when it first came out, it was honestly something fresh, different, and legitimately shocking. Not exactly staying power in that, but it turned heads. Mine, most of yours (those who weren't already familiar with Roiland's works anyway), and all of reddit's. I think you all know which wins out between virtuosity and novelty.

Bigger names behind it when launched, advertised a lot heavier (for fucksakes that had Gamestop adds for R&M season 1
The plots of R&M are a lot less reliant on meta humor. Venture Brothers season 1 and 2 can get really hairy if you have never been exposed to 70s and early 80s cartoons.
Finally R&M keeps a much stronger status quo so it makes it way easier to get into late when a new season drops where many feel they need to catch up on Venture Bros and depending on how far behind you are that might make them pass.

user, I...

Are you just putting words together and hope they form coherent sentences?

Venture Bros takes 5 years to make a single season so people dont have anything to talk about

that's silly, people enjoy parodies all of the time without having seen or read the original source

A good parody stands on it's own

I dont think you have ever visited /r/worldnews or /r/politics

>Venture Bros has had a phenomenal streak of (relative) quality for the last 14 years and Rick and Morty was never good

R&M is more surface level, simple and approachable. Fireworks and loud noise.

VB is far more finely crafted, subtle and less in your face with it's writing and storytelling.

Bernie is barely a social democrat at best, but reddit really only agrees on the healthcare part of all his proposals because they are “socially progressive”. And even then, redditors preferred Obama over Bernie and would rather give the former an indefinite number of terms rather than giving the latter two terms.

Bernie worship isn’t as big as Obama worship, and this goes without mentioning r/the_Donald and other alt-right shitholes scattered around the site.