Zutara should've happened desu

Zutara should've happened desu

Aang and Katara are kinda boring

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it's only for the hate fucking. they had more overall energy

can someone please respond to my shitty thread?

Most couples irl are pretty boring tho

boring couples are made up of boring people

I know some weird ass couples that are polar opposites, but work with each other.

Zukaang is objectively better, if only Bryke was as brave then as they were with Korrasami

I only really became a fan of Zutara after the show's run came to an end. Throughout pretty much all of it, I want Kataang but it felt off to me when it was finally established in the finale. And that's because, by that time, they had written nothing to make me think Katara actually liked Aang. They had kissed twice before the finale -- the first being during the invasion and they didn't discuss it and the second being during that theater play episode and Katara seemed entirely put off by it. Then, that was the last they even "explored" their romance until the end came and magically, she sorted out her feelings for him.

From a writer's POV, Zutara had more energy there and could've been written well. They have the whole fire and water juxtaposition and it would make for an impressive character arc: starting off hating each other, learning to understand each other and concluding with forming a strong romantic bond. They even gave us poignant moments like Katara considering using her spirit water on his scar and Zuko taking a lightning bolt for her. I'm not wishing they got together but I can't deny it would've probably been better written.


I first watched this back when it was airing and I was 9 I think, I wasn't involved in fandoms nor used the computer that much, I also didn't go to a convention until 7 years later, so I had zero idea about the Zutara craze back then, but I remember thinking they were building up for Zuko and Katara to end up together and Aang to get over his crush on her as some kind of development before the last season happened and crushed all of that

>not Zuki
Shit taste

I just wish I could have been around the craze there most likely was when this trailer was released.


Bryke intentionally edited the trailer for the goddamn series finale to imply a Zuko-Katara-Aang love triangle that has Katara looking disgusted by Aang while at the same time adding every single cool Zuko/Katara action scene that there is in the last episodes.

Aang understands her better.

Honestly, I was thinking that if Aang were to end up with someone, it would also have been better written if they had gone for pairing him with Toph. The first time Toph is shown, Aang is having visions about her. Kinda makes it seem like there's a special connection there. Not to mention, she's closer to his age than Katara and much like Zutara, it would have the whole opposite element thing going for it. She even has a pet name for him.

Clearly, the way Toph was written, her suddenly getting with Aang would be random, but if they had the foresight and proper planning, an Aang-Toph and Zutara pairing could've been a more satisfying conclusion to the show's romance arcs.

I only started liking it in Sozin's Comet which despite ending with full Kataang and Maiko exchanging saliva scenes is the most Zutara heavy episode of the entire series

>Zuko and Katara paired together in the training exercise.
>"Look at Zuko's baby pictures!!!!! Isn't he cuuuuute"
>"He/she is not my boyfriend/girlfriend" while blushing"
>Katara is the one that encourages Zuko to go talk to Iroh and sees right away how bad he feels
>Zuko chooses Katara out of everyone in the gaang when Iroh tells him to bring help to fight Azula
>Zuko changes his mind decides to take on Azula alone because he doesn't want Katara to get hurt
>Zuko taking a slow mo bullet for Katara (which tends to be a trope used for romance in most cases)
>The whole healing part with Katara crying over his half-dead body.
> Zuko doesn't even mention or think about Mai until she suddenly shows up near the end


Toph/Aang definitely seemed like a viable option at first but the problem is that they stop interacting entirely after Bitter Work and Aang later doubles down on his eskimo fever.

I'm getting reylo flashbacks here

Are you fucking faggots for real? What the hell is this? Tumblr?

Why do people dislike AngxKatara? I didn't watch Avatar the last airbender that much, but compared to today's standards, it's nice to see the hero get the girl.

Because Aang honestly did nothing to show that he wasn't the immature kid that Katara dismissed him as a romantic prospect for in the first place.

Also he'd be happier with a dick in his ass then any pussy, no matter how brown and hot.

Superior ship. Sokka had his chance. Also her chances of turning into a celestial body are much lower on this path.

Yeah, that whole cave sequence was heavy shipping for me. They bond, talk about their problems, start a process of forgiveness.
Then Zuko drops an entire seasons worth of character development and redemption arc so he can relearn it all next season. Because fuck me for identifying with the guy.

Some girls that identified with Katara liked Zuko, the broken bad boy she could have fixed, literally.
Some guys that identified with Zuko liked Katara, the gentle but responsible girl that maybe could help him with his troubled home.
Some people just saw how well the story arc could be done Hate turning to understanding then to love is cliched, but for a reason. It's a romantic trope that always resonates with people.
And finally a lot of people wanted the hero to get the girl, but wanted the girl in question to be Toph.

Because Katara was never shown to really like him. We knew he spent all 3 seasons beating off to her but she seemed more interested in getting dick from people like Jet, Haru and Zuko. I like romances that are actually written and not just a case of "Guess Aang should get a trophy for his troubles...Oh, Katara will do!"

Aang should have gotten Azula