So Hillary's breakdown was better than we could have ever hoped

So Hillary's breakdown was better than we could have ever hoped.

>"She was screeching. It was an awful, awful sound. Her face was puffy and contorted like a woman possessed and it sent a shudder of dread through my body. How could I have supported this woman for president? How could I have believed she had the ability to rule our great nation?"

>"Her pants were soiled and she was drinking the gin straight out of the bottle."

>"After Huma made the concession call, Hillary was slamming her fist into the carpet repeatedly, shaking like a leaf and letting out this low-end gurgling noise like someone who had just had their throat slit. It hurt me physically to watch."

>"When Trump stepped onto the stage she started laughing. Hysterically. Shaking her head rapidly and panting between bursts of shrill, shrieking laughter. None of us knew what to do. I knelt down to comfort her and she lashed out viciously, scratching at my face, almost feral."

>"When the Rolling Stones song, "You Can't Always Get What You Want" started playing, she lost it completely. She was vomiting and defecating repeatedly while heaving and babbling. Her sanity has quite simply evaporated."

>"Those 9 hours of preparation for her concession speech were the hardest of my life. No one can appreciate how miraculous it is that she spoke the way she did. We had to inject her with Thorazine more than once, we had to beg and plead with her to pull herself together.”

>”Eventually, when she was stable enough, we brought in some of her supporters. All females. They showered her in adoration but she just sat still, staring ahead blankly. One of the girls was stupid enough to tell her she did a great job. Hillary exploded. Full-on attacked the poor girl, lashed out, drew blood even.”

>"No one will ever know the trauma of that day."

Other urls found in this thread:

>defecating repeatedly

Please be true.

Nice source, cuck.

Nice sense of humour, faggot.

>She was screeching. It was an awful, awful sound

Probably cutting her middle finger.

evidence or it didnt happen

funny isnt it? whenever something negative about trump is written people demand evidence. but with hillary its the opposite

we should maintain logical coherence and integrity. same rules for everyone

Must be sad when the CTR narrative unravels

Huma wasn't even there.
Stop bullshitting.

This is why the MSM's recent crusade against "fake news" is going to be welcomed by the majority of normalfags.

You fucks make stuff up all the time and there are enough idiots on here to spread that shit around the internet.

Then they can easily delegitimize dissenting views against the mainstream establishment.

Fuck you.

2nd and 3rd post literally questioned the veracity. It's not pol that has a double standard with asking for sauce, it's the MSM that only need sources on shit hillary has done.

nice double digits

Probably not true, but i wish it was

To be fair, Hillary has a history of destroying evidence... and witnesses.

> Great job

Jesus Christ Medpack. Even I understood that it is a joke and I'm fucking German.

Do you ... know what humor is?

Everyone in the mainstream media is known to lie and false flag about Trump, which is why we demand a source that isnt garbage.

As for double standards, who cares its just some dumb joke that is obviously fake, get over it

okay, she doesn't need to go to jail, it's enough

This is bullshit but I believe it!

>defecating repeatedly

I was there.

I was pretty drunk. Huma is hotter in person.



I was there too. Huma rubbed her feet all over my face.

She literally shit and pissed herself in a drunken rage?

Kek is really is the one true god. Only a god could do that. Not any god but the real deal God.

Any source?

>source: my ass

Why even put quotation marks?

if this is true post some sources, especially if there is a video or article

Im really hoping this can become a hot new meme

Best villain breakdown in all of anime.

Light's got nothing on this.


>"When the Rolling Stones song, "You Can't Always Get What You Want"
He should've picked sympathy for the devil.

Is copy/pasting an unfunny post from another thread supposed to be funny?

>>"Her pants were soiled

Nice spelling, britishnigger lover

Best part of Hillary breakdown story is when Bill did a I told you so and she loses it.

I think woman are jealous monsters mostly and that must have burned her ass


She was there friendo


>fellow American
West are better than them.

you're fucking retarded if you think OP is suggesting it's real

No dude this is totally true she was shitting everywhere uncontrollably

I'll take things that never happened from the category OP is a faggot.

Sounds plausible

I want to believe

That's what happens when you deface our lord. The only thing that would of topped would be shitlary throwing her piss bags at the staffers and demanding her PPP be reinstated.

It is confirmed that Bill and Hillary got into a fight days before her big loss that ended with Bill tossing his phone off he roof.


>read post in pure disgust
>see flag, get disgusted even more
>see he's even namefagging with this kind of name
gee billy

Breibart is going with the story.

Her violence and abuse towards subordinates has previously with SS agents.

It's not only possible- It is probable that this happened.

you realize it's a joke post right?

of course you don't because you're a FUCKING moron.

I bet you spoiled all your mates jokes at school.

Mate: Two blokes walk into a bar and..

fuck you op I'M WITH HER i can't imagine what her poor little heart was feeling omg u racists are the worst how could u do this Trump is NOT my president u made a woman cry how could u do this

No video footage no prove.


>shaking like a leaf

kill yourself cross

Nice fantasy novel you wrote there, Kwame
Got sources to back any of these quotes up too?

It's been cofirmed that she got drunk and blew up at her campaign director and that pedo podesta that night.

when every word of this is proven true I'll remember the lobcock doubters in this thread who are ignorant of the real Hillary Clinton and savor this incredible timeline all the more.

You absolute fucking subhuman

You don't belong in society

I have zero doubts that she is a textbook psychopath, She just has that serial killer vibe between the crocodile smile and the exaggerated inflection in her voice

Fake and gay.

Jokes aside I heard there was a real recording featuring a lot of swearing. We should crowdsource enough cash for that guy to leak it.

soft cunt

It's obviously fucking fake you stupid fucking potato nigger

Fucking Nobel prize coming your way mate.

This is not fake nor gay.

It Happened.

A CNN reporter even tweeted about it as it happened. But the MSM squashed the story.

Then a few days later they staged that hiking story with a former volunteer to cover their asses.

Well, several of her staffers did say she was drinking heavily and she is incontinent and she is an alcoholic prone to rage attacks so is this story really THAT far fetched? We're talking about the woman who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars in white house furniture out of spite after Bill got impeached.

I wish I could see her real reaction desu

just think of all the priceless moments like this that only 3 or 4 people get to see

Ok, I admit it. I kekked.


This, but I mainly want to read/watch a primary source for more keks

The even bigger story. And it may have a lot to do with how she handle this election and her loss. The Clinton machine is fucking dead.

Bernie has left the party to go Indie again.

Obama limited popularity with certain blacks (not working class blacks) and the college crowd. He may not have the capital to popularize and endorse new party members for elections or have the popularity to get his wife a seat in the senate. Depending on whether or not Trump goes after them with his new Justice department and the FBI.


OP is exagerrated, but yeah something similar did happen, she melted down

This is not the first time this has been reported

She has angry fits often, she's a psycho


love it, keep em coming


How autistic do you have to be to not take such a clear joke?

I don't care if it's bullshit, I believe all of it.

I mean, what's the alternative? Could anyone imagine Hillary taking this loss calmly and in dignity?


i hope someone recorded it.

you don't have to be autistic, just swiss.

That uniformed secret service officer stationed in the Whitehouse when Bill was president has a book out about her.... she is a total and violent rageaholic when she can't get what she wants. I believe this story 100%.

If only...

this. she isn't clever enough to hide it well either.

Screencap of the CNN tweet?

>shaking like a leaf

>This is why the MSM's recent crusade against "fake news" is going to be welcomed by the majority of normalfags.
>You fucks make stuff up all the time and there are enough idiots on here to spread that shit around the internet.
>Then they can easily delegitimize dissenting views against the mainstream establishment.

People like you repost Onion articles on Facebook believing them to be real.

> you are now aware that the Hillary campaign commissioned a literal glass ceiling to place over Hillary's head so she could rise up and smash it while giving her acceptance speech

> you are now aware that campaign aides had to quietly disassemble and remove the glass ceiling

> you are now aware how incredibly offensive it is to your opponent and your opponents supporters to boast like this on election night

> you are now aware that Trump spent literally 50% of his victory speech congratulating Clinton and democrats for a good fight and promising to work with us

I'm a former alternate delegate for Sanders and I voted for Clinton. Begrudgingly.

Shit like this is why I never supported her.

I'll be honest. And I know I'll get shit on for this. The Trump presidency makes me really nervous.

But shit like this is why I couldn't stand Clinton.

She lied about that server which let's face it put actual troops lives a risk. She lied about ethical and legal problems with her lucrative non profit. She was rude to heterosexual middle class white males, and asserted that she didn't need our vote - both during the primary and during the election. She exploited the black vote for a quick and cheap primary win then promptly ignored them. The last time she gave a major press conference we were watching commercials for the new Star Wars movie The Force Awakens (due in theaters soon). She was literally more dismissive and rude and disrespectful to Congressional inquiries than Karl fucking Rove.

And she took every fucking penny from the Victory Fund, leaving downticket democrats to fend for themselves.

My party fucked up nominating her and I haven't wasted a single opportunity to say "I told you so" to the check-your-privilege crowd.



Yeah, because I must have missed her consession speach she gave that night. Every word is true.

Fuck you, baby dicks. Madam President spoke with dignity and grace. There was no "meltdown."

She would be President today if not for a system designed by reactionary white men. Never forget the fact that she got two million more votes than Donald Dumbfuck.

The enter key is not punctuation.

>Everyone believes it as fact
>Ask for proof
>Dude it's just a joke haha

Since when does John Olliver make threads here?

>The "Great Meme War" was a period in the early 21st century of great political tension. It was fought with telecommunication memetic propoganda (TMP, known then as simply "memes" or "dank memes"). The primary fighters were God Emperor Donald Trump, Jew Lord Bernie Sanders, and the Snake Priestess Hillary Clinton.

>In the beginning, it was the Jew Lord versus the God Emperor. Memes were not used as frequently at this time, that would soon change. When the Jew Lord Bernie was not looking, the Snake Priestess poisoned his goblet and took his seat of power. Many were outraged. Even in death, the Jew Lord's supporters clung onto their leader. Many, however, abandoned him, and followed the wretched Snake Priestess.

>TMP was now in full swing, with new supporters flocking to each side, joining at a rapid rate. The news networks were corrupted by the Snake Priestess, they stated that the Snake Priestess would be victorious. That idea would soon be put down.

>On election night, members of the elite alt right community known as Sup Forums conducted a ritual. The exact details are not known, but rumors state that it involved the Egyptian chaos god known as Kek and vast amounts of concentrated TMP being released. But whatever they did, it worked. The God Emperor was victorious and the Snake Priestess lay defeated.

Today, we enjoy our high standard of living, non-degeneracy, and, of course, our way of life. However, the Snake Priestess still lives and breathes. Everyday, she plots, waiting for the time to strike.

If you see ANY SJW activity, call the tip hotline and report it. Thank you. God bless America.

he litteraly made gthis up


If it sounds good for Hillary...

that crossed the line

dont insult my glorious country amerishart

It's a joke you autistic faggot