Wall Name Suggestions?


So whats it called?

Trump Wall
American Wall
Mexican Wall
Great Wall Of Texas
MexAm Wall
TexMex Wall
Berlin Wall

Answer me this


Other urls found in this thread:


Trump Wall

Living in Nebraska it's always been called the Rust Belt.

The Great Wall of Kek

tramp hamper

Bean blocker.

The Hillary Clinton Wall

North America Bean Barrier


I vote for "wetback towel rack."

Trump Wall

Seth Rich

"The Wall" is fine, it needs to be the best and most impressive wall ever constructed, and so when referring to it everyone the world over should know it simply as "the wall", because it is the first wall that comes to mind.

666 Apples

>The Niggers, You're Next Wall of MAGA

The Wetback Setback

The Beaner Blocker

this guy gets it


>Seth Rich
rollingthe dice for this

The Great Wall of America


el muro, keep it simple for the spics

The Great Wall and Mall of America.

The Great Wall of America

KEK wall

Sorry spics, you've hit the bricks


A fence.

let's call it the great wall of china, and actually make it out of china

build it burgers wall of freedom

Wally McWallface

The greatest FENCE of America

Walls of Jericho
If you know what I mean

the wall that never was

The Alamo


Big Beautiful Wall (BBW)

The Wallamo?

Came to post this.
Trump builds the best walls. No body builds walls like Trump

Дopoгaя cтeнa

The refucock must have made you jolt and mistype

The wall that ALWAYS was

Wall National Park

It's going to be an attraction so beautiful we can take our families. Walk along the top and see the shit on the other side and spit on it.

This but I Trump Wall will be synonymous with just The Wall. Like we have Airports named for former Presidents, and honor them on money, Trump will be honored with the Trump Wall, the best wall ever known to man. Commonly also referred to as, The Wall.



Perpetual Money Sink Hole

OMG IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS *throws more money at wall* that'll work, no need to fix anything else or think about it for another four years...tell liberals to shut up when they explain why it doesn't work... ;3

The Burrito Blockade


Tall dude

The Burden Blocker 5000

meme war wall

The Greater Wall of America

and this video should be projected onto the wall 24 hours a day


The Tacocalypse

Jew name

The George Soros Memorial Wall

Wailing Wall

There won't be a wall

The MAGA-Wall

The Beaner Dam

The Baddest Hombre'




The Trump™ Wall



Demexicanized Zone

the muro grand

Literally The Holocaust

Bee Movie.

The Adolph Hitler Wall for Friendship and Intolerance of Illegal Immigration.

Big Beautiful Wall. It will take the BBW google links away from the fatties.

>gertty, for short
Ol' Gertty has been standing strong for a millennium

The Pence Fence.

Wall Pedro


By the time its done?
It will be called the Trump Memorial Wall.

The Great And Safe Again™ Wall

The Great Southern Immigration Trendkill

Wally McWallface

The Great Wall of Trump

you mean, fence right?

The Great Wall of Grab Her By The Vagina
The Great Wall of Red States Like North Carolina
The Great Wall of Making America Fina
The Great Wall of Whites-Only Dinas
The Great Wall of Protecting Jobs of the Minas
The Great Wall of Bye, Now!
The Great Wall of Tell the Spics to Line-Up
The Great Wall of Division between family members which will make your mother die in her in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post with "Goodness Gracious Great Wall of the Refine-a".

I here by name this was Wall 44 after our former president obama.

Is this how usa got its name?

The Wall

wall is llaw backwards. So how about Llawall?

This, and nothing but this.

Once it's finished, I at least want to see the Wikipedia article to include in its first line the words "colloquially referred to as the Great Wall of Trump".


Kek this

The Dindu Wall of Nothing

The Small Fence Extension
The Cyber Wall
The We Don't Have The Funds For This Wall

Spic vs Brick

The Great Wall of Kek

He should let companies bid on it for sponsorship rights every 5 years.

>Home Depot
>Taco Bell
>Dos Equis

They can all have turn painting there logo and motto on the wall

Casting my vote for this

Brick Jagger