"He may have been your father but he aint your daddy."

>"He may have been your father but he aint your daddy."

Its the same fucking thing.

Other urls found in this thread:


It’s really not, you’d know that if you grew up an orphan

No, 'daddy' is a sexual term. Now you know.

He is reposting a Sup Forums meme.

Why the fuck Sup Forums thinks that pretending to be retarded is funny is beyond me.

> He may be your biological provider, but he didn't raise and care for you

Your autism is causing you to miss the implication of what he's saying. He's saying that Ego might've been his literal genetic parent, but he didn't raise him.

Oh it’s some cuck shit.

It’s not the same if you were raised by a surrogate father

A father is a man who is your direct and closest biological ancestor. However, a fatherly figure is what children usually refer to as their daddy. It all comes down to the independence between having inhabited a man's balls and having had that man raised you.

I've seen this shit numerous times and I'm not sure whether it's a troll post or not because I don't spend enough time here but I can assure you that THERE IS a difference you fucking autistic fuck, stop spamming these retarded threads.
What he meant was that Ego may have been his biological father or the one that fucked his mom and conceived him, but Yondu took care of him and taught him shit in a way that only an actual father would, that's why he used "daddy", a more sentimental and playful way of calling your dad when your a lil kid.

Sup Forums doesn’t pretend to be retarded user. That’s genuine

And you don't have either because your mother was a fucking gutter whore.

But who is the cuck?

The “daddy” of course.

Raising another man’s seed? Only liberal Hollywood would push that degeneracy on us.

Yondu, for raising another man's spawn.

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.

Daddy = One's father.

>"same fucking thing"
Northerner faggot detected

>Father= that old guy who made half of you

>Daddy=that dude who fucks your ass

Only if English isn't your native language.


And a Fag is an extra cigarette, what’s your point exactly?

>a generic MCU movie is too complicated for retards on this board
well, that's just further proof that retards here are too stupid to even get basic concepts. no wonder people have to explain who was in the right in Civil War and why Superman killed Zod in MoS

Connotation, fucko. Nobody calls their own dad "father".

My dad died a couple months before that movie came out so wow that scene got me

Not unless they're just weirdly formal

>It’s the same fucking thing
Are you baiting?

>Not unless they're just weirdly formal

which means they probably don't consider him their daddy

>Why the fuck Sup Forums thinks that pretending to be retarded is funny is beyond me.

Not even if their father didn't raised or like them though.

GOTG2 was terrible movie

>Princess Bride
>not GOAT patrician tier
yeah, you just know that a contrarian made that image

So both Highfather and Darksied are cucks?

There is so much wrong and so little right with this.

This raises an interesting question if both men are raising each other's children. I don't think either one are cucks, as it seems to be much more of a diplomatic move than anything.

Orion becoming Lord of Apoklypse is on of my favorite parts of Kingdom Come

>It all comes down to the independence between having inhabited a man's balls and having inhabited a man's heart.

More than half those posts aren't pretending.

Ego may have been half of Peter's DNA but it was Yondu who left his memes the DNA of the soul to Peter

The mad anons with daddy issues are funny, I'll admit

Yondu also threatened to eat Peter and treated him like shit, I dunno but it was weird how antagonistic he was against Peter in the first movie and then suddenly in vol 2 he loves him like a son.

The only thing I got in the first movie was him being proud of Peter outsmarting him but it didn't feel paternal, more like him appreciating Peter's craft.

It's not. Dad left when I was a tot, so technically he's my biological father, but my stepdad's the guy who actually raised me.

The first movie was also shortly after Peter abandoned the Ravagers and poached that job from them. That kind of thing might sour one's attitude.


The degeneracy seems to be whoever's behind the idea that a man has no responsibility for his seed and can cast it wherever without any care or responsibility for it.

A man takes responsibility and steps up. When did we lose that?

When retards arutistic faggotd and Sup Forums decided to crawl their degenerate asses over here.

It's called connotation, cuntwipe

>look at these angry people with dead parents or that have been left as children
yeah fuck us really

Yea! Fuck you fags!

There has to be a better way to word that line.

Daddy is what she calls me when I choke her as I'm cumming inside of her

Anons don't understand the core message of the film because they have serious daddy issues. What else is new?

I never call my dad father.

I've always called him dad. Father sounds formal and distant and doesnt feel like it portrays any love for that person

>Why the fuck Sup Forums thinks that pretending to be retarded is funny is beyond me.

Believe me nigga, that's not pretending.

>people responded seriously

He didn't say "ain't" or even "weren't", he used the correct "wasn't", which clashed with his usual parlance and that rubbed me the wrong way.
There, my autism feels slightly better now.


Also a bundle of sticks.

I've been calling my dad father since I was like 4; I'm 27, calling him dad or daddy would just be weird.