Ethnic map, please learn correct ethnic terms

ethnic map, please learn correct ethnic terms

>tfw according to op's map albion isn't even habitated by humans

it's inhabited by gods, not comparable to other subhuman world races

>UK: water

OP is right not to include anglos as human.

yes they are gods

britannia rules waves; britannia IS waves

Can u plz put us with the Potato niggas, I don't want to be with Sweden or Germany anymore

Fine by me, just keep to yourself and don't mingle with human beings please.

we have been doing enough mingling with euroscum for too long, it's caused a mentally retarded schism in our libcuck society, there is still time to stop this disaster however ((brexit))

More like devils imo

we do kill your children, but because they are the little euroscum demons, and we are cleansing them

You are not the good guys

ofcourse we are, we're bloody british

You are ANGLOS
Your eyes are Beady

Stop being a stone dildo. Euros are great.

ew gross, get off my island u europhile cuck

beady as a gods u eurocuck

kek. how do you feel a former colony is more powerful than angloshmucks

fuck off ANGLO BLOOD

Spaniards aren't brown.

you are our child colony, and i am proud of my boy now he's all grown up and independent and a global power like us back in our day

Arabs, Whites, Desi, Indians, Moors, Persians

Mongolians, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai (SE Asian), Amerindian

Random nigger shit

Abbos , South Indians

Mixed Race

lol noice