Funny isn't it?

Globalism has pushed people around the world to communicate with each other on the web and this starts to cause a rise in nationalism and now you see the globalists who want a world with no borders suddenly back pedaling. Do you think anyone forsaw the effects the internet would have on the world?

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they were blinded by dollar signs otherwise the would never ever have let us have it.

They did not count on people to think for themselves.

only an idiot would blindly accept facts handed to them on a silver platter with a ribbon on it, neatly packaged for consumption; that's whats assumed works for the internet, but here, we invented shitting the information raw into a paper bag with a note, "some assembly required"

the internet only made us realize just how different we are from other races. if anything it made us hate foreigners even more.

I honestly can't say I did, though I hoped it would have this one. What I can say is that I've enjoyed hating the shit out of you goddamn faggots thoroughly.

>thinking globalism is real

It's the fight of the opposites.
Think about HD tv cams, the more we can see, the more we have to hide. We wanted good quality pics, but now we don't like what we see, so we apply endlessly filters and whatnot to avoid reality

they will catch up in 4 or 5 generations. for now they are so culturally behind that globalist leaders have really damaged their popularity by moving quickly.

also dat spazztica

>The more accurate information we have about niggers and mudslimes, the more GOOD reasons we have to keep them away.

lurk moar newfag

this. it was too much too early. people can only respect others if they are approximately in the same socioeconomic status.

how can an american take an african seriously when he knows in the back of his mind that he's worth 10 times the value of the black?

Yes, because Nationalist little fucks around the world got in their shitty little huboxes like Sup Forums, to echo chamber about how they ''want to make their countries great again''


Nationalism = Divide and Conquer from world peace

If people like you think Soros are evil, then you're wrong. They're trying their best to use THEIR OWN MONEY to promote a more equa world.


Are you white?

there will never be an "equal" world, human lives have, are and never will be equal.

diversity breeds inequality which in turn breeds conflict. Globalists assume that when we "understand" other races there will be world peace, but that's having the exact opposite effect now on many countries across the world.

Why the fuck would you want to be "equal" with some piece of shit from mogadishu


I never said quality like we're all just as skillful as one another, but equality in terms of mixing into one race.


A sign that globalists are idiotically forcing something they shouldn't be due to their own hubris is that they are crying about the internet. In 100 years, 200 years there will be more technologies they never foresaw... maybe just maybe they should let human society grow and evolve naturally instead of things like forced interbreeding programs, forced diversity forced loss of culture and sovereignty. I can't wait until they inevitably finding themselves eating shit for playing god.

> but equality in terms of mixing into one race

sadly and ironically, this will require the races to be equal BEFORE they can mix.

equality isn't a product OF mixing, in fact, i think it's an ingredient FOR mixing. you can only truly mix with other races when you see them as your equals.

>a rise in nationalism

Only among old people. Young people don't give a fuck about nationalism.

Ray Kurzweil predicted this. In the 80's he said "mass communication will cause totalitarian regimes to fall". That's happening right now.

remember the old were once young themselves.

see the 45-54 age group that voted 56% to leave? 26 years ago, they were young college grads making their first steps into the society when globalization was just starting.

now after reaping the "benefits" of a more "unified" world, they don't want to be a part of it.

"if you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."

>in terms of mixing into one race.

I like my own identity, why should I give it up?

I liked globalism better, when we just call it imperialism.

How do you think this globalism work us?

Where our languague and traditions are taken from us, when we are called savages for being faithful to who we are.

Do you think we can defend ourselvels, by boosting our economy, against people that can just print money at will, how do we defend our natural resources, our local economies, how can my aunt that has a restaurant compete with a fucking Mc Donalds.

You clearly don't like nationalism, but how do you call being proud of your heritage, and not wanting foreigners that come and break your stuff.

Do you think we don't want peace?, we obviously want peace, but we want to have our land, our people and our traditions, cause they make us who we are, globalism may sound great to you, cause it's an economic expansion of the old empire, with a nicer face, now you don't send the bayonets, just put a burger king in every corner, and reap the benefits.

Then your millonaires can come and buy every acre of land and just drill the earth until you can't recognize it anymore, and use the farming land to plant Monsanto seeds, and export them back to britain so you guys can eat soya beans, cause it's more healthy, meanwhile our wildlife goes extinct and you blame us, cause we barbarians don't know shit, right?

Learn what globalism it's doing in other countries and you'll learn why so many people it's opposed to it.

>Globalism is evil
I think the majority of people in western countries believe civilization began in the 1960s. Failing that, civilization adheres to the Whig interpretation of always being a progression.

The likelihood is that only the baby boomer generation will have experienced home ownership or insecure and harsh labour. Our ancestors mostly came from poverty and hardship. Globalisation at least gave us a unified apprach towards the worlds problems.

I mean work outside of insecure and harsh labour. Either way considering the most stable democracies in the world fail to nationalism I think the world is likely doomed continuing with France's Russian backed fascists.


I think he incorporated a Z for Zionist or Zionism

what did she mean by that sign?

Is it Nazi zionist media or Zionist nazi media?

>thanking hillary had health problems
>thinking hillary actual would take saudi money
>thinking they were actually skewing the polls

Ok now you are just pissing me off.

We didn't had harsh labor and all the problems you described, before you fuckers came, we didn't start working as slaves, before you "civilized us".

We had a fantastic agriculture, and a social culture, that worked for everyone, it wasn't perfect, but it was a lot better than what we got from you, in the XXth century it was the British that exploted the workers in the Nitrate companies, you didn't even paid them in money you paid them in chips that could only be used inside the company, making it slave work.

We fought against this, and been telling you time and time again, mind your own damn bussiness since, and now you came with the newest fanciest version of the same old shit, you want to have a say in what we do, and take everything we hold dear.

You sicken me, you parrot this bullshit, without asking first who wants this bullshit promoted and why.

I can tell you right now, it doesn't work for us, and we don't want it.

I'm afraid you're already compromised. You're a by product of enlightenment thinking. There's no going back to the savagery of your ancestors.

You actually believe your propaganda will defeat my Cumbia globalist?

Your lies will come and go, but the war drums of the Andes will never stop.

They're the earthly embodiment of the most ancient Cumbia Gods.

They remind us of who we are and what it's important in life, they deliver a message of love and joy.

You will never have our peoples soul.

>Do you think anyone forsaw the effects the internet would have on the world?

I think what they didn't account for was identity. Even on sites where you maintain an identity, it's perfectly possible to maintain a false one, and promote ideas you would feel socially unsafe promoting otherwise. But the real nail on the coffin was anonymity. The free flow of information across anonymous networks like this allows all of its users to share their thoughts without being colored by biases you might have towards their identities. Helps you examine things from different views and be much more willing to accept that yours may be false.

That's the biggest part of it. Societies have largely been controlled through social stigma, and on anonymous image boards for mongolian moving pictures, no one gives a shit about social stigma or their identity. Your attachment to your position can easily be abandoned after an impassioned but otherwise wrong defense of it, and you won't lose any face at all. You'll have learned something new and been more willing to.

Another factor is that the elites often relied on mass media to push a narrative, and in the past year we've seen that fail in a lot of ways. The mass media is clearly obsolete as a means of control. You can't lie to all the people anymore because they can just share the truth amongst themselves too easily for it to work.

I read a book that described the next level of human consciousness as being born from a network of minds that dissolved the barriers between self. The internet is sort of like that almost. Really neat stuff. Sociology of the Media was probably one of my favorite comm courses.

the real trump is already dead.

have a good day.

Guess I'm heartless

CTR. Is that really you??

That's because young people don't have money and property to protect.

I was a conservative at the age of 9 so fuck off

they're not backpedaling. stay vigilant

Only low IQ losers are against globalism (including low IQ Whites).

Only globalization will allow a White dominated Global Hierarchy to develop.

Its forcing a blind unchecked eugenics program that will destroy not only the culture of the world but the minds of future generations because you want stacy to get fucked by jamal

I am failing to see the issue.

globalism don't nesscairlity translate to = open borders.

it more like concentration of power. we seen it this year with CNN MNBC BBC etc.
more concentration of power means less competition and more people that are closer to the plate getting paid big money to do nothing.

what they basically want is that some people will dictate the world events the way they see fit because ((they)) have enough money to do so.
they want more government so they can fill more positions for their cousins, more regulations to benefit big players etc.
its cronyism on a massive scale

What you really need to understand is that globalists world is very small. They don't really have exposure to culture and community, because most of them are super rich.That's why Saudi Princes and Texas Oilmen can be best friends, they don't live in their countries, they live in a world of elite colleges, private resorts, and a global selection of vacation spots.

So they thought opening up this communication channel would give the rest of the world the same experience because ironically they are blinded by their own privilege.

The rest of the world has real problems and are the subject of corporate control and propaganda, this creates deep ideological differences within their community. People sought out ideological allies instead of coming to 'understand' the trivial differences that the elites don't even have to begin with. That's why Isis can recruit kids from California, and a conservative in New York finds stronger allies in Australia or Germany than in his neighbors.

They thought they were going to unite the world by breaking superficial barriers, but only dumb people really care about skin color or nation to the exclusion of all else. Most people understand the importance of ideas and what happened is all the people who care about ideas found each other. The globalist illusion of inevitability was broken. Conservatives realized they weren't the powerless and dying minority they were presented as by the media. They could see the irrationality and zealousness of the globalists and their "progressive" supporters.

And the tide is turning.

I believe it's even less than that, they will compromise in controlling the flow of information, in order to maintain an economic strangehold.

The cultural globalism, it's a fantasy, a lie they tell themselves to fell more important than what they are, basic ego problems of people with artificially boosted egos, nurtured to be elite but condemned by their own humanity, that at the end of the day are unable to look at this other in the eyes.

The tides turn indeed.

>Oh, you think the dollar is your ally.
>But you merely adopted the dollar; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the Federal Reserve until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!

If you can't handle globalism you are probably poor and uneducated

Globalism is great. I make a shit ton more money, get to travel the world, try out new cultures. What's not to like.

Oh if you're poor and can't compete with no-skill Mexicans. Kys.

With globalism cultures blend and muddy into one shitty mess

thats assange m8

I can't wait to watch you being run by a truck, when this globalism thing, creates a proxy war in the middle east, and ISIS blame it on French capitals, rightfully so, and they decide that it's more simple to just take it on the population.

While your globalist EU thinks that you shouldn't check backgrounds cause if they are rich enough to come here, they can't be bad people.

>people who disagree with me are stupid

So close to being a good post


All of that already happened.

Have some free cumbia, cause your country sucks.

Shitty bait. But because i want to shitpost,
here are just a few examples why your every sentence is wrong:

There is no problem with globalization per se.
Problem is, that in its current state, it's artificially or naturally destroying or accelerate destruction of white race, western(/christian/renessance) culture, as well as economical and social stability globally.

i would fight for your people that they may become my people too

it's true, globalism may be inevitable but the way the elite go about it makes the people want to revolt against it


mark my words: china is the real enemy

10/10 pic my guy

The cumbia smiles on everyone that hear the call of the drums.

Your money dont save you or your family from your retardness... Probably, on the contrary.

This mountainjew get it:

Didn't say that. I said people who are obsessed with race or nationality to the exclusion of all else are dumb.

Lots of dumb niggers and white trash talk about "black pride" or "white pride" because they haven't done anything else in life to be proud of. So they focus on things they were born with, like their skin color or home town or nation.

Normal people have a variety of concerns: family, jobs, religion, politics, and even if they have negative views of other races or nationalities they can overcome that on individual basis because of those other shared values. Respect can be earned because they have many axes of valuation.

But a racist will hate someone with no consideration to other factors, and even if you are part of their race and disagree with them they'll hate you too. It's a mentality of exclusion. Traitor is their favorite accusation, because they've built their self worth around a thing and anytime someone says "that's not really important" it becomes a personal attack. So it usually doesn't even come down to race, it comes down to how much you play into their ego.

Again, all of this is just my personal experience with people who proudly say they are racists or ultra-nationalistic. Not very many people meet that description, but the globalist assumption is that many people do. They don't realize that it's other values that drive most people because their wealth makes those concerns non-existent. No billionaire is worried that his daughter is going to get raped by migrants because she is chauffeured to and from a high security private school. His privilege makes it impossible for him to consider the security and stability concerns of normal people. Thus they leap on the assumption of racism or nationality, which is irrational in the very rare case when it's the primary motivation. The billionaire doesn't have real problems anymore, so all the people against his 'good idea' must have 'irrational' concerns.