Voltron: Legendary Defender

So what do you want in S6 apart of Lotor going full Keikaku and Haggar going to Altean Alchemic El-Dorado (aka: Oriande)?

I want to see if Keith will improve as a character after his abysmal screentime in this season and the bad emulation of Shiro he did in S4 (also wondering what made Krolia leave him and McCree and if the latter is dead or did he disappear somewhere). Not to mention if he becomes a Paladin again.

Also wanting to see Lance becoming a proficient swordsman and Kuron Stage 5.

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I want more development on these war generals that came out of fucking nowhere just to inherit the empire. Well, the ones that are still alive.
Also I want more backstory to Keith's mom, what the fuck is even her deal and how did she hook up with a human.
Maybe see some of Pidge's Dad working on Earth's planetary defenses or something.
Oh, and more Hunk and Pidge, there's some potential there.

Kuron/Shiro/both are going to die at the finale. Haggar will probably do it as a shout-out to GoLion.

Lotor will seduce Allura, get what he needs from her, maybe find out about HAggar/Honerva, likely cripple the Coalition somehow, and probably steal Black.
Keith and Kroila will have adventures with the BoM, more information about Kroil/McCree will be given, but Kroila dies as part of Lotor's keikaku.
Earth will be visited, likely some severe technological advancement there because of the Galra ship in the premiere and the stuff Holt is coming back with.
Hunk is barely there. Pidge joins him because her arc is done.

>I want more development on these war generals that came out of fucking nowhere just to inherit the empire. Well, the ones that are still alive.
Some of them are indeed interesting, but the most interesting ones were smashed/dropped by Sendak or became mutant xenomorph chow (at least the last most notable general is still alive...maybe).

>Also I want more backstory to Keith's mom, what the fuck is even her deal and how did she hook up with a human.
Hoping it's revealed that she's a tomboy even by Galra standards. And I too wonder how she appeared on Earth. Was it pure coincidence or was it a mission from Kolivan? How the hell did she end up in a relationship with McCree and what made her leave after Keith was born?

>Maybe see some of Pidge's Dad working on Earth's planetary defenses or something.
And discovering what the hell Galaxy Garrison is up to and how will they react to all the stuff happening in the galaxy. Also Sam has a whole lot of explaining to do when he meets his wife.

>Oh, and more Hunk and Pidge, there's some potential there.
Duh, after what Team Punk did I want more shenanigans from them.

>Krolia dies
Too early please no. It would shatter poor Keith.

>Maybe see some of Pidge's Dad working on Earth's planetary defenses or something.
No. The Holts are dull as dirt.

Hunk to get more plot and backstory.

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Lotor to be complex and not "lol, I was secretly evil all along":

I want some lore/developement/story for Lance, Shiro and Hunk before the tv show ends. And Pidge in a cute dress while not in a flashback.

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Yeah, I'm hoping that he truly intends on being good, but his association with his father and all the stigma the Galra Empire has built are what'll challenge and frustrate him.

Pance better be canon in the end. It's the only relationship I ship in the entire show.

I want McCuck to be confirmed and Good Guy Lotorfags to get btfo

better get ahead of the game and start shipping yourself with disappointment, Pancefag

>implying I'm in denial
I already know it won't happen. I'll still suffer from the non-confirmation, but I'm prepared for the fact to hit me hard in the face.

I want the season to end with Lotor heading towards earth with an armada. Why fight Voltron when you can force the paladins to work with you by holding their families hostage?

>Too early please no. It would shatter poor Keith.
Good. Shatter him.

Hopefully Shiro stops being a little bitch

You wrote Keith wrong.

Kuron will die and the ShiroSoul will be reborn as a baby.


This. Grey Lotor would be best Lotor. I hope Haggar causes him a fuck ton of angst too.

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>All these people elsewhere wringing their hands hoping Lotor doesn't betray the Paladins or they can't love or ship him anymore
It's like they don't understand how storytelling works. I'd love for Lotor to have a complicated arc ending in a "redemption" too but it's way too early for that right now. More ups and downs are required and he has his own thousands of years old ideas and plans that he has no reason to give up for Team Voltron any more than they have reason to give up their ideals for him.

If you're going to stan for the antagonist, you have to have thicker skin than that.

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It'll be alright if he's Sendak's bitch.

For Hunk to do something important and have challenges. I'm not invested in him, how could I be with how little he's gotten, but it's a matter of principle at this point. This is my biggest pet peeve ever in show writing when there's meant to be an ensemble cast.

Ditto, but it will never happen.

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At least Keith can stand there and look pretty.

Shiro is need of some space weed.

Or a waifu


When will they visit the weed planet.

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Im honestly surprised that he got speaking lines this season.
He deserves better.

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Showrunners said if you don't see a lot of a character in one season, they'll have the spotlight in the next season. So that means we're getting a Hunk season soon, right? Right?

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Tyler said Hunk would get focus in S5 before the splits, and that would be S7/S8 now. The VA work is done like two years before the episodes air so they are pretty unreliable when it comes to this stuff though.
Basically, if it's going to happen it will probably be in the last 1/3rd of the series.

It means we're probably getting a shit ton of Keith focus



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Lotor seems to want his own Voltron but without or with different moral restrictions for pilots. He has two parts and needs at least one more. Problem is he doesn't know how to do the Quintessence infusion part or activate the gates - for this he needs Allura/Voltron.

Casino planet episode with bunny suit undercover mission please.

>So what do you want in S6 apart of Lotor going full Keikaku and Haggar going to Altean Alchemic El-Dorado (aka: Oriande?)

>for Keith to finally return to the team so that he can get more focus and hopefully stop being a boring character for a change.
>Kuron exposed and a shit-ton of internal team drama/betrayal emerging as a result.
>Kuron having a mental breakdown/identity crisis for being a clone and yet still trying to come to terms by ending Haggar’s control over him & becoming his own person, rather than just being typically killed off.
>Lotor’s true motives and end game.
>Lotor finally accepting that Haggar is his mother and seeing whatever Lotor-related drama/angst follows after that.
>Lance to be the one that encourages Keith to return to the team and they share some more heart-to-heart talks with each other that continues where they left off on their bromance from season 3
>Any kind of focus on Hunk. Doesn’t matter what it is, I just want to see him get some well-deserved screen time at this point.

does Voltron even care about morality? it seems like the lions just want people who will work well together and make a good team. Black still had a strong bond with Zarkon after ten thousand years of him being space Hitler.

Well not outright morality but they seem to be looking for certain personality types. Green Lion probably would have troubles with finding a pilot in typical "Evil Empires" but others - maybe.

Not that user that you’re replying to, but now that you mention it... what IS Voltron’s end game? Why do the lions need or want to bond with their pilots? Why are the lions capable of evolving, why do they have a connection to the astral plane and what exactly are they, really? Are they just “good” sentient quintessence monsters that are meant to act as a foil to the end-game ‘evil’ quintessence monsters from the rift? Where did the comet come from and why did it land the Galra home planet? We’re completely clueless, we don’t know what their deal is. At all.

They've killed millions and haven't even batted an eye.

Well Black has been asleep for 10k years so give the slut a break.

They’ve killed millions to save trillions.

In another reality the universe's greatest warrior challenged the space goddess. It lost and as punishment for it's arrogance the goddess split it's soul in five. They traveled endless until they bonded with the lions Alfor built. Only by learning humility from "lesser" beings can they be whole again.

Would those trillions be in danger if Voltron wasn't kicking up a rebellion in the first place?


Considering the fact that Zarkon and his empire were draining entire planets of their quintessence and destroying entire cultures and alien races for the hell of it, then I’d say yes.

Lesser races being sacrificed for the greater good of the glorious Galra cause.

Alright, but what the fuck is the space goddess.

All this does is remind me of Space Godzilla AKA Heroic Age.

Why don't you look it up? You gonna ask who Nanny is next?

I'm a simple person with simple wants, what I want in S6:
shed light on Operation Kuron
Keith kicks Lotor in his royal ass
Voltron vs Lotron

God. In space. With boobs.

Keith will obviously become the Emperor of the Galran Empire by the end. Why else would they establish that literally anyone can be emperor?

is it fat or muscles?

Keith and Hunk will share MC status for the last quarter of the series and get married.

Plus WAN!

its delicious musclefat

patrician taste

Fat over a lot of muscles. You can't get such shape with fat alone.

But Lotor is actually the son of the Galran Emperor. I think Keith should marry Lotor.

Yeah. This rendition of Hunk is obese. The DotU Hunk had real muscles.

Lotor will try and marry Keith in a power grab but Hunk will step in and save the day.

I really want to see Keith and Krolia episode.
>Keith and Krolia have THE TALK about why she disappeared from the former's life
>Krolia tells him that she will say everything Keith wants to know (Keith goes silent and listens)
>Flashback to how Krolia's early life, how she became a BoM/appeared on Earth and how she met McCree, as well how their relationship developed
>Krolia asks Keith about McCree, but he tells her that he disappeared when he was old enough and left her blade with him (Krolia realizes with this that her son had a really hard childhood and would've been worse if it weren't for Shiro taking care of him)
>Also revealed why Krolia had to leave Earth, and it was a really darn good reason (and pretty tragic to boot)
>Tells Keith that she never forgave herself for leaving him and his father, and that she doesn't expect absolutely anything from him
>Keith, while being silent all this time (apart of the question about his father) stands up and hugs Krolia while the latter is completely surprised at this
>Keith even starts to shed tears over this, while his mother slowly changes her expression to that of happiness (with a gentle smile to boot)
>Meanwhile the Garrison Trio spied on the two via spy-bug in the room and start crying over this (ESPECIALLY LANCE)
>Even Allura started to shed tears when she accidentally eavesdropped on the above Trio when they spied on Keith and Krolia

Probably it will be close to this. Keith needs more positive character development.

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Hunk's arms are fucking ripped in the show when they ever bother detailing them

He's ripped from carrying all that fat around.

I wonder if Space Goddess or some equivalent to her will make an appearance in VLD. I always thought she was cool.

Voltron will finally learn humility, get his body/soul together and they will bang.

Yes but when does the Galra puberty set in?

He'll be going through female Galra puberty.

The White Lion was an incarnation of Space Goddess

I really want a bonding episode. Especially if she starts being freakishly protective. It would be so cute.

Debatable. Galra use a lot of drones.

Stop! Stop! That would make his penis too big!

Frankly, I'd like to see the other paladins being hit on by Krolia while Keith can only look on in horror.

Voltron Warrior/Space Goddess OTP

I'd love to see Lotor win the conflict against his Galra side. To give whatever malignant force is waiting behind the rift two middle fingers. Instead of just predictably entering the rift and being corrupted into Handsome Even More of an Asshole Zarkon(tm).

I get the impression that his drive is not only the ambition of his father but the possibility he was saved via exposure to quintessence so he's spent the past thousands of years agonizing for more-more-more. It's like evil, magic space meth.

>This rendition of Hunk is obese
You blind, son? That the general build of most off season weightlifters.
Your definition of obese must be a severely wide net.

Lance is going to cuck Keith out of his mom.

I am sure that Allura is not going to complain

>inb4 Keith is asexual.

Lots of people with autism are.

I think they're obviously setting up for Haggar to get a hold of herself and help save him from going down her and Zarkon's path to destruction. I don't see any other reason to set up Lotor's admiration for who his mother used to be and his denial and Haggar remembering who she was and that Lotor is her son.

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Does Shiro have the best tiddies in the cast?

Yes. Why don't we get shirtless scenes with characters who aren't scrawny twinks?

That intern on tumblr sees him as aromantic

Shiro benefits from the power of imagination. What if he took his shirt off and it was just a boring low-detail expanse of beige with a couple lines on it like you usually get in Asian animation?

Aromantic but sexual, right?
Keith confirmed for slut.

Are his tits better than Victor Nikiforov's ?

that's worth as much as any other literally who on tumblr

it's paradoxical because his bare chest would be lower detail while his suits have more delicious contour lines for definition. the wonders of 2D

I'm sure she won't.

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We're probably going to see an alternate version of Lotor in mirror mirror Voltron universe. He's like a wimp who needs to be turned into a badass with the paladin's help

Touch Quality Control... mmm

It's the only way to be sure the goods are okay.

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Because princesses only want top quality goods

Sauce for this art? It’s great.

I can't imagine the sheer disappointment when she cops a feel on Lotor's crotch.


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