Don't fret goyims. (((Trump))) will trickle all the wealth down we promise

Don't fret goyims. (((Trump))) will trickle all the wealth down we promise.

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nobody more cucked than trump voters

source or die shillfag

If you make less than $500k per year and you voted for Trump, actually kill yourself.

Burgers, when will they learn.

>liberals try into numbers

oh nice, this is a legit document, well prepared in powerpoint, epic!, nice!

>nearly all academics are liberal

makes me tink

Almost like a smaller percentage cut for the rich saves more money than a large cut for the lower class.

I don't understand what's wrong with this. People who don't pay a lot of taxes aren't going to get as big a tax break as those who pay a lot. Do people want people who make 50 thousand a year to get 1 million a year in tax savings??

>thinking I vote based on economic issues

Are all groups of income level getting the same percentage of tax cuts? If so, what's the problem?

do your own DD and you will see op is right lol.

his own website so you cucks can't call me a shill...

Pol got Kushnered out of their shekels

>small percentage of a big number is a big number

Poor people make a few thousand bucks, you give them a 100% tax cut and in actual dollars yes the rich getting a 7% discount is vastly More dollars

Sorry that companies and the richest people account for so
Much of the wealth

Poor still get to keep tons of their money

>raw numbers

>I didn't read your comment I just linked you to the tax plan

It is basic math you fucking idiot.

10% of 1,000,000 is more than 10% of 5

>rich people pay more taxes

more news at 11

>Trumped up trickle down economics

>waiting for money to come to you
>not going out and making it
This is why you fail.

and this bs calculation probably includes estate tac and business tax (academics think business owners pay business tax, instead of costumers)

>>rich people pay more taxes

As they should. Lower the working class' tax rates, not (((rich peoples's))).

that image missed the whole "communist" bit

>not understanding graphs

Change it from the absolute savings to percentage of income you retard.

>this is what rich kids actually think

Repubs have been tricking the poor into voting against their own interests for years now

how about you post hoe much the 1% pay of the total taxes.

>sour grapes

wew lad

Yes, because anyone who can make it in the world, isn't going to live in an ivory tower where no one can criticize your theories. Academia is where cultural marxism thrives because it can get away with the shit it professes and not get called on it's own bullshit.

>tfw you're the top 1%

You'd have to be a retard not to be making $250k in the US if you were born here and could speak English.

I'm not trying to argue because I'm not sure but wouldn't it make sense that people with more money would save more money money?

>where no one can criticize your theories

You don't even know how academia works and you're criticizing it. You're aggressively stupid. Dangerously stupid.

Statistically when the rich does good everyone does good. More Jobs more openings, more companies for hiring etc.

>dat Y-axis
>in dollars
So you mean to tell me my middle class family, that DEPENDS on my $80,000 income, won't save $1,300,000 on taxes this year?!?

How do you expect people who make 30k a year to save 200,000?

The only thing that fucks us over with tax cuts is when the government spends like no tomorrow.
If Bush didn't spend trillions on the war things would have been different.

If Trump keeps us in war and spends a trillion on infrastructure were fucked.

There is a theory that lower income tax actually yields more tax revenue over all.

lol ok there bud

I wish college campuses in america could be shoot up more often

What do you do? And what city?

People who make 40k won't be saving 200k under his tax plan? Wtf I hate trump now

Just because your country doesn't have colleges doesn't mean you can start shooting up ours.

can we get a % graph or does it not fit your narrative?

Looks like a sound plan to reduce the burden on low income families while ensuring businesses aren't feeding the government to the detriment of employees/employment rates.

it's hard to cut taxes on people that don't actually pay taxes, big shock

> But trickle up economics that Bernie pushes would work

>People who don't earn 3M+ dont save 1.3M on their tax


Shouldn't all this be shown as a percentage? Of course those earning 30k a year are hoing to get less back than those earning multi millions

we used to have one of the best universities in Europe ameriswine

>trickle up economics

Sanders said he was going to make rich people richer?

Do you people really think someone who makes $50k a year should get the same percentage of his income to the government than someone making $50m a year?

I'm all for lowering everyone's taxes, but lower the working class' taxes more. 0-50k should be taxed at 0% imo. Let the Walton family pick up the slack.

>it'll be the red states that'll be the most impacted due to the lack of social safety nets

privatize health insurance now!
Once those jobs come back you'll make more than enough to afford it... soon, just hold tight, the new factories with zero robots that'll employ half your town for $25/hr are on their way... soon :)

You want wealth? Earn it.
Or have a wealthy family.

It's not trickle up that Bernie pushes, it's state mandated trickle down.

He's not naive enough to think you can rely on the kind heartedness of rich people to help poor people.

yes bernie ''starve the whites for equal rights'' sanders understands economy when he never had a stable job till his 40s

He'll simplify the tax code, too. Don't forget that, shill.
Based on just income tax the super rich would benefit, but if you factor in a simpler tax plan with fewer loopholes, they're almost guaranteed to pay more. Meanwhile taxes for everyone else go down because they don't use tax loopholes anyways.

>not being a marxist

Fighting for the working class!

i'm making ~65k and if his plan goes thru i'll be saving like ~$2k/year on federal taxes. sign me the fuck up!

"morality" - kek
cultural preservation - kek
equality - kek
family values - top kek

it's almost as if, when everyone in the country gets tax cuts, people who make more money save more money

As long as you go to work in a suit and have a personal secretary.

you are stupid fucking faggot. please kill yourself

trump got more college educated voters

oh hey ctr, still sticking around eh? well that's fine by me, don't know what we would do without your shitposting

>someone is smart because they graduated college

You need to be able to work relatively-hard to get a degree, not be intelligent.