Trump's Attorney General Calls Americans Bad People

If Trumpfags will defend this man after he calls Americans "bad people" after winning an election and being voted in by those people I am in shock

Trump has already said he won't interfere with states that decide to legalize marijuana. He doesn't think it is important enough to be a federal issue, and I agree.

Drug users are amoral

but I don't think the government should be enforcing morality

This. I dont smoke but arguing over weed is something we can do when we hardly have anything to argue about

Only a satanists believes that flawed sinners are good. The only good person is Jesus.


>drug addicts
>good people
choose 1


muh states rights

>drug addicts are good people


Good people don't smoke pot.

I give it a week after Inauguration Day till all the pot shops are shuttered, and the owners and pot operators arrested.

It's time to Make America Great Again, and we can do it without the pot heads.

No, the burden of proof is upon you to defend smoking pot

The feds have more important crimes to be dealing with

I know weed prolly won't be re-legalized. My problem is I supported someone who called the North American population "evil"

If you don't think weed is good you are an evil person.

Anti-weed people are amoral.

But Trump thinks the North American population is evil. Also people who smoke pot are good. George Washington did it.

Burden of proof is on the one making the accusation. If you think pot smokers are bad, explain why.
Bonus points: try not to use an argument that sounds like this "DUDE! WEED! LMAO!"

>If you do something I disagree with then it should be illegal

No sympathy for dudeweed potheads. I hope Sessions burns the fields and forces these lazy fucks into rehab.

Colorado has been turned into one big farm for mafias and cartels since it became legal there. Entire homes are being bought up cheaply and turned into illegal growhouses. It was all over the news lately with Cuban drug dealers growing it in CO, then exporting it to other states and killing people who got in their way.

Pot will always be criminal, degenerate, and disgusting. If you light up, prepare to be locked the fuck up.

burn in hell bitch,,, a lot of people benefit from it unlike the legal drug dealers Big Pharma,, cocksucker leave my Sup Forums foreverr

Anti-weed crusaders are no different than SJW's

>someone who called the North American population "evil"
You're evil for being so dumb, you should argue about the word fart

weed is for degenerate losers; ie "bad" people

No problem with this.

It doesn't matter. He's a Republican. He's going to leave it up to the states to decide.

He said the North American population "wasn't good people" tho.

you're a loser

Fixed, updated the map for 2017.

You know the war on deugs is a utter failure right? Banning weed only funnels more money to drug cartels. People that wants to get high will get high.

>Trump has already said he won't interfere with states that decide to legalize marijuana. He doesn't think it is important enough to be a federal issue, and I agree.

Once he gets the CCA stock, he'll change his mind.

And we'll catch them, throw them into jail, and they'll stop unless they want to go back to jail. Criminals are criminals. All we need are harsher punishments for pot. Mandatory 3-5 year sentence, nobody will smoke it.

>And we'll catch them, throw them into jail, and they'll stop unless they want to go back to jail.
You know thats been going on for the last 40 years right? Guess what? It hasnt affected the supply or demand in almost half a century.


No, we've been throwing dealers into jail for a couple years. If we set up actual punishments like:

20 years minimum for trafficking/distribution of marijuana, full stop.
5 years minimum sentence for possession of marijuana, full stop, followed by 3 years of mandatory outpatient rehab and monthly drug tests.

I think we'd solve our little problem.

Anti-weed puritans are basically right-wing progressives they don't understand logic.

>Colorado has been turned into one big farm for mafias and cartels since it became legal there. Entire homes are being bought up cheaply and turned into illegal growhouses. It was all over the news lately with Cuban drug dealers growing it in CO, then exporting it to other states and killing people who got in their way.

Wait, so if it was legal completely wouldn't all this go away and no more problem with cartels or crime?

This feels similar to prohibition, in fact almost completely the same.

>This time prohibition will surely work
>This time regime change will surely work

>No, we've been throwing dealers into jail for a couple of years.
Literally bullshit, war on drugs started in '72 and Reagan cranked it up to 11 in the 80s. Try looking at drug related arrests in the 70s, then the 80s. Again, in no way shape or form was the supply, or demand of drugs affected.

>If we ban this thing that's literally fucking everywhere and put ridiculous sentences on something that definitely doesn't need them, people will stop
Except that's not true at all, this would be like Alcohol Prohibition all over again, except weed is 1000x easier to get.
It's literally the least harmful drug too.
>Criminals are criminals
Except if it's legal they're suddenly not criminals, wow, magic. Pot heads don't go around fucking murdering people, if you're going to murder/steal, you're going to murder/steal. Pot use has zero relevance when compared to actual non-victimless crimes.

Throw dealers into prison for 20 years, and they'll stop. Throw users in for 5, they'll stop.

Our punishments are pussy level. Under Reagan, it was the punishments for concentrates/powders like cocaine, crack, and heroin that were increased. We need to do the same for pot.

Dude weed lol

I think we'd have an exploding prison population that tax payers can't afford. Please feel free to keep shilling for the private prison industry though.

The punishment should fit the crime. I don't why you're being so draconian.



Theyre lazy and unproductive in manufacturing jobs. Its a work issue.

>using and selling a Schedule 1 drug, the most dangerous class
>not a 'real crime'

Remember when New York City was a shithole? Giuliani fixed it by being tough on crime. We can do the same as a nation. And it looks like Trump's administration is doing just that.

>All DUDE WEED fully legal states were Blue

I've literally never met a stoner who wasn't a liberal faggot at least on social issues.


>5 years of a guy smoking weed
>little to no effect on him or society as a whole

>5 years of same guy being in prison for smoking weed
>tens of thousands of dollars in prison cost
>guy loses his job and social contact
>will likely be worthless and unemployed after his sentence

Wow great plan thank you for making America great again.

Marijuana is Schedule 6 in my state for small amounts and a misdemeanor.

Do you think cocaine is safer than marijuana? Because it happens to be Schedule 2 federally compared to Schedule 1 federal marijuana.

Oh fuck you were just being an ironic memelord. Carry on.

>Under Reagan, it was the punishments for concentrates/powders like cocaine, crack, and heroin that were increased.
You know mandatory minimum sentencing existed for pot too in the 80s right? Hell, some states had life imprisonment laws for dealing. Meanwhile, fuckloads of people still bought it and still smoked it.
Good thing automation is set to replace our manufacturing jobs in the next decade
And you dont think corporations wont automate every position they can?
Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.
>no accepted medical use
>over half of the nation has laws allowing the use of marijuana for medical purposes
>half of the nation has trained medical physicians willing to put their medical licenses and reputations on the line to recommend a plant that they believe will give their patient a better quality of life
>multiple medical associations agree in the medical benefits of marijuana
>no medical benefit
Some things arent adding up here

alaska wasnt blue

> stoners



>all laws are rational and moral, because they're laws
>it is rational to place cannabis on schedule 1

Slavery was legal once too you know.

>dude weed lmaos
fuck them



>good people don't

Thats why they call us DEPLORABLES


>North American population

That smokes marijuana

Most stoners are fucking idiots so I agree with this dude.

Bootlickers are the worst. We (at least I) voted for Trump for civil freedom, state rights, and of course the whole immigration thing.

Everyone he's putting in power is stomping on the first two, and stomping on them hard.

When did Sup Forums become a leftist, Bernie Sanders stronghold. Maybe this thread is just attracting all of the degenerate pot heads who are high and have low IQs/schitzophrenia due to using pot.

Oh well. At least it won't be legal anywhere in the US anymore in 3 months :)

It already is illegal everywhere

>If you smoke pot, you must #FeeltheBern
Well meme'd m8

Nah, there are rogue states who need to be brought to heel. Sessions is just the man for the job.

weed grows in the ground bro its natural that means its good for you its god's medicine dude it cures cancer and cures everything and opens your mind to whats going on bro just take a hit


This board isn't your hugbox and had more of an array of views until spamming trumpfags from r/the_donald started shitting up the place.

reddit fags should go home i agree but the only people who talk like that are leftists or ancaptards