Was he a good villain, Sup Forums?

Was he a good villain, Sup Forums?

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Best MCU villain, but still makes one of the stupidest mistake in the entire film series by just blurting out the reason why the protagonist should want to kill him.

He didn't know that Peter was so attached to his mom to such a degree, and the guy called Ego obsessed with covering the universe with himself feeling secure in his hold on his own flesh and blood feels like a perfectly fine instance of characterization.

Yes. Zemo, Vulture, Ego and Killmonger are the best villains in the MCU and I expect Thanos will join their ranks soon enough. It is a shame its taken as long as it has to get good baddies though.

Best MCU Villain so far.

Marvel has decent villains overall honestly
Obadiah, Loki, Pierce, Winter Soldier, Ultron, Zemo, Ego, Vulture, Hela, Killmonger were all fine villains
(maybe missing some?)
Not exactly the pinnacle of interesting characters or near perfection, but I thought they were all good

>Best MCU villain

Perfectly appropriate mistake for someone like him to make as well, plus he's had lots of practice killing his kids so you have to consider that as well.

Yes, because I understood his motivations for the horrible things he did. His actions made sense.

>Best MCU villain


Vulture was pretty good, maybe zemo, because he wasn't as traditional as everyone else, but a lot of MCU villains are forgettable as heck.

>Was he a good villain, Sup Forums?

Yes, he was too good.
So much so that they had to make a deliberate, messy, and uncharacteristically stupid effort to retcon his aptitude so that the heroes could actually defeat him.
Why did he hire a pirate to 'steal' his own children? He has a planet: he could single handily just house his children and lovers on his planet and supervise the entire procedure from start to finish.
Why would he kill his children who couldn't harness the cosmic power? They were of no threat to him what so ever, they most likely weren't even immortal, they would have posed no threat and he could have just waited for them to die of natural causes. Time means nothing to him, he's millions of years old, he can wait a few hundred.
Why did he store their bones unceremoniously inside a cave on his planet? There was no benefit or purpose to such an act. He could literally just vaporize them if he saw it as waste, was he going down there to admire them? Reminisce? What was the point beyond giving the characters a means to suspect him?
Why did he think killing Meredith was appropriate? Could he literally not wait for her to die of natural causes? In doing so he unnecessarily antagonized the only character capable of stopping him.
Further more, Peter would have naturally and or eventually sought out Ego on his own volition: Peter knows he has a father, Peter would eventually find out he had mysterious powers/qualities or die normally, so why bother with any of these conditions?

All Ego literally had to do was just fuck as many women as possible, sit back, and wait for his children to find him.

being played by Kurt Russel really helped him

no not really.

GotG 2 had a great soundtrack, dialogue and sense of adventure except when it came to the ego plotline

>Ego was a celestial
>He fucked a bunch of chicks
>Only one had a baby worth keeping
>Baby rebels
>Punish baby by unlocking his potential celestial powers
>Die to Baby's friends
>All good, baby's powers will never come back because they only work on the planet that is ego who is also a celestial that fucks a lot of women

Kurt Russel did a great job but the character just felt too much like a throwaway villain representing much larger issues tying into the nature of the protagonist. Then he died.

Every marvel movie villain ever with varying degrees of success.

I can't wait for Darvel Misney studios to get the rights to the Fantastic Four and Dr. Doom is a personification of Sue Storm really wanting to lick Ben Grimm's craggy balls, only for him to get slingshotted into the sun by Mr. Fantastic and Human Torch.

> Narcissist arrogantly underestimates his son's feelings about him killing the son's mother.

If he did that in front of the other Guardians it would be unrealistic, but him doing that when alone with Peter is classic narcissist behaviour.

>Why did he hire a pirate to 'steal' his own children? He has a planet: he could single handily just house his children and lovers on his planet and supervise the entire procedure from start to finish.

Maybe he didn't want to deal with the kids running around on top of him. Maybe he didn't want to explain to his 2nd Kree mistress, why there was also a Skrull female and a Xandarian woman also living oh his world, with children that called him father.
Also, what happens when he kills one of these kids? Then he has to deal with a whole bunch of women and children freaking out.

>Why would he kill his children who couldn't harness the cosmic power?

Was it ever stated that he just straight up killed them? Like deliberately just stuck a knife (or whatever) in them?
I took it as he tried to connect with them and start the expansion, but they weren't strong enough, which caused them to burn out and die.

>Why did he store their bones unceremoniously inside a cave on his planet?

Maybe some part of him was sorry for what happened to them. Or maybe he just didn't give enough of a shit to do anything other then just dump them.

1/2 because tl;dr

>Why did he think killing Meredith was appropriate?

My guess would be that he wants to indoctrinate his kids when they're young and haven't developed a "mortal" moral compass that may stop then from committing galactic genocide. As such he needed to take Peter when he was young. He would have known, or at least realized, that Meredith wouldn't let him take Peter with out her and he would have known that Meredith probably wouldn't have approved of his plans either, because of mortal morals.

>Further more, Peter would have naturally and or eventually sought out Ego on his own volition

And how would young Peter have done that, if he was on Earth and never picked up by Yondu?
As for adult Peter. Ego obviously wanted to start the expansion as soon as possible. Why then would he just sit back and twiddle his thumbs waiting for (and hoping that) Peter would find him. And note that Ego doesn't start looking for Peter until he hears about the infinity stone incident. Ego had probably just written Peter off as another failure until that point.

Every time I see him I think he's Jeff Bridges. And every time I saw Jeff Bridges in the last Kingsman, I thought he was Harrison Ford.

Yeah, that dialogue sure was spectacular.
I could have used some more turd and nipple talk honestly.

Maybe you should get your vision tested.

Regardless of whether he was a good villain or not He had an amazing penis.

When I realized this is the main plot and the main big bad I was very disappointed. Made the entire Guardians 2 way worse. Yondu was great at least.


>first encounter with Avengers
>quips ironically about "telling you muh evil plan"

>last encounter with Avengers
>unironically tells them their evil plan

Wow Whedon sure is a master of subtle deconstruction

Do you realize that "British humour" and "toilet humour" are not mutually exclusive?

He though he'd finally found a kindrer spirit, the one that would understand him.

Starhawk shouldve been the father