How can you sit idly by while innocent Syrians are dying? Something must be done

How can you sit idly by while innocent Syrians are dying? Something must be done.

>muh poor a-rabz

I love this meme. Once Trump continues the CIA's policy of nation building and interventionism the clowns on Sup Forums will pretend this was the plan all along.

lets just kill them all so there won't be any syrians left to die

syrians killing syrians = doesn't matter
america killing syrians = doesn't matter.
ruskies killing syrians = doesn't matter.


Only a God could fix this garbage dump of a world. I shed a tear for those bastards but it's actually people like the Clintons causing the trouble by funding/supplying rebels.

A piece of sand can't do shit against a mountain of corruption in this world. I'd probably kill myself if I didn't have hope that God will fix it all. This time of ours will be a massive lesson in the future of what not to do.

All I have been able to do is help legit refugees who come here from such places and help them get good jobs and their kids become tradies, engineers, doctors or scientists. So far have only been able to help two families, a drop in the ocean.

Not a loli
I don't give a single fuck desu

It's not our problem. Bullshit happeming across the ocean doesn't matter. We shouldn't get involved in dumbass shit happening on the other side of the ocean.

we're not sitting idle tho
we're backing the rebels

people die every day why are syrians special?

Why would I help a people that would never help me?

>muh poor a-rabz

Your tax money is funding this shit and you pay higher taxes for it. Wouldn't you prefer your taxes spent on you? War is a massive scape goat in stealing money and lives from the american people. The only reason you don't give a shit is because you are NEET and suicidal.

Well maybe they should stop dying

There are literally millions of people dying in wars across the world. I guess Syrians are the only ones that count.

Lemme think....

Perhaps because i'm not Syrian and i have no reason to care about a far away country and its society that i have no meaningful ties with and owe absolutely nothing to?

Do Syrians care about the well being of all the European nations?

There are no innocents.

Can't see it from my house.

If they don't look like me I don't give a shit and it ain't my problem.

Lets flood the west with refugees and let them rape our women. For progress, for tolerance because white people are evil.

You're absolutely right, we need to give Assad nukes and end this shit once and for all.

That's right, we need to stop trying to get in the way of Russia's anti-terrorist operations.

You don't get it.

This is literally propaganda to make you think supporting the rebels will help, when that is actually the cause.

The world is fucked and I try not to watch too much of this shit because it is fucking disheartening the suffering happen while people like Trump and Clinton spend billions on media shilling/campaigning instead of helping their people.

Humans aren't capable of leading themselves we are tribal in the end since we keep hurting ourselves to gain a benefit over anyone else.

You're right. A whole lot more sandniggers could be dying if I enlisted in whatever military group is killing sandniggers these days

>Wouldn't you prefer your taxes spent on you?
>spent on you
No refunds

>War is a massive scape goat in stealing money and lives from the american people
Americans love war, fact.

>you are NEET and suicidal
nice projection Mimi

USA voted Trump. I think it's done.

>How can you shitpost on Sup Forums while innocent people are dying? Something must be done.

Yes. Let Assad and Putin restore order in this dump. It will hurt a little but it will be over soon enough.

we are doing our best, fuck you

How can you tell others to do something you aren't willing to do? ... Go to war yourself you fucking chicken hawk.

Well the rebels aka ISIS are there. So everyone is getting bombed

what, more syrian deaths?

Its easy.... you get a Starbucks with trumps name on it, prop your feet up, and turn on CNN and watch it.

Personally, I am tired of the Liberal fucktards using America as the worlds Police Force and Welfare Department. They have no problem throwing away American Military Members lives and flushing away shit tons of American Tax payer dollars on the latest trendy bleeding heart bullshit.

Lets "#Make Universities Great Again" by "# Drain the Liberal Swamps" by instituting what a lot of countries mandate with 2 year mandatory military service.

well said

>keep up the good work

the only thing to be done is stop funding the rebels

You can go join the Syrian Army if you care so fucking much

I agree, we should nuke them all now to end the suffering. Would make a great space for a mall.