What do we do about the piss under the urinal problem?

what do we do about the piss under the urinal problem?

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Kill yourself.

we can use computer vision to detect a violation and then a laser burns your penis

Sit down and pee like the beta faggot you are

Not wearing slippers in public like a nigger would be a good start.

Contribute and all your problems will go away

U dun peed on your slippys

Holy shit this.

Wear boots like a man and not wear moccasins

we kill the jew

>mfw whenever at a public bathroom i go into a cubicle and just piss on everything, and if I need a shit I do it in the sink

Pics or it never happened/happens.

Stand closer, or push harder.

Piss on the back wall of the urinal? I always hear dudes pissing full blast down into the little pool of water at the bottom. I mean, if you like piss water all over your pants, go right ahead

>tfw can't pee in the urinal when there are other guys in the bathroom.
Why should I feel bad about it, peeing in toilets or urinals is not natural, nor is peeing right next to other people.
Men are supposed to pee against trees and fresh dewy grass, not porcelain shapes.
So what if I have preserved a few hangups from the forest pissing days.

We found the YPPM lads!

Urinals are for animals, real men use the private stalls.

>not turning around with your back to the urinal and lowering yourself until you're close enough to piss down/backwards into it without any splash

Is this the dude who would say "time to PEEEEE" when he did it or was that another

Beta detected

>Expert mode

Stand far bad with a wide stance and dick stretched forward as much as you can. I would rather splash a bit on the already unwalkable territory than get a small bit on my shoe


There is actually a meme for this. I cant find it but basically you hit the bend on the outer rim right where it corners towards the back. Prevents splash back. Terrible directions but if you try it you will never piss in one any other way again.

i was thinking like a squirt gun that shoots your piss back at you but this is better.