This movie is 10 fucking years old

>this movie is 10 fucking years old
Where did the time go, Sup Forums?

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6 years

You meant Iron Man, right?

It aged like milk, looks like a 20 year old movie

Whedon overrated shit

Pretty crazy to think that a few years ago, the idea of a massive movie universe of interconnected stories was considered a pipe dream. Now they're popping up all over the damn place.

Will be interesting to see if the trend is still alive ten years later.

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Looks like a PS2 game

No? It came out in 2012. It's 2022. 10 years.

>10 years ago
>still the best marvel movie

>still the best marvel movie
Which isn't saying much.

and still better than any DC movie

No but you know what did come out 10 years ago?

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>there's only one God, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that!

what did Whedon mean by this?

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Someone hasn't seen killing joke or Red hood. Sure marvel has the lock on live action for a minute but DC has been fucking killing it on animated films for decades, even the Tv shows are wildly popular like Batman the animated series, justice league and teen titans. Marvels living on borrowed time, once dc gets it shit together they will be stomping live action too.

based whedon, i look forward to seeing the blu ray raimi cut of avengers

Disney bought time and is in talks to serialize it.

>killing joke
top kek


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Im not old enough to feel old but youre making me fucking feel old

It went into the beautiful memories and adventures shared between you, your family, and all of your friends. Time is nothing but the seeds of dreams and our dreams are nothing but fertilizer for our futures. Embrace time as it rolls on and do your best to be your best; love your family and friends, never stop improving yourself, and diligently pursue your deepest dreams.

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you saved my life. thank you

nigga can you not count?

>killing joke
user... Red Hood was also one of the last ones with good animation

Where did the time go.

This feels fucking ancient. I remember sitting in theaters at the time going, "So I'm seeing another superhero movie, huh? Boy, they sure have been doing a lot of those lately."

That thought feels so fucking novel now.

>We're never going to have Spiderman saving helicopters by constructing a web in between the Twin Towers

Not gonna lie, I hadn't really thought about them missing in the skyline for awhile until Homecoming.

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>tfw 20 years later I still haven't seen it

Feels good to be free from Sup Forums cancer.

Remind because I don't keep up with world politics
Is India a superpower yet?

>dat thor vs ironman scene
We will never see heroes fighting heroes ever again.

I remember bugging my dad to take me to see it.

Fucking muslim ruined the best scene of all.

it had the best Loki outfit, wish they'd bring it back

Why not?

>Sony movie
>not even Spider-Man 2

Is it 10 years because Spidernan Homecoming fucked up the timeline? When does it take place again?

Nowhere you fucking idiot. You keep watching it 4 times a year, every year and have done so for 10 years. Consider what a complete waste of time and money that was.

how bloated is Infinity War going to be?

Too many hands in the cookie jar and not enough unified vision, this is what is wrong with today's caperino flicks.

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>Everything after this movie
Let's all pretend Hawkeye matters
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver not mutants, comic start saying they were never magneto kids
Civil War plot is that the idea of avengers was a dumb fucking idea
Vision, OP powers sits out of almost every fight

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