Net neutrality could be on the chopping block...

>Net neutrality could be on the chopping block. The principle that any ISP must permit access to any content regardless of source, net neutrality may be threatened by president-elect Donald Trump's new administration. Before the election, Trump called net neutrality a "top-down power grab," using it as a prime example when he promised to "reform the entire regulatory code" in order to "eliminate our most intrusive regulations." No one really knows if those words were just campaign talk or if as President Trump will push to dismantle the policy, according to The Washington Post, but the signs point to net neutrality coming to an end.

>Odds are that Trump, along with a new FCC head, to replace Tom Wheeler (pictured above) and an approving Republican-controlled Congress, will make net neutrality an early target. The current net neutrality regulations may be altered or reversed or the incoming administration may find ways to work around them. In the minds of some who object to unfettered internet service, net neutrality needs to go solely because any and all federal regulations, especially newer ones, are bad for a free market, constitute overreaching, and are unnecessarily complex. Most arguments against the open internet that net neutrality ensures are based on financial, political, or philosophical objections.

>Without net neutrality, ISPs could freely control the amount of bandwidth allotted to content providers. Rather than allow consumers free and equal access to all websites, with controlled access Time Warner, Comcast, AT&T, and other ISPs could vary the download speed of specific websites, demand payment from high traffic, high-bandwidth content sites -- Hello, Netflix, and free porn, for example -- and even block sites. Net neutrality prohibits those restrictive practices.

Fuck yeah!

We won, guys!

Net neutrality is finally dead.

Finally, free market can do what's best for the consumer.

I'm glad Trump won, but net neutrality is a really good thing. The backbones aren't saturated and the ISPs have no business prioritizing certain traffic over others based on the source or destination. It all depends on what the clients are doing, which is none of their business. They're just a small part of the circuit. Proper bandwidth management can still be done without undue interference like this. There just needs to be more ISP competition to give people better service (which is the real problem and doesn't have much to do with net neutrality).

Shut up, socialist.

This is a good thing.

We need ZERO regulation in this country if we want to be great again.

The Internet is the one thing your dumb ass country got right in so fucking long, burger. Please try not to break it since it's not broke. You've got real problems to fix.

We need sweeping deregulation.

No brakes.


Are you actually supporting net neutrality?

Fuck off, commie.

The EU is against net neutrality
Think about that

shut the fuck up leaf

Are you some kind of corporate shill?
If information from a site is consuming more than its fair share of bandwidth, it should pay up or be restricted. All net neutrality did was give free bandwidth to those large corporations that provide content.
The only reason the public was onboard was "muh evil cable companies"

Im gonna be straight out honest here.

I don't know what the fuck all this means.

Net neutrality is necessary as long as ISPs monopolize
Only when network becomes a truly free market net neutrality can go

This is why people think Trump supporters are dumb.

It's probably just an American thing though.

And how did net neutrality help?
I don't see any new ISPs popping up by the handful like you fucking nitwits thought would happen. Dumbfucks.

HAHAHA Trump Supporters will not have to pay extra for internet use

Thanks Donald for data caps MAGA


Corporations should never have to suffer because of the government.

They're the job creators.

>it's a redditor posts a sarcastic passive aggressive response and thread episode

I am so glad I've never financially supported one of the big providers of internet.

Don't blame those who have, you're pretty much monopolized, but while the smaller town internet that I have is fairly expensive (9Mbit/s for 45/month), it also has no data caps, and no throttling. I get ~1 MB/s in actuality, and that is regardless of what I use it for.

>wanting cable companies to be able to block websites

Am I missing something? Why is this a good thing?

Fuck off, shill.

citation needed.
When if ever has a cable company blocked a website?

why aren't we talking about the real problem
paid shills

I want these kike social engineers dead

at&t blocked Sup Forums I'm pretty sure
I want reddit to leave.

Plutonium in baby food wont make America great again dumbass libertardian

>smaller town internet is fairly expensive, no data caps
>smaller town internet
>smaller town

Even though regulation is typically used by corporations to tighten their monopoly, no regulation at all leaves consumers vulnerable.

eg: The public pays for infrastructure {like internet lines, both the backbone and the local lines} which is owned by the government. The government is bribed to sell it to a business so that they can charge people money for it. Rebuilding it not only costs money, but the years it took to build it, not to mention the companies that own the infrastructure will easily be able to bribe lawmakers to make it illegal to compete with them, at least for a while until a lucky combination of factors allows someone to break through perhaps.

It's like you haven't seen how this has all been going down since forever.

No, you've got it completely wrong.

Traffic from different sites doesn't *just* happen. It happens because clients connect to them. If clients send or receive more traffic to/from them, it's because they chose to (and clients cannot receive more traffic from them than they expect either, TCP flow control prevents it).

Bandwidth management makes all of these clients get a fair share. It does not matter what sites they connect to. They pay for bandwidth, ISPs must provision enough uplink capacity for it.

Charging the sites for the bandwidth is just them trying to add a "toll" to the last physical mile of the connection to their clients (in addition to charging the clients for it).

It's kind of like if you went on a paid road, paid a toll, and then they asked you where you were going, and then made the business you were going to (even if at the other side of the country) pay a toll too, even though that road was just a tiny part of the trip. Really they should just make sure the road has enough lanes for everyone and that's it.

And the issue is not large corporations getting "free" bandwidth, the issue is that they would pay to bypass unnecessary bandwidth restrictions while other sites might not be able to afford it.

Ideally Internet traffic would have some sort of hop-by-hop encryption that would make ISPs unable to spy on and tamper with the traffic in this way. Because it's really none of their businesses.

this means companies can charge more money for using your internet for specific sites so if they wanted they could slow down your internet if you are using youtube, etc

You want to see ISPs pull shit like this? This is the kind of thing that Net Neutrality prevented from developing.

The free market is self-regulating.

Tort laws are all the regulation needed.

>Sup Forums hates net neutrality


Well, that's retarded.

wew now it's going to be like fucking buying channels just to access fucking websites at full speed.

If Trump fucks NN then the internet is going to go down so hard and it will clog the shitter with every inch it sinks

>the net Jew needs to be BTFO.

>jewcast just rolled out data caps in my area
>for the past forever I've probably been using over 1.2TB/mo
>they only now get all pissy about it
comcast can fuck right off with this shit
too bad I have no other viable options to switch to

It didn't suppose to
What would help is to make sure that large cable companies can no longer wield the power of the US gov to keep their monopoly positions

Fucking CTR, JTRIG, whatever the fuck faggot acronym you niggers go by, do you all REALLY think we're this stupid? Stupid fucking question I forget you all have you heads so far up your asses so of course that's what you delusional retards think.

You seem to think we don't realize no matter how many liberal buzzwords you dress it up with, that you're all promoting censorship and anti 1st amendment freedoms with this, and not ONLY that laughable attempt of getting people to support the policing of "Fake News" for normies on Jewbook.

But ok, keep trying to convince the part of the internet that was pro #Gamergate from the very beginning, pro net-neutrality, against giving ICANN to the UN, and all for publicly pointing out all you sorry ass shills like the literal garbage and stupid filth that you are.

Fuck yeah, we need asbestos toilet paper again

Where is this from? Is it just speculation on something that might have happened but didn't?

Yeah. It happens. World of Warcraft was blocked from one ISP for a while despite discussions between the companies a first time, it happened again.
I can't remember if there was something involving NetFlix too or if that was just a hypothetical, but it sounds like something that would happen.
Sup Forums images ALWAYS load for me at dial-up modem speeds despite the rest of the internet being fine.

People in the USA already complain about ISP monopolies. Some cities have zero competition. Zero. They have no choice but their really horrible ISP. Service goes out, oh well! Service gets slow, too bad!
Like this guy:
Canada has pretty bad pricing. A lot of ISPs charge per BANDWIDTH. Sounds archaic, but it's very prevalent. "Oh sure we can give you a pricing for unlimited bandwidth, goy, for a premium."

they're so great at sniffing out nonsense political memes from the left but they're still susceptible to it from the right
if you're on fucking Sup Forums and you still think net neutrality is a bad thing then you're being fucking had by cable companies
if trump repeals it you're gonna find out firsthand real fast why it was so important, but it will already be too late and you let it happen

The God-emperor said it was bad, so now it is bad.

Honestly I think he just misunderstands it. I hope he backpedals on this. He just wants to shake things up I guess. But the lack of ISP competition is the real problem. Net neutrality just stops them from providing an even worse service to their clients and from causing trouble to the rest of the Internet just because they can.

He's got other shit to worry about though.

No it fucking isn't you retard, if you let corporations do what they want they'll form cartels and screw everyone over. A corporation would be stupid not to. There is absolutely no reason they would want a fair fight.

>We need ZERO regulation
>be great again

But you just elected the first president to run on a protectionist platform in 100 years.

Removing net neutrality but still allowing companies of the like of (((comcast))) to wield the legal power of the US gov won't help the free market

>Net neutrality is finally dead.
Net neutrality is a good thing, corporatist fuckwad.

I already pay 80 shekels a month
they want another 50 for unlimited
and I only get 50/15

the next best option is $25/mo DSL
fucking DSL

if he actually kills net neutrality then he's officially a sellout whore in my eyes
it's hard to overstate how important it ultimately is, now more than ever
the cable companies and their bought politicians are gonna try really hard to play on ignorance, just because trump won doesn't mean we should stop being vigilant to their games

Didn't Obama give the internet away to the UN or something? What came of that?

>Trump busts net neutrality
>All websites get sucked into Google, Facebook, other giant companies
>They all decide they hate the alt-right and enforce PC rules
>Alt-right shitposters autobanned
The more I think about it the more I like it

I'll oppose this with every fibre of my being, desu.

Do you want toll roads everywhere you go? No? Then why the fuck do you want net neutrality gone?

They're against it because they know that it'll let them throttle the non-corporate (read: dissident) sections of the web into unusably slow shitholes.

Its not a real ad if that is what you mean, its just what would be possible and what ISPs were testing the waters with a few years back. Comcast for instance started to massively throttle all video streaming services for awhile. Netflix working out a deal to not be throttled is what kind of what seriously started up the NN debate.

>you cannot create new websites anymore ever
fuck off

well they can rest easy knowing that comcast was given more influence and power over them since they seem to love that idea so much

They mean that "net neutrality" where you can tweet about killing all whites and nobody will care and your complains will be dismissed, but dare you ever mention blacks, that kind of neutrality?
Big IT companies got may too much power over people's minds, and they aren't shy about using it to own's advantage, so "net neutrality" should just go fuck itself in trash bin.

Net neutrality means that ISPs can't throttle traffic based on the source, my ignorant foreign friend.

Shill, troll, or just retarded? I can't tell.

Tbh you can be against net neutrality but not until all ISP lobbyists have been removed

burger forget he's using a proxy.
gas yourself.

How is this a good thing?

Nigger are you retarded? There is nothing "free market" about letting net neutrality die. You know the news media is owned by 6 different mega conglomerates? Comcast is one of them. If you love being a fucking sheep, then prepare your anus for comcast Haji love. You won't be able to get on this site for one, let alone stream your black cuckoldry porn without paying more shekels.

>people actually prioritize the freedom of comcast over themselves
you're buying into bullshit from bought politicians and it's making you a fucking bootlicker
i swear to god you'll believe anything if it's from your perceived "team"
killing net neutrality is the wet dream of everything you hate, the entire establishment, and it's not okay just because they might manage to cajole trump into doing it

No, retard. That's not what net neutrality is.

Net neutrality is concept that no internet traffic is prioritized over any other traffic. So your shitposts to Sup Forums don't have to wait in line behind Finkelstein News Corp's Zionist propaganda blogs, instead, it's first come, first served.

The end of net neutrality basically means Sup Forums and all the other alternative corners of the internet get slowed the fucked down in favor of kike media.

this entire thread is one huge shitpost from CTR fags
basically net neutraility is good and if you think otherwise you're either a shill, retarded or pretending to be retarded

why the fuck would you want to kill nn? How fucking blue pilled can you get. Get the fuck of Sup Forums and pol.

Not without paying a new corporate gatekeeper a shitload of money for something that used to be free. Oh, maybe you can shop for the thing that used to be free, and compare prices! Isn't the free market magical?

If you weren't a hypocrite you would view this as more than a simple issue of "net neutrality = bad".
The propaganda for the conservatives is to associate and make a story about how net neutrality is bad. The propaganda for the liberals is usually more superficial than that, like "we're the good guys. trust us." and then they fuck us as bad as the conservatives and nobody notices it's them doing it.
Corporations can get lobbyists to deliver laws that benefit themselves, which is why "regulation is bad". It's only bad when it's done that way. Regulation is not inherently bad. Benevolent companies are a minority, and they can't compete with ruthless ones. You are all going to get fucked unless you're a psychopath.

a-at least you can ban evade, r-right? Eheh. Hooray for shitposting from commieblocks, comrade!

He's a businessman. Sellout would be the most expected thing from him. In fact I expect him to sell a lot of power to existing politicians and for things to be mostly status quo. The only difference is there will probably be some new bidders this time instead of it being all from the shadow government.

You're too naive to think they give a shit about people like us, and anyone who needs it for business purposes can easily do so when they pony up the money. Small businesses, fuck 'em. Filthy consumers can be herded like the chattel they are. They don't need any more freedom than the businesses allow them. It will also be much easier to manipulate them politically and ideologically when they're segregated. Perhaps they can even destroy the pesky "moderates".

Yeah that would suck. Large corporations could buy speed from the ISPs (instead of this being driven by the clients directly). And then they would become difficult to displace.

I think he wouldn't eliminate it completely though. It would cause too much problems.

It could end up just being a way to tax Silicon Valley a little to maintain their speed, and it would still be as fast for everyone else. Still a bit shitty on principles though. And a slippery slope.

Could be much worse than that too.

I'd keep a close eye on this.



This. A thousand fucking times, this.

Ending net neutrality is one the most kikey things imaginable. It will give them even more power to shut the little guy down.

Free market ideology in a nutshell:
>I don't want the government to oppress me, that's the job of business!

being this retarded.

>there are some people on Sup Forums that legitimately think net neutrality is bad

Yeah have fun paying extra to go on Chinese cartoon website just to troll you dumbasses


Just because it's coming from your side, doesn't make it good.

As Hitler said: Capitalism and Marxism are two sides of the same Jewish coin.

Heil Hitler.

Actually, as much as I hate it, you make a good point.

Even though Netflix makes out like a bandit, Net neutrality does have it's silver lining concerning the less resourceful alternative media and other niche sites.

I guess I'll put up with it until we win the propaganda war.

We have single ISP in my area and our provincial government protects them. 80 bucks a month for 5mbps and they can charge whatever they want because we have no defence against it.

hahahahahahahaha. Here's the world without nn in pic related and you call someone else a corporate shill?

a million times this
stop jerking yourself off over the potential benefit to business and understand the consequences it will actually have in your own fucking life

>with controlled access Time Warner, Comcast, AT&T, and other ISPs could vary the download speed of specific websites, demand payment from high traffic, high-bandwidth content sites -- Hello, Netflix, and free porn, for example -- and even block sites
How is this a good thing?

I'm a Marxist. I would be thrilled to hear your explanation of how Jewish trickery has caused me to confuse anti-capitalism with capitalism.

>Net Neutrality destroyed
>ISPs decide you don't need access to malaysian basket weaving forums
You guys are goddam fucking idiots.

Net neutrality should not be ended at least until "the swamp is drained"
Otherwise you're just picking another boot

a candian understanding his shit. Wtf is wrong with you americucks.


jesus shut the fuck up.

Yes Ahmed. You are a corporate shill.
That never happened, so no argument.

>Net Neutrality destroyed
>ISPs decide you don't need access to non-mainstream political opinions

you are dumb even for a leaf


>we want something
>your common enemy does this as well
>shut up
Well fuck you too ahmed
Don't you have trash to import

My point exactly.

>That never happened, so no argument

>I'm a Marxist

Neck yourself you sad globalist piece of shit

>net neutrality dies
>anti-neutrality fags realize what they just did

>"Exactly my point."

That whole article is a heap of shit. "Odds are", "may be", etc. They have nothing concrete, just idle speculation. How the fuck did this non-article get published? Oh, that's right, gotta push the "Trump is a fascist'' narrative.

I am so sick of being manipulated by these fucks.

this thread is proving to me that Sup Forums has been full of conservative shills all along.

I think you're misconstruing the position of my post, you fucking leaf. Read it again.
>thinks neocons and liberals are actually opposed to each other and not in the same bed
Then again I think you might be legitimately confused or retarded. Keep drinking that MSM Kool-aid that people actually have a choice when they side with a (((political party))) in the oh so free United States of AMURICA.

Globalist, what the fuck does that even mean, do you think that offends me?

>all these people who don't know how harmful no net neutrality is
It was only 2 years ago that the sopa/pipa thing was extensively covrered on the chins.
Makes me think that everyone against NN is either a shill or underageb&

net neutrality started because ISP's wanted to charge more money to CONTENT PROVIDERS like youtube because they took up more bandwidth than some joe schmo football fansite.

its that simple.

the big tech companies got scared and made a bunch of retards on the internet afraid that it would turn into cable television. the theory is that google would pay more and get more and somehow joe schmo's internet would be throttled, which makes no fucking sense.