Was he a good or bad president?

Was he a good or bad president?

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Terrible president.

Great guy who i would hang out with.

I mean Not good but wasn't like terrible...
just really generic

Shit tier ... a squarking chicken that did shit all and split your society when it was getting better for all areas . Obama the drama banana fucken chimp

Barack Obama is extremely charming and likeable so people with little political knowledge tend to think he's the messiah.

He also has statistics behind up. After taking over at the nadir of the 2008 recession, it's almost impossible that you weren't going to create job growth but he's praised for it anyway.

He killed Bin Laden (and I shit you not our journalists are such cucks they CONDEMNED THE FUCKING KILLING), re-established ties with Cuba and decreased the amount of troops in Afghanistan.

But national debt is now $19 trillion, he's still a war hawk despite people glorifying him as a pacifist, median incomes in the US have fallen in the past decade, income inequality is rising at a rapid rate and black and whites hate eachother more than ever before. He also has a tendency to create frosty relations with anyone the US isn't a hardcore ally with (like the UK) which pisses me off desu.

Overall not a nigger communist as a lot of Sup Forums says but not Jesus Christ like Tumblr says.

I say 6/10

Awful president. Typical liberal douche.


did we have SJW's or BLM 8 years ago?

we've taken a huge social step back

Probably even worse than Bush Jr, and holy shit that's a hell of an accomplishment.

Well he causes civil wars in the middle east during the Arab Spring by supporting rebel groups. Destroyed Syria. Caused the deaths of thousands of people. Inadvertently created a terrorist organization in the power vacuum left and caused the European Migrant Crisis.

I fucking laugh when people say the Democrats are better than the Republicans when it comes to war.

Pretty meh.

Pro: Killed OBL.

Con: Implemented retarded health care plan.

Pro: His personal electoral success masked the catastrophic electoral failure of liberals at every other level of government (outside of California) during his term, giving them the high degree of undeserved self righteousness and complacency that led to Trump.

how many people are still in gitmo barry
how's the 4th amendment doing
how many wars are you currently engaged in
what was that simpson-bowles shit you pulled
why did you abuse title ix

oh yeah and this

Syria is undeniably worse because of Obama.
Obama somehow has Israel AND Palestine hating him at the same time.
Yemen despise him because he's backing Saudi Arabia who are making Yemeni children starve to death.
He claims to want Assad dead because of how evil he is when there are arguably tens of dictators in Africa that are just as bad (they don't have that petrodollar though).

I don't think it's possible for an American President to have a non-shit foreign policy.

>Was he a good or bad president?
the US state department sponsored the abortion lobbyists here under him and Clinton so for me he was the worst US president in history.

Easily the worst in history.

Hitlery had the potential to be worse, but that bullet was thankfully dodged.

>Killed my town
>Enacted social policies that gave DSS the ability to destroy my family
>Raised taxes
>Made it near next to impossible to get affordable healthcare

This guy fucking ruined my life, at times not even indirectly.

>shit foreign policy

Why can't we just stop? Sorry world.

T-Trump will be different.

Definitely Worse vs. Maybe Better or Maybe Not

Hmm, tough call.


Hold up hold up Hold up hold up Hold up hold up Hold up hold up Hold up hold up Hold up hold up Hold up hold up Hold up hold up

just a puppet

Bottom 5, the past 8 years have been a cultural disaster and who knows how the history books will view us.

Just look up movies from 2008-2106, there has been a few entertaining ones but none fall under anything I would call a cinematic classic. As for literature I can't think of a single book released after 2008 that will be defined as 'the book of our time'.

The economies been shit since 2008 and after 8 years you can't keep blaming it on Bush.

Race and gender relations have been destroyed mostly thanks to the government believing/creating lies.

The administration destroyed Libya for no just reason and tried to destroy Syria.


Greatest President since Roosevelt

Obama still hasn't explained why Robert Creamer visited the White House so many times.

That is because novelty is dead user. Timewave zero soon.

>and the nigga failed

History books will sing endless praise for both Obama and the cultural developments of his time you retard. It has been a new golden age for Hollywood and internet media.

Sup Forums, nazis and backward conservatives don't write the history books.

No idea but he has riled these niggers up ten fold.

You could relax around blacks back in 2000, even up to 2008.

He was JFK incarnate. Horrendously bad President but charismatic and so he will be remembered as one of the great ones.

Best president ever, he managed to kill half a million muslims. 30k in Libya and 470k in Syria.
And he also killed 10k slavs in Donbass.

I know this is a troll reply but I'll bite for any dense motherfuckers reading.

Look at the 1970s, for most people is a remembered at one of the shittest times in America, the counter culture from that era is what is praised today.

True, it was a non issue


Oh wait you're Swedish never mind.

Is the country better off? He's had the press up his ass for the last 8 years, yet look at how many seats the dems have lost since he's been in.

>Used reconciliation rule to pass Obamacare
>Russia, China, Philippines, and probably more leaders think he's a pussy.
>How are race relations?
>Learned about IRS scandal and Hillary's email server from the news like everyone else...Kek
>Military seems to have been neglected
>"You didn't build that. Someone else made that happen."

I could go on.

Obama came in trying to make America more fair and just, for some people, and ended up not getting results for anyone. He made decisions based on ideology.

Hopefully, what we get with Trump is pragmatism.

7/10 Nice to see someone competent after Bush, but the war with Republicans has been an eight year dumpster fire.

He did better than I thought he would, but far worse than a competent president could. He came in with zero experience being in charge of people and his entire political career had been spent campaigning except for 3months where he was actually working.

His big failure is that under his leadership the country is more divided than ever.

He's a nice guy and he didn't bring us into a nuclear war so he's ok I guess. Probably not the greatest president, but he is no doubt a highly intelligent human but his skills and personality don't correlate well with leading a super power nation.

1) Made Obamacare which is a mess.
2) Told some people to kill Osama
3) Raised national debt by an astonishing amount
4) Thought he was cool pulling out of Iraq only to end up sending troops back towards the end of his tenure.

About all I can think he did.

Typical lazy Google. 8 years of we was kangs...economy is fucked...Obama care is a Google.

Hopefully President Trump fixes what this nignog fucked up.

Will Americans ever vote for a negro again? Lol NOPE