Explain This De/pol/rables

>Fugitive rapist
>Russian puppet
>Admitting to being politically biased
>Leaked info provided by Russian hackers to manipulate the election
>Is considered a hero to the deplorables

>Risked his life to reveal the truth about Government breach of citizens privacy
>Kept many damaging files withheld
>Non partisan
>Is considered a traitor to the deplorables

How dumb are you?

Other urls found in this thread:


Both are traitors and need to swing from trees. btw, nice proxy kike

Remember everything you learned about media narratives, then re-read your post.


How dumb are you?

Explain to me why tha fuck the new mastermind of CIA appointed by trump needs Snowden killed?

Why do you assume we don't respect both? Is it because your mother and your father are brother and sister? Is it because you are a retarded inbred Muhammadean cold fucking sack of camel shit?

Can't we just drone this OP?

Many of the political leaders of your """"""movement""""""" think of him that way

>Betraying traitors makes you a traitor


Snowden: hero.
Assange: narcissist.


Who let you out of the cave?

>alive, in Russia

Assange is better off

> Fugitive rapist
> Russian puppet
Whats wrong with that?
> Admitting to being politically biased
Whats wrong with that?
> Leaked info provided by Russian hackers to manipulate the election
Or 400lbs neet virgin.
> Is considered a hero to the deplorables
Hillary was endorsed by KKK, nothing wrong with that.

> Risked his life to reveal the truth about Government breach of citizens privacy
Pretty much everyday of Assange's life, if he's still alive that is.
>Kept many damaging files withheld
So he was never in any danger?
>Non partisan
Not an argument.
>Is considered a traitor to the deplorables
>Sup Forums is a one person
Get the fuck out.

Snowden is a complete autist. He literally believes that "freedom" is internet privacy. Nothing else. As far as he is concerned he is totally free in is Russian hotel room as long as he has internet access. Imagine what that is doing to the subconscious of millennials? That they think what this man does is important?

I think both should be pardoned, but I can see how snowden causes an iffy situation for the US. Pardoning him would set a precedent for actual traitors. Perhaps they should drop the charges against him, but bar him from the US for life.

Kikes, please bomb this stupid sandnigger.

>leaked info
>politically biased

Assange is a dick, but they're both alright really.

fuck off Yassir.

Wow, now you can commit treason against other people's countries.


you forgot to call Assange a pedophile

always shoot a traitor before an enemy, jimmy. assange isnt an american