Police force elderly Hotel Owner to house African Illegal Immigrants on his Property

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Nah, he signed a contract; the mad man get 30€/day for every single of them.

sign this contract or else!!!

7 actually, and that's why he didn't want to let them in anymore


tell the whole sotry...the old man has a failing hotel.
>goes to police to say he is ok to host refugees.
>he get to know they will just pay 7 € for each one.
>changes his mind
>too late to stop bureaucracy
>this video.

Only 30€? The cheapest hotels are like 80€ here. In a month the nogs will probably do 20.000€ of damage

7€ wtf? If he dropped the price to 20€ he would be full most of the year

>Only 30€? The cheapest hotels are like 80€ here. In a month the nogs will probably do 20.000€ of damage
He will serve as example.

Fun fact: one small pension near my house has housed 14 african dindus. Their only access to town centre is a small road passing through the property of an old, crazy armed redneck.
An old woman who cleans there said the dindus are holed up in the hotel because they're afraid of him (and the rest of the town, we're all armed). They came here in January, never even saw them once, except for 2 senegalese housed in another small center in another town, working in a farm nearby and they carefully avoid eye contact with anyone staring at them from the street.

Doubt it,theres nothing to see in Rovigo. Also, Veneti are the terroni of the north.

Italy is going to turn into a Greece-tier disaster within the next three years or so.

Correct price is 0, that's place is unfit for anything else.

Pretty much correct, the coops are linked to government parties. While he was wiretapped Buzzi said that's migrants make him more money than heavy drugs.

What ever happened to consent of the governed? If he changes his mind that should end this. Especially if he didn't sign anything.

Wait for the referendum results to come in. That's when shit will get real.

He didn't sign anything, he showed interest in hosting immigrants but when he found out the government was going to pay him 7€ per day he backed out

Still, he's a cunt

you mean the Brexit referendum?

This, never trust the government. I guess he also pays all his taxes, what a fool

>the taxes of the italian citizens pay for housing foreigners
That enrages me even more.

No, I mean your referendum.
If Renzi resigns it will be a disaster.

Are you on internet explorer by any chance?

Listen close, here's the deal
He'll slip and slide on this banana peel.

>implying any prime minister except those from anglos countries would step down because of a referendum in the current year

He's staking his political carrier on it.

Not really, he said he won't resign if the No wins, but his power will be weakened
If he actually resigns though, M5S would easily win the elections

You are so naive, now that he got the chair, he won't leave it so easily, you fool.

He's still gonna stay until the end of the current parliament's term in any case, mark my words

How is this even happening in Italy? For all the shit we give the country, it's one of the more "racist", poor, and religious countries in that part of Europe. By most metrics they should be like Poland in terms of resisting the shitskin invasion, but instead (despite their poverty) they're going full on France with their leftist cuckoldry. I mean holy shit you see shit like this, plus their spending their precious resources on staggering welfare and having their navy "rescue" these savages directly off the fucking north African coast and then ship them the rest of the way to Europe.

What the fuck are you people doing?

>M5S would easily win the elections
Only in the chamber, in the senate however...

You make it sound like he's an evil mastermind.
Did you vote Yes or No?
Would you vote for M5S? Do you believe in chemtrails?

It's very simple. Italians are too busy self-loathing to do anything. Italy is the eight biggest economy in the world and the third most important member of the EU. They could cause change within the organization. They could change things. But for some reason they just want to do what they're told. They lack good leadership and are too busy bitching about how Italy sucks to fix this shit.
In Italy even people on the left are against immigration.

>Do you believe in chemtrails?
Nobody does, it's leftist propaganda to discredit M5S. The MSM have them under fire 24/7, it's disgusting.
That alone should tell you who to vote for.

We are wasting dozens of billions per year in tax evasion and corruption, and the M5S is the only party doing something about it. The remaining ones just want to keep their privileges and fuck the taxpayer to appease the EU commission

I'm not a grillino, I don't believe in chemtrails, I'm going to vote NO
I just want this government to fall as soon as possible

>like poland
>their navy

How about you go fuck yourself?

>and the third most important member of the EU.

I assume France and Germany are ahead of them, but wouldn't Belgium or Spain come before Italy does in prominence?

Sadly M5S doesn't want any coalition with any party, they would crush PD for good

>but wouldn't Belgium or Spain come before Italy does in prominence?
What the fuck? No.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Everyone thinks that Italians are useless. Even the Italians.
But Grillo and M5S haven't even stated a concrete policy yet. Isn't that why they are under fire?
Who do you want to replace them?

>But Grillo and M5S haven't even stated a concrete policy yet. Isn't that why they are under fire?

ssshhsì don't burst his bubble. I'm still laughing my ass every time I think about Rome or Turin

I would be content with PD, Lega, centrists and FdI crushed enough to wake the fuck up and become the honest version of the parties they were really supposed to be, just toss Forza Italia into oblivion imho desu

Raggi is qt though.

How is she doing? Is she as shitty as everyone thought?

>But Grillo and M5S haven't even stated a concrete policy yet. Isn't that why they are under fire?

They don't have one, it's a pure protest movement.

I'd vote Lega Nord if Salvini proposed good anti-immigration policies, I don't care if he's not fit to be premier, someone needs to do something and fast, because there are riots all over the country, the media just doesn't report it, and the immigrants are still dying in the Sea

The problem is the political elite being too far removed from the common citizens, doing pretty much the exact opposite of what they ask
once you get there you're untouchable, why would you care about the ones who put you in charge?
It's been like this for ages, sadly, and an armed uprising is close to impossible because of collusion with criminal syndicates and retarded gun laws
Just do us a favor and glass the whole place


Heh, at least the comedian has a sense of humour about it.
Has Lega Nord conclusively distanced themselves from wanting an idependent padania. Is the whole Salvini con Noi thing working to get voters in the south?
So what, other than nuclear oblivion, can be done?

I'm from Rome, she is not doing goodz though it couldn't get any worse than it already was in the last 10 years

>But Grillo and M5S haven't even stated a concrete policy yet

No more illegal immigration
Package of anticorruption laws
Church starts paying taxes

Trust me, that's all you need to clean the books and make Italy Great Again. Simple solutions work best, despite what the intellectual yet idiot crowd babbles about.
Rome was ruled by Alemanno, right wing (last seen in Buenos Aires with 2 trolleys full of cash) then Marino, left wing (his party was taking order from a fugitive anarcho terrorist with one eye and two gypsies). These two forces combined have managed to default the City several times.
Somehow it's Raggi's fault. Compare to the attacks Trump received by the MSM.
Torino was ruled by Fassino (left wing). He gave popular houses to gypsies. Appendino (M5S) is kicking them out, fighting urban decay and reducing public debts. The forced veganism thing is the usually leftist propaganda lie.
Parma halved public debt in 4 years of Pizzarotti. Livorno improved as well. Ask anybody from those cities before regurgitating propaganda.

Meanwhile right/left/center parties are getting their mayors incarcerated for mafia. They are one and the same, united under the common purpose of stealing whatever they can before the ship sinks for good.
But we will win in next year's elections and feast upon their tears while we send them to jail to the last

Is she better than the other guy? Ignazio I think his name was.
>No more illegal immigration
He said that? Link?

>Rome was ruled by Alemanno, right wing (last seen in Buenos Aires with 2 trolleys full of cash) then Marino, left wing (his party was taking order from a fugitive anarcho terrorist with one eye and two gypsies). These two forces combined have managed to default the City several times.

Like in my chinese cartoons!

I though in Rovigo you could only choose between working on the fields or bottling fog as professional careers

Shoud've paid the protection money to mafia. Then he'd been left alone.

what's your idea, then?

the alternative would be uncucking the Constitution and replace the whole Parliament with loyal people, but I don't see how it could ever happen

Kek, Ignazio Marino was kicked out by his own party, what a bunch of retards, he was doing pretty good too

>why would you care about the ones who put you in charge?

I heard he got into a spat with the pope over fags.
>would be uncucking the Constitution
How? I take it not with this referendum.

>t. Ignazio Marino

Alrighty then.

>what's your idea, then?

Revoking the Lateran Treaty and leaving the eu/nato would solve most of italian problems.

Uh, not NATO.
Definitely don't leave NATO.

>replace the whole Parliament with loyal people
Just cut down on privileges, make it being a member of it a civic duty and honor, like M5S are doing. Laws against corruption, lobbysim and conflict of interest, like M5S is doing.

I wonder why they are not collecting signatures for a Referendum with these objectives in mind. It would get to millions and force those cucks out

Bit of a shit post but what is the mafia doing?

>it's one of the more "racist", poor, and religious countries
you mean the south. I live in Toscana and we aren't poor, and the majority of aren't racist or so religious

>Definitely don't leave NATO.

What is it good for?

*majority of us

Mafia brings the niggers here and enslaves them, of course
I'm sure they own most of the cooperatives too

>like M5S are doing
Someone didn't see the rendiconti dei rimborsi here
Fat chance they've made plenty laws while being in the opposition

Technically, mafia refers to the criminal syndicate of sicily. Then you have the camorra in campania, ndrangheta in calabria, etc.
Further, this happened in the north. Not exactly sure of who controls that.
And finally, the mafia are bringing the migrants in for money. That's what they do.
Defense. It in no way impacts you negatively. Focus on the eu.

some parts hinder foreign policy (muh 'war is bad' meme) and give too much power to the wrong people (muh 'politicians shall not be prosecuted while in charge' meme)
Also a lot of useless bureaucracy

Yeah, that's the peaceful option, but we need to push it further

This guy gets it

>some parts hinder foreign policy (muh 'war is bad' meme) and give too much power to the wrong people (muh 'politicians shall not be prosecuted while in charge' meme)
And Renzi's referendum won't fix any of this?

A little under two weeks till the referendum boys.Remember, VOTE NO.

Italy should do it's own Brexit and just say fuck the EU !

Do you live in Sicily, Sardinia or Naples?


From who exactly.

>It in no way impacts you negatively.

Are you kidding me?

>Focus on the eu.

How about you focus on my dick?

Renzi wants to make an EU Army, he's all for it, even if we get out of NATO we'll be stuck with the EU

>From who exactly.
I don't know. Right now? No one.
Certainly not while your prostrating yourself for the highest bidder. As the Chinese and Arabians buy your whole country.

Btw what happened to i maro?
>Are you kidding me?
What has it done?
>How about you focus on my dick?
Will do. Post it.

Extract from art 75 of contitution
>A referendum is not permitted in the case of tax, budget, amnesty and pardon laws, in authorization or ratification of international treaties.

> this hotel owner inquired the government about how much he would get to house "syrian refugees"
> government says 7 euro each a day
> hotel owner says no thanks
> months pass
> hear a knock on the door
> police tells you that since "you showed interest" your PRIVATE PROPERTY is being seized

> how much for the car?
> 10.000 euro
> i'll give you 100 euro
> no thanks
> months pass
> police here, we're here to seize your car since you showed interest in selling it. here's 100 euro.

>art 75
Jesus fuck how many articles do you have?
The american constitution has SIX! (seven if you count signatures)

Marò are safe and sound here in Italy, but fuck India seriously

>but fuck India seriously
Besides their shitty diaspora infesting your street, what did they do?

>if we give money to NATO, the Chinese and Arabs will stop buying our country
you just went full retard, user

his referendum is a fucking joke
>Parliament won't be directly elected anymore
>EU laws integrated in the Constitution
>affirmative action for women
>the government can change laws more easily, even the Constitution
if YES wins we'll become as (((tolerant))) and (((accepting))) as Germany and maybe Sweden


You don't give money to nato. You give money to your own army which goes towards nato "branches".
Ah. So absolute garbage then.

The main italian problems are as usual corruption and clientelism, it's like that since the ancient Rome. Also nowadays we have to deal with interferences like cosa nostra, 'ndrangheta, masonry and vatican. Anyway we're not a shithole of country and milions of people from all over the world come here every day to visit our cities, and a lot of amerigirls come here to get fucked by our italian sausages

>What has it done?
Why don't you ask people from Sardinia or Sicily if they like the bases on their beaches, pollution from bullets and jets flying over their houses all day.

>Do you live in Sicily, Sardinia or Naples?
All the "refugees" are sent to the north, they don't keep them down there.
They need to enrich white people, not their own.

Thing is, nobody seems to understand that "insieme comunitario" and "EU" are NOT the same thing
This shit makes me furious

Okay. Are you from Sardinia or Sicily?
If so: do you like the bases on your beach? What is your opinion on the pollution from jets?

>EU laws integrated in the Constitution
They already are, smartass
Just because art 117 will say "Unione Europea" instead of "ordinamento comunitario" doesn't mean it has a different meaning before

>The main italian problem
This is a map of mid-sized companies in Italy.
After all the money we sent them, they still can't figure out how to use the wheel, fire or a written language.

I truly know now how the belgian felt with the congolese.

Dude, if we put "Unione Europea" we'll be stuck in the EU forever, don't you see?
They are already doing everything to make sure that Brexit won't happen.
They'll use that with us if we'll ever try to leave.

>teh arabs

Saudis are main nato ally in the middle east.

>What has it done?

You mean beside the refugee crisis, the depleted uranium issues and the political interference?

>Post it

Ok, rate.

It's not like we can vote on international treaties anyway

You're the user who fucks nigerian hookers?
Small benis :DDD Maybe it's just the pic.
Aren't you gonna get a disease? Why aren't you fugging nice Italian girls?

How much for the prostitute?
I bet 20 euros max

>If so: do you like the bases on your beach?
I wouldn't have problems with sharing bases with allies if those bases and allies had a purpose and were useful, but NATO is just a way for America to make everything it wants around the world.
It has in no way protected us from anybody and nobody believes in their nuclear umbrella anymore.

We might not be able to vote for that, but the government can decide for us.

Sardinian here
I don't want your fucking bases here
You are polluting good beaches

So maybe, rather than leaving nato entirely, reduce the amount of bases to just one or two. Then if a war starts up again allow more. But it's currently peacetime so you don't need too many.

You have bigger things to worry about in olbia.