Bored with life and contemporary cartoons

>bored with life and contemporary cartoons
>start reading things like mcfarlane shit such as spawn out of curiosity, even though its supposedly bad
>i love it
So whats the preferred method of suicide now that ive contracted terminal shit taste?

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You have to go deeper before you can take the final plunge.

You must read....Evil Ernie.

If you’re reading old image stuff then just read the Maxx, Big Bang Comics, and the stuff Alan Moore did.

>You must read....Evil Ernie.
Dare i ask what this is
What did alan moore do for image?

You should like what you like and not apologize for anything. One of my favorite characters is Lady Death, you should check that out too.

Judgment Day and Supreme

Honesty the Spawn movie is decent and really underrated. Yes it has some of the worst CGI in the history of ever but still.

Evil Ernie is the edgiest edge lord constructed for maximum edge. An unrepentant serial killer resurrected to lead the zombie apocalypse so he can extinguish all life on earth and be with his waifu.
It's great fun. Evil Ernie.

Preferred method of suicide afterwards is gorging on baked beans.

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What the hell was with edgy characters in the 90s and smiley faces. I mean troll had it, and sugar man from x men.

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I unironically enjoy image and dark horse more than yhe big two for a number of reasons.
>yeah its an edgefest but at least it jas that. Most marvel and dc is just 6 pages of characters talking bookended by 2 pages of action on both sides and 2 pages at the end for resolution and next issue setup.
>i know image/darkhorse does it too. Bit they have way funner and campier shit.
>theyre EC comic but with superheroes.
>The dark horse twilight zone stuff was great.
>The fact that savage dragon can literally devolve into porn and not bat an eye.
>spawn/savage dragon/shadowhawk/lady death
>insane crossovers with predator, terminator, judge dredd, batman, robocop, alien, superman, wolverine, punisher.
>the endless Grim-Dark.
Its almost never boring and its semi-self aware writing is so much fun

It's not shit taste, you just broke free of the false narrative that Marvel zombies imposed on readers.

Maybe it’s because he use to use it but I can’t help but imagine Ernie sounds like Jim/Mister Metokur.

It was a baby boomer symbol that the free love generation popularized. So it was a good target for Gen X cynics to toy with.

Don't forget Bodybags. Literally designed to distill 90's edge into a clear liquor.

I used to love Spawn as a kid but only for the costume design (powers are kinda cool too I guess) I had a Spawn game for the Gamecube that I played obsessively but when I finally got my hands on the comics I was real disappointed. It's just the mythology of the character in general is nonsensical at best and fucking boring at worst. Kind of a shame really, I get that Todd wanted to break from the typical Superhero formula but he is not a good enough writer to make the alternative work.

Kek, thats pretty funny actually

Lady Death is unironically good or at least it was in the 90s when Hughes was drawing her, have not been following her or Pulido since she was at Crossgen. The cosmic/biblical settings and battles were so epic

Is spawn really bad? If so then what's bad about it?

Nothing wrong with it my man. Better for people to read shlock themselves and decide whether or not it's good than parrot what Linkara and other low effort internet commentators say. '90s comics are perfectly acceptable reading and that knew what they were dumb shlock.

If you like it you like it who cares? Better to like shit like Spawn than shit like Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.

It's a guy who can't write or coordinate comic panels trying to tell a philosophically deep, complicated story with several subplots. So every Todd issue before he finally gives up on drawing the damn thing ends up as a bunch of static pinups of Spawn standing around accompanied with a fucking essay of narration boxes that say absolutely nothing of value. And then the next page you'll be staring at some other side character stand around and muse about nothing. And then you'll switch to Hell and listen to a demon screech about nothing for a page. And then you'll go back to Spawn for a page. Etc.

It's a goddamn mess and a bore. There's exactly ONE page with any sort of panel-to-panel kinetic action in Spawn #3. That's the kind of benchmarks we're setting here. One page out of 24 where two panels have actions relating to each other.

Watch the HBO Spawn series
