What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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>I am a huge faggot. Please friends, stuff my slutboi holes with your mandicks.Watch you don't get cut by the cards up my ass.

Am I a retard, or wouldn't a lot of the duplicate fossils kind of help prove macro evolution even more?

The thing is they're all the same 250,000 species, where are all the intermediate forms between the known species, the missing links?

Yes, he's retard.

That's what I mean. We don't have a lot of transitional fossils (as far as I know, this might be a better question for /sci/) but the quantity of the transitional fossils we do have proves that species would live on as a different kind of species for a long time before changing.

Would you believe that Darwin already considered the issue and put an explanation into writing that makes a lot of sense?

Also the author of that comic straigth up does not know how fossils are gemerated.

Many of them were most likely not fossilized. Fossilization isn’t guaranteed to happen. Specific conditions have to be met, and the fossils we’ve discovered respresent a mere fraction of animals that have actually lived.

>sarah palin
2007 was a the last good year. it's all been shit since.

>people caring about shit beyond their scope and control.
Unless it's your job/passion hobby I never understood why people shit their pants on things like this being true or not, it doesn't get you a mate, a good job(unless you are working in that field as already stated) and really will have about as much impact in your day to day life as figuring out how many times your neighbor farts in a year. Just live the life you want and use your energy for betterment of your life.

>Just live the life you want

That's how a lot get trap in this immature throw down. Many are kids which makes sense, a 16 year old won't have much else going on so arguing evolution, or god or any of that is a time killer for their empty lives and usually when you get older they start to think like you or understand life is worth more than fighting over the details. However you get some that never live the life they want(their fault or not) and they are just stuck in fighting empty battles because what else do they have worth doing?

people care because the underlying implication of anyone denying evolution is that everything was created as it was by a god a few thousand years ago. the problem with that is if you honestly believe that then you also want to rearrange the very foundations of society around this assumption rather than that the world is governed by certain objective laws of nature. in practice this would mean throw out everything that isn't the bible, it's all worthless because god did everything. because of this I'm going to keep caring by calling evolution deniers a bunch of inbred mongoloids who should be ridiculed and shunned by civilized society.

I did read he considered the issue, so I guess it would make sense that he'd have an explanation for it.
Honestly I haven't read the theory, I just have the general idea.

>They used to say that about Reagan, too.
and they were right

>Evolution is like Yu-Gi oh! cards
Nah, it's more like a box of chocolates

All fossils are intermediates the more "missing links" you find will only cause more "missing links" to exist.
Arguing with creationists is like trying to explain something to a little kid that keeps going "why?" long past the point where any explanation can be applied and then tosses out the explanation for how the tv works because you can't explain why certain quarks spin certain ways.



I dont understand why creationism and evolution have to be exclusive. Why cant god create life AND evolution happen?

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thats basically what the catholic church's stance is
and regardless of one's opinion of the Catholic church you have to admit they're not idiots

they know evolution had to have happened

>Why cant god create life AND evolution happen?
IF we're created in gods image and then evolved, that would mean god is a monkey.

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Why can't God be a monkey? He's God, he can be whatever he wants.

Because of a mediocre interpretation of a version of the Bible only in place because a king got tired of his wife.

It could have just been a slow process to a final product.

Wasn't the Fossil archetype in Yu-Gi-Oh an anime exclusive?

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Palin? This comic is almost a fucking decade old. Why bring it up now? The republicans are basically a completely different party now.

That's the spirit. The Holy Spirit.

What would you describe as a transitional fossil? No species would live long enough to form a population and become fossils if they weren't fully functional and adapted to their environment. People often think a transitional form is something like a cow with a dolphin tail between land mammals and a whale.
Creationists like to say there are no transitional forms, but don't actually know what one would even look like.

We actually do have something like what you described. Quadrupedal creatures with skeletons structured similarly to modern cetaceans, found in an area that geologists believe was coastal at the time the fossils were most likely formed.

We have those today even. Manatees look like an intermediate between hippos and whales.
The main issue is creationists want a catch 22 situation.
>Where is the half bird half dinosaur? Hah! Gotcha evolutionists.
>How could something with half a wing function? It couldn't fly. Hah! Gotcha evolutionists.

>Defend Reagan
>"There's no such thing as evolution."
>"But there IS such a thing as survival of the fittest, it's exemplified by the rich, and we should give them huge tax breaks so they can use their money more responsibly than the average person would."

I mean you can actively simulate an evolution pathway over the span of a week by playing with bacterial cultures. Their reproduction speed is fast enough. There's also dog breeding, and labs use rats all the time. Genetics labs love to force fruit flies down bizarre evolutions to see what it does to their genes.

>IF we're created in gods image and then evolved, that would mean god is a monkey.

Perhaps our consciousness is what's in God's image?

Fossilization requires specific circumstances. So it's only reasonable that there would be "duplicates" of creatures from the same species/time period/region, but also "missing links" that didn't exist in the right time and place to be preserved.

He meant "look at all my words"

What is with this anti-intellectualism? As a, you, know, being that is a result of evolution, even basic knowledge about the topic leads to greater understanding about yourself and life in general. It is enriching and straight up leads to the betterment of your life, if in an indirect way.

How do creationists explain crocodiles?

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Punctuated equipibrium. Populations tend to evolve (the alleles in their genome change in concenctration) relatively quickly when poorly suited their conditions, and relatively slowly when well-suited to their enviroment. There will always tend to be more enviromentally suited fossils than transistion fossils (links).

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>Where is the half bird half dinosaur? Hah! Gotcha evolutionists.

I imagine the first issue is that certain families of dinosaurs are actually bird-ancestors.

Why is there an orc just casually hanging out with them? Why are they lusting over the twenty year old version of Boo from Monsters Inc? Why is he seriously comparing evolution to Yu-Gi-Oh card types?

It's kind of interesting to look at the intersect and geographic/demographic overlap of creationists that insist that there's no intermediary phases and white supremacists that insist blacks are underevolved subhumans.

>Believe in evolution

But evolution is a fact

Saying "there are still missing links" is like asking someone to cut all the corners off of a square, and then berating them when the resulting shape has more corners.

They became the party that Palin was turning it into.

Thinking anything is a "fact" is pure hubris. Everything is interpretation, nothing more nothing less.


then my interpretation is that 2+2=5

But can you defend that interpretation mathematically?

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can you defend creationism scientifically?

Nope, and noether cna the idiots that actually subscribe to it.

That's legitimately the best explanation for that that I have ever seen.