A french Sup Forums PRO-TRUMP user goes at an ANTI-TRUMP manifestation in Paris


Please tell us if you watch it on your local TVs guys. :)

Other urls found in this thread:



beautiful, the JVC seems dank af

well done guys hope you can get Marine to make France great again

Melenchan will open your borders


good taste

Absolute madman

Hopefully the muslims didnt behead him


>That Misaka Mikoto shirt

A warrior

Those people aren't even french.

Can't stop the Trump !

weaponized autism




holy shit this is actually real

no, thats the shittest taste one can have, retard

Why are there protests over Trump in fucking Paris? Not the one in Texas, the one in France

Why do we care? Its not like other countries have to like our president, most Americans don't even know who the President of Europe is, or whether or not that office exists

Its not like we'll abduct Algerians just to throw them back out

Because french people are retards just like the democrats :D

The president of Europe was Obama actually.



look video to jvc 18-25 member guy youtube.com/watch?v=Q4HbK_tAFcI

cringy shirt m8

fuck the leftist

Looks like a muslim.

O shit

Literally gestapo

Here he is! Good job mate

you don't look french to me

hi there honourable keklar

Good to see you still alive, bro



Sup Forums is becoming too powerful

How can you say anime isn't redpilled?


he delivered

You magnificent bastard, you have my respect.

Immediatly some obvious dindu voice shouts racist at him. Kek.

>Lôw energié


Arise, my brother desu!

Bien joué l'ami.
Les chiens de l'état t'ont laissé partir après la vidéo ou bien ils t'ont emmené au poste pour te ficher comme un méchant nazi d'extrême DROOOOOOOOIIIIIAAAATTTE ?

So what did the police say to you? You did nothing wrong, did they try and stop you from going back to the protest?

Je suis cet user.

Good job

please join the police force and beat the protestants to death

This. 2016-11-19 is the only logical date format.




There is no 19 month

what is he being arrested for?

You autist

gj "misaka_mikoto"


Good job, you madman.


Bien joué khey


In French right..

Because in France we use :


Absolutely madman. Job well fucking done. Also, nice shirt.

post more of Best Girl



doing god's work brother


>1 post by this ID

>shitty battle harem anime shirt
>practically or literally a shitskin
>open treason against your country by supporting a foreign anti-European politician

never forget

bien joué

You're doing God's work, frogman.

>weeb shirt
jesus christ


He's less anti-european than all our Soros funded politicians.

the god

based frog, I respect you folks a bit more now.



Fucking gold brother pure gold
Fuck the leftest indeed

>Misaka shirt
Absolute madman.

>worrying about the elections of a country other than your own
I've never understood that. There's cuckery somewhere in there, I just can't pinpoint it.

Sup Forums doesn't count, we're all memeing here.

trust me none of the Police in france like Clinton or Muslims

They are just doing their job and getting rid of a cringy weab degenerate

Why are "French" protestors shouting in fluent English? Methinks the Soros doth protest too much

How does ruquier remove his condom ?

they only took me out of the protest so the antifa couldn't beat me

they let me walk awyay

>"low energy"
lost it

Really Deplorable!

Did they love that sweet anime shirt ?

You showed them boi!

Who are you calling a traitor? Pull the plank out of your own eye.


>Using english
90% sure they weren't even French to begin with.

You've done God's work.

T'aurais dû gueuler "Dédicace à Clément Méric".

Good job


Pure dankness, Frenchie. Happy to hear the antifa goons didn't kick in your backdoor. Good work reminding them that the times, they are a changing. Enjoy these cowtits.

Holy fucking cringelord.

Why does Trump attract autistics? These are exactly the type of people that get bullied,when there is no politically correct social concept of not bullying retards.

>not worrying that a neighboring country may elect a complete retard and bring poverty and refugees to your region by the millions
did you learn nothing from germany?

êtes vous, oserai-je dire, notre homme?

On what grounds did they take you out? You weren't causing any trouble. You were at a protest, you were simply protesting.

If somebody attacks you because of a sign you were wearing, perhaps THEY are the ones who deserve to be arrested.

The complete protest:

Definitely more than 200 but definitely less than 2000.