>drumpf literally advocating for safe spaces

>pol will defend this


Other urls found in this thread:


>chimp out
>get called out on it

I see nothing wrong. those nig nogs need to be taught a lesson

It's more of his patented 16D-chess
Make the libshits reconsider safe spaces



That's not a safe space you retard.


How can you not love this guy.

using the weapons of the enemy against them is a viable tactic in the grand war.

Trump is the fucking man and he's right. They paid to see a fruity play. Not listen to contemplate the political wisdom of a gay black theatre arts major in tights. People need to start getting called out on this shit.

>triggered republitards

Supporting childish rule by a mental midget. Kys boot licker

>m-muh safe space! MUH SAFE SPACE

So America really did get the first female president after all.

I doubt he or Pence give a shit about what happened they're just trolling these faggots and pointing out how dumb it is to cry for safe spaces if someone says something mean.

So do you support freedom of speech or not you bagel

Yeah, he's turning their terminology against them. Clever. I'd wager Bannon is already giving good advice.

That's not what happened though, you stupid cumskin.

using the left's weapons against them

now they either have to agree with trump or go against the idea of safe spaces


the difference between this and the concept of safe space is that a safe space is a designated area
trump wants all of public to be a safe space because he ran for president without realizing that the public shits on the president every day of the week.

Everyone should just chimpout at the theater
t. OP

Yeah, because chimping out on Twitter is so much more dignified.

>I was only pretending to be a faggot

>safe space
He meant "the cast and audience isn't supposed to abuse, harass and bully innocent punters" you stupid fucking dildo.

>criticizing something online
>chimping out
Get you brain examined you dumb nigger.


It's a president's one weakness

other than street parades

and polio

You guise!!!!

Stop harassing the vice president by saying boo to him, you guise!!!!

There's free speech, and then there's harassment, you guise!!!!


Don the Con is so fucking clueless it's embarrassing. Pence didn't even give a shit about that and probably knew what he was getting himself into going in.

At best he's using their bullshit against them but that's not the strategy I would take.

Freedom belongs to those who value it, and must be denied to those who would restrict it.
No free speech for leftists.

Hello freech

> asking an establishment to remain non-political (and polite to its guests) is the same as demanding it conform and support your political activism

His phrasing was meant to trigger people like you.

>more dignified

No, but it's far less disruptive and nobody pays for a ticket to twitter. Nice attempt at framing it though

Of course Drumpfkins need a safe space. They don't live in reality. They want to live in Drumpf World where everything is free and Jews don't exist.

That's a little different. For one thing, it's not the SJWs definition of a "safe space". For another thing is not an area where people are meant have a dialog. It's like eating at a restaurant or watching a movie. If you are at a place not meant for outside social interaction, it's considered rude to do what they did.

You guise, Pence PAID for it!!!!!!!! There was MONEY involved!!! Just like with Trump University!!!

(But we don't speak about that.)

Me neither, it feels strange, it's a strategy that brings failure.

> asking an establishment to remain non-political
It's a play about politics. What do you expect.

Hamilton is literally a zenith of leftoid self-delusion, by them and for them. It's like if a known anti-Semite (in the correct meaning of someone hated by Jews) walked into a synagogue in the middle of a service. What did he expect? A musical? Hamilton isn't a musical. It's drug addicts rewriting history to fit in with their sick ideology.
Why would people who rewrite history in the service of racial supremacism and central banking be reasonable people?

It really is 25-D transdimensional mancala

Also train stations
and world fairs

>Criticize an up-tight liberal theater actor that can't even keep his opinions to himself because there is a politician in the room with whom he disagrees with.

>GUISE!!! Why are you being so prudish!!

You're getting things mixed up, moron. We are criticizing the snowflake that feels so unsafe that he needs to inform the entire audience.

He's mocking them.

I can't believe you're still posting that after you lost, CTR

and at worst he's an absolute pussy who is too insecure to let even the most minor criticisms go without a response

he's a fucking child

>We are criticizing the snowflake that feels so unsafe that he needs to inform the entire audience.

And we are criticizing the tardflake that feels so unsafe that he needs to inform the entire Twitter audience.

Use your brain, Donald, not your vagina.

>They want to live in Drumpf World where everything is free and Jews don't exist.

Well since we control the government including both houses of congress and therefore the power of the purse.

And concidering that the Neocon Jews are writing totally assblasted op-eds that the door is literally being slammed in their face, I'd say that's where we all live for the next 8 years, faggot.


But he should be allowed to do it.

If you leave the left able to speak up they will fuck themselves with their own hands, if you try to stop them, people will think they are making sense.

The cartoon faggot would say he's a-b testing, I agree with you and say he's fucking up, this is an already tested move not to take and here he is taking it.

What happened?

The theater violated the NAP by denying a service a paid service.

Just because he's a powerful man doesn't mean that you can get up in his face and shout abuse to him and his wife when they just want to have a quiet night out.

That has nothing to do with the SJW safe spaces, which mean "you must agree with my delusional political beliefs or else you'll be thrown out". This is a question of basic common decency and civilised behaviour in public, not censorship.

Dude, it was terrible.

Just terrible.

Someone said "boo" to Mike Pence.


Just like that.

Literally WW3.

>moving the goalposts from safe spaces to randomly bringing up trump university
isn't it goat fucking time jamal?

Yeah, he should be shielded from criticism now that he's gonna be vice president.

I mean, the guy just wanted a QUIET NIGHT OUT. God.

Now when it is out in the open that Trump is not anti-establishment, are you guys going to switch to the guy who actually is?

>And we are criticizing the tardflake that feels so unsafe that he needs to inform the entire Twitter audience.

Whoa....sounds like you're....maybe....Triggered? Do you need a safe space?


>The theater is a safe place, they said.

t. man who endorsed the establishment candidate

>already worst president evear

quit getting trolled by bait you morons
>sage advice /\

>Do you need a safe space?

I'm on it, creating a Twitter account as we speak.

Wait, i dont get it. Isn't theater supposed to be a place for jentlemen, who know how to behave in public? So how could there be someone who makes insults and is rude to Pence?

He's being sarcastic. You're being stupid.

Can someone explain to me why people project certain tones like "whininess" or "anger" on certain Trump tweets? Maybe it's just me, but I always assume a neutral tone for most tweets (or posts here), generally speaking.

I mean, how many times have you posted that you have "lost your sides" when in actuality you maybe just cracked a smile?

Again, Abdul, you've completely missed the point.

But then again, you use words like "tardflake" so I doubt that you're even old enough to go to the theatre, let alone understand basic manners.

>Isn't theater supposed to be a place for jentlemen, who know how to behave in public?

It's a place for people who appreciate a good pussy-grabbing.


Quick, to the Twittermobile! Vent your anger!

And don't forget to bring your fainting couch, princess.

>"We're going to stand up to the establishment!" says man who endorsed the establishment and gave them all the money people spent on him to help fight the establishment.

>go to theater
>get called out by cast because of your political views
>get booed out by audience
This wouldn't happen if we packed all the nonwhites off back to their homecountries.

Because whites are too much of a pussy to speak truth to power?

Got it.

>very unfair!!!
>:( :(
not sure how you can interpret that as anything other than whining

Yeah, I remember when he shouted for Pence to be maimed as he left the theater.

He's just using his position to remind Pence that there are real people who are afraid of what he and Trump could do. No bullshit media fear mongering or miscommunication. Just straight to the point. He had an opportunity to say it right to him so he took it.

The"he's just trying to enjoy a night out" bullshit doesn't work when people were quick to criticize any time that Bush or Obama went to golf. And yes, maining a transition team for one of the three branches of government is at the same tier as actually being on the job as president.


LOL. Cognitive dissonance the post

have you ever listened to trump speak? has he ever sounded whiny? ever?

literally bullshit fear mongering

Because nigger fucking shitskins are not red blooded Americans.

Wow, a SJW is president

>Safe space

How many german girls have you Merkled goat fucker?

Didn't Hamilton own and manage slaves? Why are these people supporting him again?

user, paid protestors are very unfair.


umm...yes? hahahaha

It reads like satire. I doubt Trump is a safe space advocate. Then again, dumb niggers like the OP can't understand how language works past "yessuh massuh" and "nossuh massa".

>red blooded

Speaking of red blood, I hope Trump remembered to change his tampon.


ah yes, those paid professional protestors definitely exist. thousands and thousands of them. definitely real

>implying trump isnt just playing the sjw game so they are forced to denounce their main line of thinking

hes been shit on every single day of the campaign

I think he gets it

>Obama went to golf
Literally 5 out of the 7 days he was at a golf course. He watches sportscenter all day according to USSS

kek. Take that statement to its logical conclusion

People defending Trump's call for safe spaces and saying that this isn't a case for free speech are hypocrites. If they can't see that they are lost in the vortex.


the circular logic in this thread about being triggered and what is a safe space just leads me to believe that yall really ran those buzz words into the ground. Can't even be consistent with them.

Thank you for correcting the record

>Same "German" that was triggered in the last thread

You have nothing better to do with your life, Ahmed?

Yup! Thats what soros money buys you!

during the debates bud

>bu-bu-but anderson cooper was a meany to trump!!!!

you're gonna do it too i bet
