Why do Mexicans hate America? Mexico is shit


because they are not from the superior race.

They obviously do not hate america if they are constantly crossing the border illegally to live here.

Because the political left in America is telling them to. Good useful idiots.

they're dumb.
they're going to leave texas when they take it over and it turns to shit.
brownies are too stupid to realize they're parasites, and thus must be squished. it's better for everyone that way.


They want their land back.

Just butthurt Mestizos, nothing more.

Blame Portugal and North Africa for your problems Mexicants, after Spain and Portugal deported a ton of Moor rapebabies (Moriscos) they were charged with expanding said empires via invasion and eventual conquer/plunder.

Conquistadors = Arab rapebaby convicts purged from the Iberian Peninsula.

Because Spaniards were dumb fucks who thought their empire could last by mixing with inferiors, rather than wiping them out. So these stupid Spanish inferiors ended up creating nearly an entire continent and more of Elliot Rodgers, but instead of gook, it's Natives. And these Elliot Rodger-motherfuckers hate us whites because of this.

Because we fucked their shit up royally in the Mexican-American War and didn't even dignify their shitty country by uniting them with ours, except for the best bits (Texas and everything North of the Rio Grande).

Heritage bro! Family bro!

Wouldn't you be Proud if your family and race is the descendants of female Aztec rape victims?

Wouldn't you be Proud that your whole culture was destroyed by a superior race and then raped into submission by crazy bible thumpers?

What an absolutely grand heritage!

Their tacos are good though.

>start war
>get BTFO
>sell land to pay for war damages
>years later

We dont, Is only pochos, they look at mexicans like lower people, but they dont like when americans look down on them. They look all patriotic and shit but they just dont know where to fit.

The ones who live in Mexico who shit on America are just engaging in healthy national pride. The ones who come here are literally the dumbest people their country creates, and easily manipulated parasites say whatever their masters tell them to.


the ones who come here illegally*

>They want their land back.
They fly the flag in Chicago and shit. That isn't their land.

To an extent, I get it. It's okay to be proud of your heritage in America. There are lots of Irish flags that hang off houses in my neighborhood, but they are next to USA flags.

Holding up another countries flag and calling America shit while you live there.. well. It's sort of like, go back there.


They are brainwashed with this LA RAZA AZTLAN bullshit


I love this part, because fucking NO ONE beats the Spaniards when it comes to killing American Indians.

It was an ugly necessity to Americans...a sport to them.

They don't want to live beside someone that is different, they want to conquer which is what we should be doing.


Spanish have hated everyone since the dawn of fucking time. Hence why the fuck anything.

>typical trump supporter

>assuming I'd register for jury duty.

They are taught NATIONALISM. Their children have 15 minute flag ceremonies in their schools.

We don't, only chicanos.

And chicanos aren't Mexicans but Americans.

why do Hindus love trump so much? I was at the gas station the other day and the clerk told me he supports trump


> Asks why Mexicans hate America.
> Calls Mexico shit.

do you hate chicanos?

Because they want a place with the economy of america with the race of Mexicans. Because our dirt is magic.

>Mexico is shit
The browner, the shittier. Oh, wait...

Of course we do.

I'd imagine it has something to do with the American dream and hard work pays off. work ethic gets respect.

I love America. pls let me stay


are they just Americans in denial who hyphenate in order to have some kind of attachment to Mexico?

Yes they just want to belong to a group they're aren't from.

They're not real Mexicans (sometimes not even in blood)

They're not real Americans.

So they created their own retarded culture.

Then why do they act like shit when they get here?

I'm hispanic of Mexican origin living in Texas. We don't give a fuck about Mexicans. I'm American, I served in the military and I wish we could send them all back.

devil triples confirm

Keep your pointy boots, and cartels, Pedro. Like I said you can keep your shitty food Indians over there. Tex-mex > Mexican food

Also, if you Want to come to my country, do it the legal way.

ty based beaner

t. reddit


Of course.

Trump recognizes the threat from radical islam, which has carried out attacks on india for a long time.

It's the same reason some israelies and jews are supporting trump

I grew up surrounded by spics, they think they're hot shit, they perpetually wear bear goggles and babel fish head phones that translates their sewer tastes are the bees knees.

t. reddit

Lol must be that tortilla math they teach in Mexico.

Mexican here. D.E.N.I.A.L. Also, Cognitive Dissonance. They come here waving their Mexican flags only to beg a white man for a job. They are reminded that they need to live in a foreign country ran by non-Mexicans for a good quality life. They refuse to accept and acknowledge that Mexico sucks not because of the government and cartels but because of Mexicans themselves. Mexico's ultimate problem is the people and culture of Mexico. Instead of making Mexico great again they run off to a foreign country to be under the servitude of whites for a better life.

Same as niggers. They refuse to acknowledge that you're better off a slave in American then a free black man in Africa.

Chicanos still believe that California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are rightful Mexican clay. They're the la raza fags. Hispanics hate them. Why? Because they believe that chicanos are Butthurt and need to get over it and just take the L.

You didn't read my post, we hate chicanos even more than Americans do, in fact your youth seems love them.

Yes, the texmex gastronomy is cool, but it's nothing compared to the Mexican, you wouldn't know because to eat the authentic Mexican food you'll have to visit the south and center of Mexico the north of the country is know for having very few dishes and the little there is not bad but the worse in the country. The only Mexican food you have probably tasted is made by chicanos and remember, Chicanos=/=Mexicans.

Dude they burn US flags, insult the US all the time, and have insane amounts of Pride in Mexico, they even Name their kids El Chapo after a cartel boss and they are always protesting police and fed stuff. They also skip on paying taxes as much as humanly possible. They get in trouble for health food inspections constantly and often get shut down for not having a business license and never giving a dime to taxes. They they all smoke weed that comes from mexico.

They can fuck right on off back to mexico, that kind of crap is what makes their homeland a cesspool of garbage and wasteland.

Bienvenidos al tercer mundo.

t. butthurt for some reason

They're jealous of not being part of the Anglosphere.

thet ID

The ones that unironically hate the U.S. are a loud minority of retards that feel disenfranchised. Funny thing is they are as despised by non-hispanic Americans as they are by other hispanics including their own countrymen.

>they take pride in being from the country they fled
>most of them can't speak neither English nor Spanish properly.
>severely uneducated many are illiterate
>easily manipulated by identity politics.
>they are hated by everyone

Chicanos and others like them have no place anywhere. They live inside a bubble. Where they take pride in being something they are not and have zero understanding of a culture they praise. Think of them as you would weeboos. They never grew up in Mexico and yet they pretend to be more Mexican than actual Mexicans. It's pretty fucking sad tbqh.

Also, the rest of us (Cuban American in my case) non-mexican hispanics could care less about them. We have nothing in common with Chicano culture other than sharing a Spanish origin. They are as foreign as Hatians are to the French.

I've always found Mexican-American pride a strange thing. Same thing with Puerto Ricans; which I find even stranger as they have never been independent. I grew up in Miami and while we do have our Cuban traditions my family was always extremely right wing, patriotic and grateful to this country. If we ever fly the Cuban flag it's right next to the American one. Apart from my mother's side of the family which is Spanish everyone else in my family is fluent in English and U.S. citizens (some are even Canucks). Whenever I see these fucking Chicano faggots being the face of Latinos/Hispanics it always makes me cringe. Especially since they try to act like they speak for all Hispanics like we are some kind of monolithic culture. Same with all these fucking shitty Spanish t.v. channels like Telemundo and Univision which are really nothing more than garbage tabloid news which almost exclusively focuses on Mexico.

Your government has fucked up Mexico and Latin America all throughout the 20th century (Mexico even prior to that). Nothing strange here, just the usual business of the alphabet agencies and the Department of State in the third world.

However, I don't hate Americans per se: they are a victim of their government almost as much as everyone else in the western world. They are a hard working, strong people. They need to wake the fuck up though, considering the leverage they have on this matter.

BTW Chicano culture is absolute shit. They can't even speak Spanish right.

>Yes, the texmex gastronomy is cool, but it's nothing compared to the Mexican

That spicy chocolate is no joke. Lived in Santa Fe, D.F. for a year real Mexican food is top tier.

It's the same with all immigrants. Modern liberalism promotes tribalism and attempts to rally it against the dominant culture.
I wouldn't surprised if the pacos who realize mexico is a shithole actually blame the US, it's riches and it's people for that.

Talking from experience with some bulgarian immigrants btw
>homeland is shit socialist crap
>flee to the west
>suddenly patriot, homeland great, tri moreta, votes socialist

Because we wooped their asses and took half the continent

>they take pride in being from a country that they fled

This is the one I don't understand most. It's like paradox-tier thinking. At least with Cuba you could blame it on commies. Mexico has always been shit.

do you think it's because you're looked down on when you get here because you look and sound like/are a gypsy?

It's probably the desire for belonging, nostalgia, and good old hatred for the west.
>tfw you will never buy gypsy waifu

>Lived in Santa Fe, D.F.

SPOILER ALERT: You didn't live in Mexico

inferiority complex

>Lived in Santa Fe, D.F.


butthurt and jealousy

a nation of butthurt whiney manlet rape babies.

at least not quite as much nignog mixture as brazil, but the tiny little spic abbo equivalent indios are very close

Because they do not know how well they have it.

Bosnians here act the same even though they came from a 2nd world country

I answered you here on this.


If an American called them a pocho, is that like naming the Jew where they freak the hell out and start screaming?

They claim Native status, which is technically considering the geographic location of South Western states. Why they claim rights to New York and such, I'll never know.

Mexicans are a protected underclass, because wealthy politicians won't have Marta around to clean up the mess from drunken wife beating or to walk the dog if they're ousted by common citizens, so they create haven cities and push for funding not-for-profits that transition them into more comfortable illegal lives here.

Leftists have built this system over 60 years, good luck getting rid of it.




We wuz coquistadors

>BTW Chicano culture is absolute shit. They can't even speak Spanish right.
This, they butcher the language and it's one of the ugliest Spanish accents you'll hear. The only ones that are worse are probably Puerto Ricans, they way they speak pisses me off.

What's bad about Santa Fe? Other than it being a hyper rich bubble in Mexico City? It's not like I didn't tour the rest of the country while living there.

Oxaca and Baja were particularly nice.

They dont they love it, they just are proud to be mexicans. Either way if your flaunting a Mexican flag in the USA, you have to go back.

Only if they're a self-proclaimed "Latinx" or some other queer shit. If you really want to piss one off then you call them an "Indio" and watch the rage.

80% of third generation mexican-americans are the product of mixed marriages. More than that speak only english. This is why no one cares outside of Sup Forums