Can you guys please stop talking about college and STEM degrees. And how great your degrees are...

Can you guys please stop talking about college and STEM degrees. And how great your degrees are, how much money you make, and how perfect everything is in your life because of how smart you are.

I'm a 27 y/o NEET failure struggling to achieve a professional life, while dealing with lifelong mental issues stemming from a brain injury.

It just hurts. Your success hurts and brings me down. I come here for politically incorrect shit, not to hear how great everything is in your world.

My fucking world sucks and despite all my efforts, I still haven't made it far at all.


Other urls found in this thread:

Eh, it's not all amazing. I'm an eternal student. Almost 27, working on my MSc, but still (at least) a year away from graduating. It's literally the only thing going on in my life. No work, never did an internship, no social life, can count my friends on 1 hand.

But hey, at least I'm in STEM so I have a future, right?

It sounds like you have a professional future at least. I haven't been able to amount to anything professionally.

Can some1 please explain this "he fell for the stem-meme"-meme? I have a bachelors degree in computer science and I earn 22$/hr + company car (free fuel etc) + insurances. STEM-degrees aren't actually pretty good after all?

same here
25 neet
no degree
never worked
leeching my parents
comfy life
no need to improve
also kissless virgin
don't care
only like to sleep and browse pol

Company car for computer science lol right. You part of the geek squad at best buy LOL FAGGOT

No, STEM is great, it deals with reality.
My point was that despite being in STEM my life is still pretty shit.

Kill yourself. Our nation has no use for faggots like yourself

I'm a robot and I didn't get my degree until 29. It's not too late, bro.

You're never going to succeed if you are hating on people who have success.

tfw I'm so glad I don't have a shit life as a brain damaged loser who will experience nothing but failure, loneliness and pain for the entirety of his pathetic existence.

> tfw 29
> work 40 hours a week in a grocery store
> have excellent benefits
> don't make that much but enough to survive comfortably

No degree needed, pretty comfy life

lmao faggot I bet you're triggered
get fucked I'm making 300k annually being a project manager for tech company

What are you going to do in 10 years from now? The economy will be in shambles, there will be no welfare, your parents will be old and you won't be able to leech anymore.

You're the kind of faggot that needs to toughen up and take life like a man.

lmao faggot i bet you're triggered
get fucked I'm making 950k annually being a urethra implanter for a medical company

I just do it because that's what all the cool people do

I've met many people from STEM programs that have a hard time finding a job, or get paid shitty wages.

I guess to a burger, being situated near the chip aisle could be considered a "benefit"

so you be saying that in 10 years spain will be like latvia?

Well this isn't my situation at all. I have worked many many jobs, live on my own, not comfy at all, not a virgin, etc..

But still. As a failure more or less who struggles with many brain related issues, its killing me reading about all this success on Sup Forums.

Suck it asshole, don't you have some cheeseburgers to choke on fatso?
Enjoy your 7$/hr

lol fucking losers


I'm STEM, 30, and unemployed.
Your appeal to academia is pointless.
As always, OP is a faggot.

I get my Ph.D in six months

Sucks to be you faggot, shoulda pursued therapy like I did

I think the guy you're responding to was saying money and a good job aren't everything. But I also think OP has no job no money and nothing else. Except brain trauma.

No you aren't

if I take everyone on Sup Forums serious the average height is also 6'3

Don't worry OP. If you feel that your life lacks meaning, just apply to be a janitor. It'll give you something to do while you collect all those sweet NEETbux.


STEM was a good field, too good, so the corporations spent money on a massive STEM recruitment drive and now all but the top few (connected) STEM graduates are massively undervalued

I don't have the balls. Sorry. I've considered this many times in life but its too scary. I've just suffered as a loser instead.

I havn't given up, I still want a good professional life. Its just at the moment shits fucked.

Its hard not to.



Thank you sir. *hugs back*

It certainly doesn't feel that pointless when I see so much success around me and online.

Financial/insurance reasons has really set me back on seeking therapy and whatnot. I'd still be willing to get help, its just bullshit. I've tried a few things in the past, certain medications, talking to people, and its just shit.

More or less yes. I have enough money to keep a roof over my head for now, but I have no prospects, no job, no direction, and I don't know what the fuck I want or what to do. I'm debating lately ways to improve my life, but it all feels so wrong. Simply, I don't know wtf I'm doing anymore.

I have a decent professional job but I have "friends" who sabotage me professionally and demean my work (to colleagues, strangers, women) even though we never worked together, and they don't know what I do. Not sure why they can't be happy with my success. Honestly, having friends and a career aren't that great.

haha you drive an overpriced vw.

you don't need a stem degree for a tech job, just solid code on your git repo

I'd give you advice but I don't know enough about you to do so. Neither does anyone else here. It's not helping you listening to the people in this thread.

>muh future
>muh career

I have a STEM degree and a good STEM job in my early 20's and it's fucking gay. I'd much rather be a NEET. grass is always greener friendo

>25 yo virgin
>accountant`s assistant without promotion in sight
>570$ month wage (average in Russia is about 400$)
My life is pretty fucked up desu.

>audi a1

lmao literally a golf

At least my car is not stained by the license plate of a non-country.

I'd be depressed eachtime I see it.

so mental issue I take it you are black, sorry you are a nigger but tuff luck

trust me man it all gets better just give it time I am now in college and in my whole life studying I only achieved like B+ that's the highest rhat I got

What brain injuries?

My brother had encephalitis when he was young. It destroyed his brains ability to regulate the neurotransmitter glutamate. That causes intense and constant depression/anxiety/rage/ocd/bdd.


He's 24, sleeps 14 hours a day because the anti psychotics tranquilize him, and for the hours he's awake he obsess over everything to the point of collapsing from exhaustion from the stress. Every day. For over 10 fucking years.

You cant be that bad?

You know It's bullshit, right? They're going to acquire a few hundred K's of debt and end up working at McDonalds just like you and I. They just come here and pretend like buying into the college meme wasn't the worst mistake they've ever made.

meh I got accostumed to no friends, and desu you don't need friends. but a gf instead of random fucks would be nice

live from the rent

legit stem fags are always miserable because their intellect keeps them from enjoying life

>only like to sleep
>checks flag

Keeping with the stereotypes eh?

tfw i make more than that in a week loading boxes onto trucks

sell memes

>tfw I'm so glad I don't have a shit life

You clearly do though, because no contented person feels the need to say something so needlessly mean-spirited to somebody with a debilitating injury who is simply trying to get their life together.

I guarantee you are miserable.


Literally "I work a menial job and earn a mediocre wage but think I'm better than you" the brand

So what's the true patrician brand, Sedgwick?

wow so pleb, mine is better

Yes, it's a curse. We're too intelligent to want to accept the blue pill

That's true. I try to keep this in mind.

But if you're a janitor then you're not technically NEET, because you're employed..

Well I'm not too worried about the friend part because I have very few and it doesn't bother me. Not having my shit together though, and not having a real professional life and making good money, it eats me alive.

I know that's true. I expected much of the shit talking so its fine. It's just lately the flood of college/success stories is sickening. I wanted to bitch about it from my perspective just for a moment.

Hmmm, interesting.

Germanic white living in US. Mental issues are mostly from a bad TBI i had when I was 10.

I appreciate the positivity and try to keep that in mind. I know things are possible, its just nothingness at the moment.

I was 10 and fell from the top of my garage directly on the back of my head onto concrete. It has greatly affected my entire life. Depressing, extreme anxiety, mood swings - but the biggest issue I've noticed over the last 15 years is a very real loss in clear thinking and rationalizing.

Safe to say its made things harder. But I don't get any gov. assistance of any sort, never have. I've tried meds/ talking to people in the past but with no good results.

I have a permanent, rather large dent in the back of my head, and you can see how my skull shaped around the dent.

I really doubt that mostly.

haha you failed at life

>possible career options for worthless losers

How much do you spend on food and rent in month? It takes from me 200$ and 150$.

>tfw measured IQ of 120, miserable and self-taught, too autistic to go out and get a degree or find work

The Black Identity

yeah I get that Germany has niggers

Don't think having a family or anything makes you a "success"
>at 21
>had first child during 3rd year uni
>left without degree
>shitty call centre jobs for money
>parents made me homeless
>council flat

Now 26 I've only just managed to get myself into a private 2 bedroom house had second child. No money to go back to uni, put on a lot of weight due to isolation from family and failure to get career sorted. Worried that I'm failing my family. I am.

>see pic
>wonder what the fuck is wrong with the license plate
>only realize it's transparent after like half a minute
wew, better lay off the weed

I work for VW and also did a BA in computer science. VW is by far the best employer in my region. You did good son.

Stop whining, serve!

I have faith that things will get better for you user. Just so you know a lot of people like to fib online about their accomplishments and I know quite a few that aren't doing too well IRL who will boast online and make themselves sound way more stable/accomplished than they really are. Like guys that failed out of college a half dozen times and work retail while living with their parents that say they got PHD at 22 and are making 6 figures and drinking expensive liquor or partying all the time. That sort of junk.

The worst thing you can do is compare yourself to someone and get sad about it or use that as justification for being unmotivated and stagnating in life. Channel your anger as fuel to get better. Try to get into therapy or a rehabilitation program to deal with any complications your brain injury might be causing if you can and most importantly, take things one step at a time. Very, very few people get it right or get their ideal lot just like -that-. It usually involves a lot of effort and a lot of failures over a lot of years. Remember that many people like to present a certain perfect personality online and the very ones you get upset at could be total jerks or fuckups IRL or had to overcome way worse obstacles but you'd never know it.

I'm also 27 and in a similar position but I've finally realized that the only one holding me back is me. In the past I'd get really mad and jealous at successful people rather than just realizing that while I may never have their perfect lives, I can still make mine better. The best thing I ever did was take a break from places like the chans and social media (the latter is usually just a playground for people to create what seems like perfect lives to the outside observer while leaving out all the negative or bad parts) and just focus on myself.

You'll get better. It won't happen overnight and it might take years of small improvements but it'll happen.

You are black, aren`t you? Why would parents kick you and your child out of their home?

You sound like you're doing your best in a tough situation friendo, chin up. Bonus points for keeping the white race alive (and not leaving your kids)

>mfw degree in electrical engineering and been NEET for almost a year

Daily reminder, if you voted for Trump and make less than 200k per year you are a cuck. But thanks for the tax breaks I'll be sure to aim some of my trickle your way.

No I'm white
My parents are middle class and I had a child before getting married and dropped out of uni
They were really ashamed of me.
Haven't wanted anything to do with their grandchildren

Your parents are being fags


Lol get fucked, I make over 150k a year being a fry cook at Wendy's + 9inch dick

Such a twat. You gave me a giggle at least.

Sorry to hear that man. That sounds tough in its own ways. I did call centers for a few years, but never again. I absolutely refuse that existence.

Thanks for the positive words. I agree with much of this and I do have hope. Not only that, I'm willing to work and put in the time. Just things as of late havn't been ideal. Especially reading so much online and see all these perspectives. Thanks again, I hope the best for you also.

Hey a degree in EE though, that's pretty fucking impressive at the least.

I hope so, that sweet illusive trickle sounds nice.


You made my day with one sentence. Well done,.

Thats really stupid. Aren't there college programms for people in your situation? Over here you get your BaFöG (public student loan capped at 10.000€) extended for about two years plus free child care and many more stuff. It seems like wasted potential even though our societies need white children. What about the mother?

sure, just as long as you ask like a Supreme Gentleman

Why cant you find a job, user? After economical crisis struck in Russia i spent 2 month to find anything. One of my friend, who worked in logitic, struggled for 6 six month. Now he is translating from english for pharmaceutical company.

Sorry, but they are degenerates. There was no reason for them to treat you like that. Fuck, that is sad. Why are they ashamed in the first place? What about your wife? Did they hate her?

Did you go to college? I'm not sure how the system works over there

Your family is failing you. How is cutting you off supposed to solve any of your problems? They're just trying to separate themselves from your failure, which only exacerbates the situation.

>precarious employment my entire life
>in grad school at 31
Thankfully there's a shortage of teachers. I doubt I'll have trouble finding work, but it probably won't be good work. Either I'll be stuck with dindus in the inner city, or adjuncting at a college until my hair goes grey.

Wow man, you truly are a fucking loser.

any advice for an 18 year old user? Don't want to end up like you senpai

You seen to be able to think better than the average person anyway, simply because you are keeping an dialogue here.

Dont let it keep you down, im quite sure you can find something better that doesnt really demand much tought.

>Phd in math
>any job i want
>300k starting

Aye thanks lads

My two options at this stage are to put my kids and partner through a financial struggle just to finish my degree (and judging by most people on here, that might not even help) or continue losing weight and get myself fit and join the police.
There are some difficult ways of continuing but as I mentioned above it would be a financial struggle. And yeah my partner works as well

They just thought that having children before marrying was common and apparently I wasted my potential.

I had that kind of depression, you really need to try something very small to achieve, something really easy then go slowly, fuck whatever it takes, these fuckers spend their money on hookers, drinking or their wives and children, you stay slow but steady, try something that doesn't make you contact with people, what about learning some programming and do a shitty project? you can gain confidence slowly if you do that.

Tfw you confuse Sup Forums with Sup Forums

I get that you have problems

but can you post about this somewhere else?

I have a degree in History and Archieves. I wanted to be a historian my whole life but right before my last year life fucked me really hard. Because of girl i loved, tbqh. So i couldnt find strenght to take my phd and become scientist. Not like it would help much though. Scientists have pretty shit wages in Russia.

Why would you have a child in uni? Or i didnt want an abortion?


You keep using that word bit I don't think you know what it means.

you are the only one who managed to piss me off, fucking asshole we are supposed to be friends RREEEEEEEEE

That's almost entirely a white American middle/working class thing. Parents don't realize that life isn't as easy as when they were young and could get a home and support a wife and child(ren) on one income and/or want to maintain a delusional 'perfect family' image so they cast the disappointing child out with zero support. Out of sight, out of mind.

Happened to a few of my friends that had kids early. They're all doing better now but would've had it way easier if their parents had offered any kind of support, even if it was just babysitting so they wouldn't have to pay for daycare while working. And in almost every case now that they're doing better, the parents want back into their life, ask them for money or demand that they care for them in their old age, lel.

Thanks and keep looking forward user. Nothing ever comes easy in life. Accept the low with the highs and remember that it's okay to feel bad or take some time for yourself when things get rough. Consider it as adding to your life experience. If you don't already, try getting into a cheap hobby to keep your mind sharp and build some confidence. Could be reading, or papercrafts, or free D&D/language learning/juggling groups or even Pokemon Go gatherings on I've gone to a few social meetups this year and ended up feeling refreshed and invigorated after realizing that I was treating everyone as unrealistically better/smarter/more capable than me because I had closed myself off entirely from socializing with other people. Definitely don't let people here get you down. There's a lot of bitter assholes who just want others to feel as miserable as them. Good luck and I wish all the best for you.

Jeb! What are you doing here???

Dont believe in abortions unless it's potentially fatal to the mum, itself or a child of rape
Also long term girlfriend(now wife)and it just happened out of one of the many many times

Dude, fucking confront them or get the higher ups involved. Actually, just leave and get a better job but for the love of god don't be a pussy when it comes to faggots fucking with your professional life.

Like I ever would, but for that comment no trickle for you.
I'll make sure you get to lap up my trickle.

You know how people say find your passion and you'll never work a day in you life. There is a reason this is cliche, because it's very true.

You are young. You have time to find your passion.

Here is one exercise; make a list of cool things that interest you. then make a list of things that make you emotional, laugh, cry, rage, excited etc. Eventually there will be an overlap of the two lists, it may be a strange combination. But when you think of the thing that makes you want to tear up, cry like a bitch, move mountains, then you're getting very close to a true passion.

I agree with this and have actually been trying some coding on the side. Also debating back to school, or back to the shit workforce which has never worked out that well for me, etc. Just debating things. Mostly why I made this post to cry about seeing others success is because I've been constantly debating with myself what to do next. For a moment I just felt the need to be an emotional bitch, but most of these comments I've really enjoyed.

Thanks man.