Do we know if movie fans even have a clue how important she is if the movies end up remotely close the the comic's key...

Do we know if movie fans even have a clue how important she is if the movies end up remotely close the the comic's key points?

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It's not going to be faithful, user.

What? Why would literal fan service yass queen be important?

The only people who care about this character are those jacking it to her.

Also this.

It seems like a waste to have her established, and not have her take the gauntlet. I also feel like her lack of visibility in marketing is important.

I just kind of wonder how the normies would react if they knew she's the one that takes it off Thanos.

user we're not even sure if Death is showing up in Avengers 4. Nebula swiping the gauntlet is even less likely

I will absolutely challenge you on your rankings of likelihood.

Normies don't pay attention to the plot in these movies anyway, they just laugh at the funny joke and clap at the big kaboom

Nebula ripping off the glove isn't exactly top 5 requested moments to see pulled from Infinity Gauntlet
>Death and the other Cosmic Beings
>Finger Snap
>Cap's last stand against Thanos
>Farmer ending
That sort of thing

lmao who cares about comics

Adam Warlock was even more important for the story and they aren't even using him

They've shown his cocoon like 3 times now in post-credits scenes and in the background, they have to be using him

Am I stupid for liking her character in GOTG2

For what purpose? He has next to no impact on this universe, and he's not even tied to the Soul Gem here. Gunn made it pretty clear hes being used for Guardians 3. Hate to break it to you, user, but they're off the source material pretty often

He is being used for Guardians 3, and that takes place between Infinity Wars movies correct? That would mean he will be in Infinity Wars 2.

>Starts off with Adam talking to the audience and then Thano kicking the shit out of the aspects of reality. Think Doctor Strange learning about magic the first time but Thanos fighting it all.

Last time I checked the current schedule was
>Ant Man and The Wasp
>Captain Marvel
>Avengers 4 AKA Infinity War Part 2
They're not going to wait that long in between installments

not at all. gotg2 is a pretty solid movie and her development in it is good. at the very least, even if you dislike it you can't say that her character isn't vastly superior to what it was in the first movie

No. She was my favorite part of the movie.

I'll agree with your list, except number one. People dot want Celestial stuff, and the universe hasn't been made for it to fit yet.

They'll just give his stuff to Vision.

Well, she went to Xandar and didn't do anything there, and Garthan Saal is already dead. So, that's a big key point gone right there.

>People don't want celestial stuff
Speak for yourself, faggot. And what do you mean it wouldn't fit? Celestials are already a thing, and the audience is already familiar with weird cosmic beings thanks to Dormammu

The Sup Forums tards will say it's SJW pandering to feminists.

Wasn't it?

I thought Karen was fantastic, her awkwardness is deliberate; the whole point is Nebula's humanity has been destroyed and bent out of shape.

Also, Nebula was more reluctant to fight Gamora, implying she was actually the better person.

Nope. I enjoyed her performance and the arc it provided Gamora. Nebula was cool.

I just really hope the rumors about Gamora being killed and Nebula taking her place on the Guardians are true.

Not to mention we literally see a Celestial onscreen in GOTG1. They're tied up with the Guardians as a concept, and since Infinity War is Guardians+Avengers, us seeing them in it wouldn't be unexpected.

Seeing as the original comic is from the 80s, I wouldn't say so

Also she had two movies of getting her shit kicked in so there's that

I was just wondering about the intent behind having her be the one to nab the gauntlet to begin with. I wouldn't even mind if there was some girl power component to that imagery, not that there was any. I was just curious. Thanks.


It just worked very well. She was a tortured zombie mess that was being paraded around for several issues to show off how cruel and awful Thanos was, but wasn't actually doing anything or having any effect.

Her suddenly taking the gauntlet was shocking and awesome.

I would suggest thanos hitting Thor against mjoldir after not being able to wield it, but they burned down that bridge.

Of course they don't