The Red Pill

Sup Forumsacks who call themselves "redpilled" about our society.. how do you feel about this? Do you try to keep a low profile? Do you just hang out with likeminded people? Do you feel like "normies" are just evil, or are they doing nothing wrong by being part of the system? I always try to stay positive and think of everyone as a "good" person even if they're wrong.

I gotta rewatch Seinfeld soon

>Sup Forumsacks who call themselves "redpilled" about our society.. how do you feel about this?

Means too many things to too many people to actually mean anything. It's a buzzword.

>low profile?

Hell no. Why would you do that?

>hang out with likeminded people?

I don't know of any likeminded people, I just hang out with my "bluepilled" normie friends and wonder why I hang out with my "bluepilled" normie friends.

>Do you feel like "normies" are just evil, or are they doing nothing wrong by being part of the system?

No, they're just normies. Not their fault persay.

Most people are generally good people, but it's always worthy to note that good people can believe in stupid things.

okay leaf.
redpilled as in non-conformist, non-mainstream. Believing in alternative political/scientific/philosophical theories that are considered out of the normal in our society.
But you're kind of right, but i think most people on here know the meaning of redpilled.

>Sup Forumsacks who call themselves "redpilled" about our society..
I don't like that word. It sounds gay.

>how do you feel about this?
I always had suspicions.

>Do you try to keep a low profile?
Absolutely. I do everything I can not to attract attention.

>Do you just hang out with likeminded people?
Sometimes. I prefer being around typical Republican types.

>Do you feel like "normies" are just evil, or are they doing nothing wrong by being part of the system?
Of course they're not evil. They're not even stupid. And nobody is a "normie" either. Some people are just closer to the ideal model human than others. Their entire system of emotional stability is dependent on them believing in something or other. They're too preoccupied with hobbies and life to sit down and pull all of those beliefs apart one by one.

>I always try to stay positive and think of everyone as a "good" person even if they're wrong.

but believing the entire bullshit spouted by the clowns that are in power right now, which will have severe impact on society.. is kind of stupid don't you think?

You could argue being a progressive liberal pansy is non-conformist and non-mainstream alt political ideology. I think most of Sup Forums has the wrong idea about the general public.

Most don't give a shit about politics, they just drive to work, work the machines and come home at the end of the day, but I would argue that these people are increasingly going to become a minority.

Everybody knows they have no real control. The difference is how they say it. You and I will say x group controls y using z. The average person will say "I know my vote doesn't really matter, and the two political parties look pretty much the same, and no matter who we elect. everything is the same, anyway. So I might as well enjoy my life."

no you can't argue that being a progressive liberal pansy, an opinion which most people in our society will agree on is pretty normal, is non-conformist. WE are the non-conformists, this is the reason why we're here in the first place, and not scrolling through facebook pages to read about politics. Obviously you're going to have some differences in public opinion if you compare the countryside to a million-people city.

Yes, you can. I'm not saying I could, because I don't agree with it persay, but people only have to think something is the case for it to be the case, this is how humans work.

Non-conformity is rarely a thing people place on others, it's always usually something someone applies to themselves to feel an extra bit of uniqueness. Sure, it's measurable and you really can find out and determine what the norm is, but who can do that?

No one, you're locked into your own perception.

if your life is bad but you still do the shit you're doing then i think that's stupid. politics isn't only about the collective, it's also about how you yourself want to live. Getting a useless degree, wasting your entire time playing videogames and collecting anime figurines, marrying a used-up whore wife and being a beta provider, then having a midlife crisis with 40 because you didn't accomplish really anything - that is what the bluepill can do to you.

believing the earth is flat in the year 2016 is KIND OF non-conformist. if you believe that it's just them, and not our society that says they're out of the norm... then you've probably slurped too much maple syrup buddy.

I thought we were talking about political ideology, not believing something that is counter-reality and retarded.

The physics of celestial bodies has nothing to do with the way people think they should be ordered around.

hey man i get it you're a leaf but it kind of has gone too far now okay. please stop.

Your thread is shit, why else would a leaf be the only one having a conversation with you?

I mean someone going counter to your beliefs? Uh oh, don't want that.

no i'm always happy with some confrontation
but do you realize that if 2% believe one thing, and the other 98% believe another thing, then that 2% are the non-conformists? that is literally the simplest fucking shit on earth.

Yes, but what I'm saying is who is accurately predicting these numbers? Who can actually say "according to my extensive research, this % of A is B" ?

Nobody. That's the point I'm trying to make.

What exactly are the conformist beliefs? Without stating those beliefs how the fuck are you going to argue another this is NON-conformist?

some are just conformist, lets not talk bullshit here.
thinking that the earth is flat is clearly non-conformist, just like being a nationalist in western europe in current year.

I like this thread so I'll give a useless bump

I'm not redpilled. I am open minded to it though which is why I'm here.

>Do you try to keep a low profile?
Yes. I'm a loner

>Do you just hang out with likeminded people?
No I hang with a commie jew. He's a good boy.

>Do you feel like "normies" are just evil, or are they just being part of the system?
I'm a cyborg so I can't blame normies too much. I don't like them though.

Because you can prove the Earth is not flat. Again, we're talking about political beliefs, no?

doesnt matter one bit, wtf man.
i welcome you to the club

>doesn't matter one bit

What the fuck are you talking about you unbelievable retard. Do you not understand what I'm fucking saying?

Jesus Christ.

i think your mother is a whore

Great thread OP, have fun with it.