Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

You going to register?


Wtf? Isn't shit like this illegal?

Or is it perfectly within bounds, since it's voluntary?

Sure, Ill register. I want them to spell my name correctly after i rape and kill as many of them as i can.


Go through Wikileaks and add everyone you find there to the registry.

we already have one of these in Canada, it's called the firearms license database

That's right, all goys...er "whites" should register


White men pose basically no threat to anyone that isn't white. What the fuck are these people even talking about?

hmm gee that seems kind of dare I say it racist

i already registered as hugh mungus

From what democrats have told me, that's what the State ID system is for.

It's time we check our privilege guys. We are menaces to society. The true problem

kek the media is going to create another civil war. This is great lol

>It's just a prank whitey!

Only if she registers first there's no way she's really a woman with a jaw like that

The day of the rope can't come soon enough.
I'll cry tears of happiness when her kind are swinging from trees, their filthy lib policies as dead as their bodies and souls.

a cuck database, at least we know who they are

I registered Michael brown and George Zimmerman, do your part

Shes just copying the one that was set up for Black males

It's supposed to be a point about Trump banning Muslim immigration until they sort out the Middle East.

This basic bitch doesn't understand the difference between race and a political ideology like Islam.

>until we figure out what's going on
Why do leftists insist on using meaningless phrases?

Do your part!!

I already did it is called the draft.

Signed it.
I'm not sure the e-mail I made exists, though.

I wonder how long it'll take them to figure out that white men are primarily responsible for their comfortable 1st world standard of living.

I registered Obama, he actually fits a few categories that they ask for.

>Name: Ivan Kawanoski
>Ethnicity: click white

>Error 404

Because trump said it about Muslim immigration.

Honestly Sup Forums has become very low every lately.

register the jew instead

Is this a registry to send all white males who sign up to Africa/Middle east to spread diversity there?

If so I'm all for signing up Shaun King to head over first.