Did Mike Pence really say he wants to convert all gays? I've been hearing a lot from both sides

Did Mike Pence really say he wants to convert all gays? I've been hearing a lot from both sides.
He says he's Catholic, but that's not how a Catholic would act. I mean, he passed a law in Indiana that was anti-gay afterall.

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learn to google

He isn't a catholic, he converted. It's how a Catholic should act, go fuck yourself you plastic paddy or spic, and he supports conversion therapy for those that seek it (key point being those who seek it). And the law he passed was pro-religion not anti-gay.

I'm trying to though, and all that's showing up right now is the play shit that happened.

>Not how a Catholic should act

Where are you getting your views of how a Catholic should act? From Satan's Cuck himself in the Vatican?

Catholics have always been nice to everyone. Being gay isn't a sin, just acting on it is. I personally believe that as a Catholic I should treat everyone with respect even if I don't agree with them or even dislike them.

Even the liberal (((snopes))) site says it's bullshit and it didn't happen.

do you trust Snopes?


Does he still support the use of government funding?

>Catholics have always been nice to everyone
>as a Catholic I should treat everyone with respect even if I don't agree with them or even dislike them

When our church dies, we can't blame the protestants, or even the Saracens. It will be because of people like you who neutered our church, and created the conditions for us to be led to the slaughter like sheep when we should have been lions. Consider opening a history book, and reading what our church did in the past. Only when you do that, remember that it had to be done and it needs to be done again.

it's a meme you dip

Are american catholics seriously this cucked


But Jesus was kind to everyone. I consider myself more open to acting like him than following everything the church teaches.

No. If they were gays wouldn't hate them as much as they do

>But Jesus was kind to everyone.
>pic related

You need to learn when kindness becomes weakness, and of the moral duty you have as a catholic to be kind but never weak.

Somewhat yes and somewhat no. Gays and liberals hate the Catholic church more than any other religion here in the US for a reason. However, there's also a lot of hispanic immigrants who are catholic but turn liberal for obvious reasons and then more or less turn their back on their religion but still like to be considered catholic. So you have a lot catholics here that are pro gay marriage and abortion and don't believe in God and think we shouldn't have priests or a pope or that women should be priests and popes, etc, and yet for some reason still identify as catholic..

American Catholics cover the entire spectrum. Some are dunked in water when a baby then that's it till they get married and burried.
Others are staunch Benedict XVI suppprterers

me? I want to toss Muslamics into huge custom-made tree mulchers that can handle about ten at a time.

I always assumed Pence was a fundie.

I googled it.

>He describes himself as a ‘born-again, evangelical Catholic’

That is not actually a thing.

>but by 2013, he told Fehrman they were "kind of looking for a church.

He's never said anything about gay conversion or electric shock therapy. That's all bullshit made up by liberals.

Well I completely agree with that. If we were talking about ISIS adorning Catholics with signs calling them Nazarians and beheading them, I would 100% support them being killed because it's just the thing that has to be done. But when we talk about gays, they're not really doing anything wrong to anyone but themselves. God will judge them when the time comes, so why worry about them?

>justifying tyranny and mass murder

A person with same sex attraction seeks therapy to be free from the horrid affliction?


Pence was only talking about gays that actively seek conversion therapy. Them calling us nasty names and implying we all got boned as alter boys isn't really enough to do anything, but we shouldn't accept it as normal and support it. We have a moral duty to see our society become happy, healthy, and flourish in a way God would approve of.


Look fags, ima Master Catechist Candidate. yeah, a shitload of school and study on my own dime. i can talk, and with some fkkn force & weight.

Protestants are always trying to define Catholics. GoTo fuck hell dumb fkkn bitches. You fucks took out Maccabees & Judith, and others that tell it like it, that: Someone fucks with your Home, Hearth, or Sanctuary, you go beat on them till they a) stop moving, or b) back the fuck up, and sit the hell down.

That's why we fought those Crusades, but always take shit for it, b/c u dont understand, b/c its been yanked outta ur cuckfuck"bible-thing"

2 Maccabees 15:16 one of my all time favorite verses, and itsa mystery to u. I swear, Christianity wudda been so powerful if not for the lutheran split, that split intop another 30,000 fractions, "cuz, well, you know, everyone has an opinion"

you make me sick.

& btw: This piece of shit pope makes me vomit. and yes, asa true Catholic, and Master Catechist Candidate I can say that with heart.
