I fucking love this subplot

I fucking love this subplot

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Is it still ongoing, or was it concluded in the Rapture episode?

theyve done like two more since it moved to tbs

As far as I am aware of the last one was Jeff came back and the guy who had it got blown up when the ship crash landed

You never know when the next one will be either

would the amount of gold and gem shown in this thing really be worth that much for people to utterly fuck over life long friends and partners for?

i just love the fact that the team didn't forget that it's Rodgers turd and that aperantly that's going somewhere.

Gems aside, that's a lot of gold, desu.

Its still going on?!

How is gold worth in pounds or kilograms again?

>Yes I could just look it up in 15 seconds on google, but fuck that, thats the BORING way to find out new info.

That's exactly what someone would say who wants to keep it all for himself!

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>gold worth in pounds
$19,186.85 per pound

fucker you can have this, its LITERAL SHIT.

thats it!?

that fucker is at most 5 digits in value

We'll make a trade then

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The jewels could be of an incredibly high quality which would probably skyrocket the value.

Do you really think I wouldn't kill you for 5 digits ?

what has happened to it since the one with the pope?

I think the idea is that the poop has some sort of supernatural ability to bring out greed in people.

Too bad they managed to fuck it up since its been on tbs. The entire show went downhill.

thats somehow even more retarded.

Doesn't Roger need to be a dickwad to people or else he is physically ill? Maybe he poops niceness or something?

That's the exact kind of thing it's parodying though. An otherwise honest and normal person finds an old cursed relic and it slowly drives them mad.

I mean I killed two people for 4 digits

He has to be a dick or else his bile builds up and kill him, so if you want to give an honest reason then it could be a byproduct, but that's thinking way too much into it. has it right with it just being a cursed item, especially considering the prophecy established in later episodes.