Is Doctor Orpheus a Level 10 hero?

Is Doctor Orpheus a Level 10 hero?

Attached: My reaction to your faggotory.gif (200x150, 354K)

No. He can't even shrink himself.

Is setting people's boots on fire the extent of his power? Because level 10 is pretty low. In fact most games nowadays start out with level 10 and let you go to level 20 in an hour or two.

Does the Order of the Triad even have an arch anymore? Didn't Torrid die?

No, Outrider recued him, and them Torrent fucked with him in a truly badass way.

Actualy, if you see Torrent, the guy MUST be a Level 10 vilain.

>Enemy of not only one, but an entire team of magicians, including the best student of The Master

>His plan was going to destroy the entire world with Lovecraftian monsters

>Tricked Outrider (that is a recognized badass), and sent his soul to Hell.

Even on the first appereance he basicaly went with the flow and improvised in the kidnapping of Trianna, and on his audition he boasted challenging the Triad to face him.

Attached: torrid_3800.jpg (350x269, 112K)

His capabilities really shift around depending on what they need for whatever joke they're trying to do.

Is the show getting a new season this year or am I being rused by Publicks usual wait-and-see-tactics? I need more hank.

September or something.

They say the end of 2018, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Mid to late 2019 is more likely.

iirc guild levels have less to do with actual power levels and much more to do with resources/influence. Hence why Rusty becomes a level 10 after inheriting Jonas Jr.'s estate, and why the Monarch dropped to a level 3 or 4 after losing the cocoon and all but one of his henchmen. Orpheus solo would probably rank pretty low, like a two or three, and maybe five or six with the triad. If he really played up the necromancer angle and said fuck it and raised an army of the dead to serve him, he'd probably hit level 10.

>iirc guild levels have less to do with actual power levels and much more to do with resources/influence.

I mean, resources and influence COUNT as your overral power level. Rusty has money enough to buy an army of mercenaries to work as his bodyguards, Monarch on the other side is really limited without a super flying base and just one hench. There are some vilains that doesnt have such resources and are still Level 10 by sheer power, like Red Death.


General V. Bros. question:
1. Does this show have a series-long plot, season arcs, or continuous plot threads?
2. I really hated the animation in season 1. Does it get better?

1. No, it's hard to explain but there are no long-running stories. It's episode to episode. That doesn't mean that the show doesn't change settings and that the characters wont develop. The main characters are hardly the same if you compare the 1st season with the last one.
2. The animation quality improves with each season. The 2nd season is a HUGE improvement to the 1st one with the show reaching it's peak in animation(and staying there) by season 3.

Attached: mighty-monarch-soundboard.jpg (600x393, 145K)

Thank you. I'll keep watching it.

That was a badass scene, when Torrid straight up tells Orpheus he kidnapped his daughter.

1. Kinda, it's more about character porgression, growth and decline rather than a specific goal.

The show gets pretty dense with continuity and multi-season long arcs pretty fast. It's usually handled pretty well but sometimes you can tell when they're trying too hard to connect certain characters and plot points for the sake of wrapping up a storyline, which lead to a few confusing retcons later on.
The animation gets waaay better in season 2, and keeps improving over time. One of my favorite things about the show is how dynamic all the shots can get, it never runs into the problem most cartoons seem to have these days where all the characters are just standing around talking at a 3/4ths view, there's always something interesting happening with the character animation and/or the camera angle.
Definitely worth it to keep watching, honestly the only thing the show really suffers from is the (usually) terrible sound mixing, there are times when you can barely make out what certain characters are saying because the music is way too loud, although that gets better as the series progresses as well

November 4, 2018

1. It does in the same way Arrested Development does (if you've seen that show). There more of an ongoing story and arcs may last a season but would also just continue right where the previous season left off with the odd call back. The world-building is quite Shandified.
2. The animation improves vastly, more fluid movements and characters even wear different clothes at times (kind of rare in cartoons).

Why am I just noticing that his eyebrows form a giant M?

I think the greatest strength the show has is how it can take years between seasons. Fight me!

>There are some vilains that doesnt have such resources and are still Level 10 by sheer power, like Red

Haranguetan is a bit of a curious case in this, because he had no powers or even a single henchman. All he had was some himself, some guns, and the Haranguetank.

I can't imagine that even if he was in a duoship with Battleaxe would do anything for his ranking, considering Monarch and Dr. Mrs. The Monarc are technically still in duoship status and she's on the Council of Thirteen.

Attached: Har01.jpg (632x354, 45K)

He probably was a great fighter, might even be stronger than a normal human - it just gets complicated when he goes against Brock, because Brock is indeed 100% level 10.

Also, his tank was loaded with weaponary.

"I can dodge it"