Real name is J'onn J'onzz

>Real name is J'onn J'onzz
>J'onn J'onzz
Less of a stretch than GioGio

Attached: Sc-martianmanhunter.jpg (590x419, 34K)

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What's his stand?

>Gio Gio is a stretch

I bet you think Josuke is a stretch too huh fag

>Not Hamon
Patrician taste

How's it pronounced, anyway? Like John, or Jean (The French name), or something else? Are his first and last names pronounced the same?

Yes, especially when used TWICE!

You dumb fucking nigger only contrarians only prefer hamon over stands

>Not Spin
Get that shit outta mah jojo

>Life on Mars? by David Bowie
I don't know a ton about Martian Manhunter

>not trickery, guns, and grenades
Not muh JoJo

>Less of a stretch than GioGio
In English it is. In Japanese, it's "JyoJyo" which is written almost the exact same as what equates to "JoJo."

I bet you pronounce Giovanni as "JEE-oh-VAH-nee"

>Josuke 4
>Bastard son of Joseph
>If he stuck around, he’d be Josuke Jostar
>Also the Kanji thing

>Same Kanji thing
>Is made of one guy who could go as a JoJo
>Made from another guy who is descended from his universe’s original JoJo
>Two Technical JoJos = 1 full JoJo

That's not how it's pronounced?

It's essentially JOH-vahni. Some might pronounce it JYO.

>when you have to monitor duties but jesus christ tells you to collect all the chocos flavors

Attached: better than the corpse parts.jpg (225x224, 10K)

jorge joestar reveals kars got sent to mars 36 times

what if j'onn is just an amnesiac kars?

He should have called himself Joey JoJo Shabadoo.

That's the father of the most ridiculous name I've ever heard.

John Jones