Libs really are scratching and clawing at anything to get Trump out of office...

Libs really are scratching and clawing at anything to get Trump out of office. I've never seen such a concerted effort to try and stop someone from being president.

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Yes you have. Conservatives were doing the same thing when Obama was first elected. They weren't be as big of cry babies about it and they weren't quite as retarded, but they were also frantically searching for any technicality that could keep him out of office.

This shit happens every single time a side loses an election. American politics is a shit show, it has been ever since the 30s. The only real way to enjoy it is to sit back and watch. That is the essence of Chaos. To be a Follower of Kek, you have to lose the ties of partisanship. Don't root for one side or the other. Take pleasure in the pain of all men, regardless of race or religion or culture or ideology.

They think we don't know yet.

They think Trump will work up to a slow realization. They don't know we knew from the start, and that's why we voted for him.

They think we're stupid.

>Libs really are scratching and clawing at anything to get Trump out of office. I've never seen such a concerted effort to try and stop someone from being president.
Not only the libs.
pic related

the libs/collectivists are worse. they seem to be going for a color revolution now. this could end badly.

libs had been telling white people that "your time is over" for years
and now its the other way around

What Trump had:

A frog picture and meme magic

think thats one of my exes wew lad

but Obama actually won the election.

Trump lost and is being elected anyway. That is cause for concern.

The only concerning thing here is your faggotry levels

How did Trump lose? He got more electoral votes.

This meme gets me so hard because I know there's so much asshurt behind it.

>could end badly
yes let all the retards rise up against the people that have been preparing for such an occurrence for generations
I would love to see numales and thugs try to overthrow normie America. They're already outing themselves as idiotic, out-of-touch radicals. And you know I would be popping heads with the best of em

Thank you for the rare Pence Pepe user

I -, Is-, Is she wearing panties?

I think the DNC should remodel themselves as a circus because goddamn were they entertaining

>They're already outing themselves as idiotic, out-of-touch radicals. And you know I would be popping heads with the best of em
almost got a hard on

Same, desu.

They must accept the D.

The electoral college makes democratic sense.

At face value you may think giving whoever got the highest population to vote for them should win, but when you look at the huge populations of single states like California, it becomes clear that the democratic process would be ruined for the rest of the country and it'd just be about whoever most Californians voted for/ or whoever campaigned there the most. Requiring candidates to secure a larger share of the vote in most states across the nation is better.

Population is always gonna boom in small areas, and that doesn't mean those areas should necessarily hold a greater power over the future of the rest of the country.

>accept the D.

The union wouldn't hold together without the electoral college. States like Tennessee and Texas would rather succeed than live beholden to the policies of whoever the Calicucks choose.

>the popular vote is whoever california chooses

I don't even know why the lugenpresse is bothering to freak out and lie anymore.

The election is over. They lost. They can try again in 3-4 years for 2020. But right now, no amount of bitching and moaning over deportations or Steve Bannon or Jeff Sessions is going to change a damn thing.

>The electoral college makes democratic sense.
Here's a puzzle with a bizarrely simple answer: what's the minimum number of popular votes that'd get a candidate the majority of electoral votes?


oh you must've missed obama in office

Only children call people "libs" and "cons".

Kinda works that way when they have the highest population, and by 12million+ (that number has probably increased since the 2013 census).

Unless one candidate won in a landslide of the popular vote, which wasn't the case in the 2016 election.

11. One vote in each of the 11 largest states to get to 269, which then gets kicked to the house for a vote.

There was no census conducted in 2013. Opinion discarded.

consider the minimum number of states with the majority of electoral votes

California basically lets illegals vote right now. If raw numbers were all that mattered they'd probably start accepting ballots from other countries entirely to drive up their count. Electoral college helps guard against fraud from shitty states.

almost correct: last I checked, the electoral votes from the 11 largest states add up to 270, which is a definite majority
no, house vote needed

now consider that those 11 votes would still decide the election even if the hundreds of millions of remaining eligible voters voted for the same other candidate

less than a millionth would decide, and it's called democracy

you believe any fake news you read?

It's actually called a Republic

Your fundamental flaw is that you assume the electoral college is supposed to be an overly complicated surrogate for the popular vote

Nice counter argument

Excuse me did Trump lose?
He won like the bastard he is

>and it's called democracy
Who calls it that?
"We're a fucking constitutional republic" - Ben Franklin

Children throw tantrums, that's what they do.

Funny thing was the GOP did the exact same thing to Obama, claiming he was a foreigner or born in Kenya, typical neo-con dumbassery. There are a lot of dumbasses in the US guys

I wonder what they will do after he is sworn in.
Also the fags on /qa/ are still doing the same shit, too. It's just less posting shitty graphs and more claiming that we're all from Reddit.

Leaving aside the whole thing about illegals, it's more to do with the fact that the Electoral College allows the opinions of different communities to be heard

Since people within a given a community will most likely share opinions on things, certain communities would have way too much weight if we counted each person individually. It'd be tantamount a cabal running the country. The Electoral College is still unfair, I think, because of the winner take all nature of it. I think it should be broken down by county, but perhaps that's too complex

>I've never seen such a concerted effort to try and stop someone from being president.
Being this new.

I'm not assuming anything, other than that this is claimed to be democratic or ideal in any sense

Personally I'd like to see all states do what Nebraska and Maine do: 2 electorates for the overall winner of the state's popular vote and 1 electorate for winning each congressional district

Nothing is "ideal" in the sense that nothing is perfect. You can only speak of ideal in relative terms. It's certainly more ideal than a raw popular vote.

people in this thread, americans, the voting public
you imagine voters would expect their system to allow a millionth of the voters decide what the rest voted against?

>American politics is a shit show, it has been ever since the 30s.

The real problems only go back to the 90s. It's about the way elections are so narrow, and the fact that both sides view the other as fundamentally illegitimate.

then better
the general thinking here is that this is somehow better than election by a simple, popular vote
throwing in an electoral college makes bizarre outcomes like just 11 votes deciding the entire election possible
is that really better?
more convolution for what gain?

Fresh and delicious salt. Three angry women rant and insult Trump voters.
I don't even know who they are but I knew I would find good salt in Maximum "yuppie" Fun podcast network.

Racist frogs are mentioned! Women are marginalized too! Thank god for Google and Facebook being run by progressive liberals!
"We should have known things weren't so good [for our agenda] when the Ghostbusters movie failed!"

The electoral college was set up this way for a reason. Rather than make me rehash what's been reiterated for over 200 years, feel free to read the federalist papers and find out why the founding fathers did this in their own words

so you're arguing a system that allows 11 people to decide against the wishes of millions is better
all because some venerated (and infallible?) people made a compromise long ago
is that a solid argument to you?

appeals to tradition and authority are logical fallacies
you know that, right?


All of the sudden you are taking about this? There are checks and balances ad naseum in the Constitution because it is not solely a democracy.

not even close pal

media totally in the tank for that piece of shit zerobama

any criticism of his sorry ass was immediately met with a huge wave of RACIST

so really fuck you


Too much winning. Pls stop.

checks and balances that would, again, let 11 overpower the entire rest of the voting public
you're honestly claiming that's a decent argument and not weak as fuck?

Sauce on this seamon demon?

Does she live in Arizona?

He did say you would get sick of him / you winning so much.

>achievement unlocked