What now Sup Forums

what now Sup Forums

that's a real good piece of ass

We check these

I guess becoming a god isn't easy to deal with



Why is there an image on the screen after it's unplugged?


Pepe is an applefag?

Matt Furie is a fucking hack.

he needs other peoples art to help fight with shitposters week

Kek shall not be mocked. Well, he may be, for he is not a humourless retard like the sandnigger Jews' skydaddy, but the final mockery will be on his mockers/

I knew it before. Praise Kek.

I seriously think he just hates us and Trump because now he can't make stupid money on merchandising Pepe to Hot Topic kids.

I bet Ben Garrison is overjoyed there is a new cartoonist to fuck with.

There, I made it better.

who cares what he thinks? we make better pepes than he does

is that you ghost?

Would you say it's Hard To Be A God?

Sweet checked

The black man sings

Praise kek for he has spoken


Blessed be his name..

Well that's certainly true.

Welp, artist is broken after everything that happened with him and Hillary. F.

But maybe he will see the light and become like a Zyklon Ben...

Basically. Pepe is famous and he isn't getting any money for it, this is a long and short version.