Kills Ares

>Kills Ares
>Germans become nice guys
>Peace and celebration finally arrives

So...she was right all along? All she had to do is to kill Ares.

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This was dumb as shit, the entire time I thought the purpose of the movie was to show the world isn't just black and white, with good guys and bad guys, and the stories Diana was told as a child didn't actually relate to the real world, thus forcing her to grow as a person and become a true Ambassador for her people, learning about why confrontations and wars start and how to heal the world........

Nah turns out it was just Ares, do a big punch, the end.

But what about ww2 what happened there?

They're clearly just happy to be alive

I do like how DCEU movies set up great off camera stories that we won’t be exploring.

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People still try and say Wonder Woman was a “””””good”””” movie

Gods don't die, Ares came back. And he came back for Vietnam, Iraq, etc, etc, etc.

I can just imagine, Diana now as a fully fledged embassador of her people, sat at a council as all these people who spent years either working their way up politically, or militarily, with the discussion moving back and forth about sanctions, trade agreements, border disputes, etc, etc, etc, all manner of complexities which nations have to deal with....

And then Diana having not learnt any lesson at all butts in with 'What about finding and beating Ares?' And her amazingly being RIGHT.

But they can, Diana is a god killer

It was good for a superhero movie. That doesn't mean it didn't have its flaws.

Not really. Wars still happen with or without the old gods.

Humans are shit, user.

Funfact: WW1 is 9th on the amount of human lives lost, and 7 of the 8 above it occurred before WW1.
So effectively the Amazons sat out 7 bloodier conflicts before WW1 got thrown on their radar, and only by someone involved in it washing up on their shore.

Yeah, they were a pretty great Ares contingency.

What really confused the issue was that they gave Ludendorff Ares' motivations to sell him as the "real Ares" and had Ares' motivation all over the place as a result.
Movie would have been genuinely better if Ludendorff WAS actually Ares the whole time.

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Except it was a good movie.

>7 of the 8 above it occurred before WW1
Where I can see this info? For curiosity

Diana beat the shit out of a bunch them, their plane blew up in the sky, Diana nearly crushed their commander with a tank and then two gods beat the shit out of each other until one exploded in a ball of magic lightning. The soldiers might be a bit awestruck.

Correlation = causation

Also this means that Hitler was right.

7.5/10; better than Marvel.


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>Kills dozens of conscripts whose only option is to fight or get killed by their commanders without a second thought
>Lets a legitimate psychopath who is indirectly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and directly responsible for at least a few dozen go because "I'm better than this"

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Nice company wars fag

thanks it was my pleasure

I thought it was deliberately ambiguous whether Ares was full-on delusional about himself, they were just happy to be alive. Or that Diana's god powers were like, conceptually beaming love into people around her.

...I actually kind of like that. I know the movie probably doesn't intend for it to be this complex but the way I see it: She was wrong, but for the right reasons and with a bit of work the world can be a better place if she doesn't give up her idealism. I mean, we KNOW she shuts down hard in the face of WW2 so that alone confirms killing Ares didn't do shit in the grand scheme of things.

To be fair, Diana is a sheltered island princess with no real grasp of moral cost-benefit analysis. Her poor naive brain just looks at armed men and goes "soldiers" and looks at an unarmed woman with a facial deformity who she only even knows from anecdotes and Ares' monologuing and goes "harmless"

Seriously, where the fuck was his constituency?

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Snyder wanted Diana to see that the brits were the bad guys too, he is a huge ww1boo. that's why she would eventually leave humanity.

Did she snap his neck at least?

Of we’re being like that then Fun Fact: WW1 wasn’t the real First World War. It was one of the Prussia’s wars that did that.

I don’t remember, I think she did her dumb “Bang my wrists together so hard it makes an explosion” and it killed him

It was better than most DCEU movies too. Only faggots and idiots like Snyder's crap and or Suicide Skwad

That final fight really did bring the movie down a peg. It's a shame too, I was genuinely enjoying it up until that point.

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More like 5/10 better than Thor the Dark World and the rest of the DCEU

I disagree about the rest of the DCEU, JL was a far more entertaining and memorable movie than WW.

Seriously, this scene and the whole idea that there really wasn't an Ares was terrific.

The war already ended by the time the final battle took place, the whole third act is trying to stop a plane full of poison from killing everyone in the armistice.

The soilders in the air field just witness a real life dbz fight, is not like they are going to begin attacking right away.

>memorable movie
For all the wrong reasons

Only if you pay attention to all the memes, personally I was taken aback by when Supes shows up during the end fight and it’s just like BOOM COLORS!! The only thing that really stood out to me in WW was the one short moment where she used the lasso in a fight.

To each his own, the No Man's Land scene in WW is better than any scene in JL imo

Superman in that final battle made all the other members of the Justice League irrelevant which is kinda funny considering the tag line of the movie is "you can't save the world alone"

Also that huge character shift is jarring and unearned. They're clear;y trying to pretend BvS didn't happen with shit like "He didn't just save people. He made them see the best parts of themselves" and the world going to shit after he died. Yet Justice League still references BvS when Superman says "do you bleed?"

Honestly, it would be best if everyone just pretended like BvS didn’t happen

Patty had the right idea but then pussied out to have a big cgi fight to cap the movie

How bad of an actor is this bitch. Her expressions, movements, posture- everything's shit. Why can't she take acting classes


adolf gets to be the face of genocide despite genghis doing it successfully twice.

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>get a decently entertaining, if not comic faithful, portrayal of Dr. Poison that leads to some general interest in the character and WW's rogues in general
>Rucka immediately turns her into a generic tough military chick with guns
Sometimes I think Rucka doesn't actually like Wonder Woman.

This is wrong though, it wasn't "just Ares." At the end Ares explains that all he did was teach the Germans how to make bombs and shit, but he never mind controlled anyone. Humans chose to use the weapons for evil on their own.

No because the war was pretty much already over and it was just the German general and Doctor Poison left. The german soldier there just saw a woman fight a literal God so they probably weren't in the mood to fight. It could have been presented better but defeating Ares isn't what stopped the war. Ares had already worked to stop it

7 years war, famabama

>Yeah, they were a pretty great Ares contingency.
Fun fact. The Amazons were not an Ares contingency only Diana was

That's what time does for you. We've already got holocaust deniers. In a hundred years time people will say "well, the Nazis did give us rocketry..."

>We've already got holocaust deniers
I only deny the amount of people who reportedly died.

Death tolls are always fucky.

this was clearly a last minute rewrite/reshoot

like you said, it flies in the face of the lesson she was supposed to be learning.

the original ending was clearly going to be her losing faith in humanity and abandoning heroing, like in BvS

however they clearly wanted to distance themselves from what a downer BvS was, so they wrote in a feel-good ending at the last minute even though it made no sense

Considering the rest of the film, it's far more likely that Jenkins was doing her best to work around the BvS baggage and a studio mandated big fight scene where she defeats the villain.

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This, unironically

I would have like this explained more i think the beaming love shit would work. But it would then need to show that even though she can cause that in the area around her the war is still happening.

I hate this trope so fucking much