Holocaust deniers

Explain this


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The Jews did it

Clearly rubber dummies

Explain hwat?

>can't tell if they're circumcised.

Typhoid deaths

>what are malnourished prisoners

so much typhus so little time.


Millions died from Typhoid.

Holocaust myth.

No evidence of a systematic genocide by gassing: the movie.

1) not as many deaths as were claimed

2) many of the deaths due to disease

3) jews were a subversive and combative alien people

4) the "holocaust" happened in that many jews were executed and many more jews died of disease while interned.

5) the actions taken by Germany weren't even particularly extreme for their day.

Jews died of disease and resources like food were cut off by the United States. They were shaven because of lich bearing typhus, known as the war disease. Accounts of this happened to migrants from Russia who went into German territory and were treated with showers of soap and water.

woah creepy I've never seen a cart full of people that have been masturbated to death before

Oh wow he filmed people interned in the western camps.
Totally proves there was a genocide goy!

No one is claiming people didn't die.
They did.
They weren't mass exterminated.
The numbers were and are lies.
They weren't all Jews.
Just browsing wikipedia you'll find statements like "He killed 90,000 jews" then in another articles "his unit may have killed 90,000 people".
I would seriously question whether Jewish people were the majority of the dead.

I talked to. British WW2 veteran of a Wolverine tank unit. He was there when one of the camps were liberated. There were so many dead that they were using a front end loader to bury them

There's a difference between neglect and murder user.
The camps were there for people they didn't just shoot out a mile from the town and bury.
Same with the Soviets.
But I'll be damned if the Gerries and the Commies didn't abuse and put the prisoners last on the rations list.

Typhus you fucking mong




>Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor: One third of the holocaust

The real tragedy is that he never got round to exterminating the slavs.

Does the gas emaciate them?

If they were already near-death from starvation, why gas them?

Why keep them long enough to starve if death is the only outcome?

Would would be the cost of keeping and gassing them, compared to a bullet on arrival or just letting them starve?

How much fuel did the cremations use?

Was this at a time in the war when fuel was plentiful enough to allow for this?

Holocaust didn't happen


You know it's fake because there's no evidence, this wouldn't even be a question if it actually happened there would be truckloads of evidence. You also know it's fake because it's a crime to question the legend! They're protecting it because it's not true! It's a guild industry, Israel collects billions from you goys. It's a myth a legend . WWII atrocity propaganda




correct link


Pretty much this. Also many of the gas chambers are openly not real, actual gas chambers that were ever used during the war to kill people.


>Two hours long

I ain't watching that

>the actions taken by Germany weren't even particularly extreme for their day
The alt-right version of cultural relativism, ladies and gentlemen

go to around this part

>The alt-right version of cultural relativism, ladies and gentlemen

You're right, but he's not as wrong as you think. The other nations of Europe and Asia had done things that were around as horrible, which doesn't justify them, but Germany wasn't unique in the magnitude of its crimes like so many seem to believe nowadays.

Try to disprove this.
Protip: you can't.

Only 60,000 people died at Auschwitz total, including natural causes

talks about the actual death reports intercepted by the British, and the document later released by the Russians

I'm not a denier, but he's not wrong. Japan were much worse

The fire bombing of innocents in Germany were worse to than anything the nazis did to. One of the main reasons for the lie is to cover up the crimes of the Allies

If you look at it from a "moral" standpoint which the US still uses to attack people , the Allies were the bad guys

containment to prevent jewery from spreading

work crews cleaning the maniquins out of an old clothing warehouse

>Explain this

Kikes made another pile of shit fairytale movie to push their agenda.

Anyone with iq above 90 and enough time and desire to inform himself can find truth and see whole holohoax is a bag of kike shit..

Weather ballons


>Menachem Rosensaft