All videos by Kurzgesagt are animated, so I guess this is a place to discuss them...

All videos by Kurzgesagt are animated, so I guess this is a place to discuss them. I think they're the best popular science channel. What's your opinion?

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i like they're stuff

They're not, but I think the best pop-sci channel is PBS Spacetime. It goes a little deeper than most pop-sci and isn't as accessible, so not being a science major myself, I have to work to understand it. But when I do, it's a lot for fulfilling than the softer channels like Vsauce or Veritasium.

But this cartoon one has got a wider scope (being about all science, rather than just astrophysics), and the animations are pretty.

>They're not

Meant to type "they're not bad."

Not sure what’s with the bird mascots, but pretty thought provoking thought

they're just fond of ducks

Love these videos thanks for reminding me about them.
I wish they had 30 minute+ episodes.

>Stop having children and let refugees in your country.
>Embrace hedonism because life is meaningless.

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they are just opinions that people have, no need to make a mockery out of it

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well quasi super-satan, i'll humor you.
I like them, they are well animated, but i miss the previous style they had. I don't know if the change was because they let someone off or because they wanted to try something different, but the new videos I also wish that they could be capable of pumping out videos faster, but i know how hard is to get one of their videos with the quality they are holding, so i really can't complain that much.

They use misleading statistics and dubious arguments to trick the idiot masses into supporting their globalist agenda. It's a cause for concern.

They are fantastic when they Talk about Hard science stuff but every economic and Social-political Topic is adressed with a certain bias. While Sup Forums acusses them of the Same stuff they accuse anyone who they disagree with.

But I find it irritating that they present their political opinions with the Same finality as Gravity.

>DUUUUUUDE abandon what remains of your culture and adapt this arbitrary calendar we made up!

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>embrace hedonism because life is meaningless
you clearly didn't understand the point of that video and this is coming from someone who finds most of their videos to not be very good

that's what's bad about the internet is that anyone can publish anything in the academic circles without it being even slightly peer reviewed

Optimistic nihilism is hedonism, no matter how they try to dress it up.

Nihilism is the admission that there is no inherent meaning. If you are atheist, the only logical conclusion is nihilism. But optimistic nihilism is just "you don't have to be an edgelord about it" instead of "dude drugs and sex lmao"

>"dude drugs and sex lmao"

Yet is somehow always ends up going back to that. Or at least, doing whatever the oligarchs want you to do in exchange for license and vice.


They're great when they're talking about science: their nuclear energy and GMO videos are fantastic, but whenever they so much as fart in the general direction of society, culture, or economics they begin to really show their biases. You can be smart, you can be well read and intelligent, but that doesn't guarantee you'll ever be able to understand the fundamentally irrational and unpredictable behavior of humanity so conveniently.
I still, though, really like their videos and always go back for more.

The calendar thing is more an exploration of an idea rather than a political/cultural movement. We all use BC/AD and most people use the metric system; isn't that essentially a globalist mindset?

I like Facts in Motion

They're certainly good at making you feel smarter in understanding in a non-transmittable way.

Not everyone uses BC/AD, most people I know use BCE/CE

Kurszegast is PragerU for leftists

well I mean that really only further supports what I mean by saying that a dating system or measuring system being uniform isn't exactly cultural destruction

Oh fuck off it's functionally the same thing. It's still centered around the birth of Christ.

Basically the same the thing. They are both non-threatening to the status quo.

I like them, show them to my physics students, but the year 12017 idea is really stupid.

>opinions can't be mocked
That's one of the fucking stupidest things I've ever read in my entire life. Never post anything that retarded ever again
There, I just mocked your opinion

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This is almost one to one my opinion aswell. Exept that I'm not oposed to the idea of that calender.

It is when you're replacing a culturally significant dating system used for centuries for no real reason.

It's high-quality, but it's... I don't know, too pop-sci?
You don't actually learn anything useful.

It's nothing personal, but I really abhor the common idea that people are "fundamentally irrational and unpredictable". Everything in the universe is the result of cause and effect, trying to place humans outside of that seems incredibly arrogant. It also comes across like a technique for absolving yourself of responsibility. I.e. 'if people are irrational, none of my actions or inaction toward them can be attributed as a cause for their behaviour', which couldn't be further from truth. It's easier to call people 'irrational', 'crazy' or 'evil' though; it neatly provides an explanation for their behaviour whilst completely placing the blame on them. Ignoring the fact that so many mass murderers come from backgrounds of neglect, abuse and social ostracization, for example, makes it easier to perpetuate the myth that nothing could've prevented their actions.

>tfw I just remembered that Brexit video

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This thread looks shit and will probbly die but if anyone knows the french song that had a pair of post apocalyptic bounty hunters beating down a crocodile warlord and stealing his harem I would really appreciate it.

It's just Euro-Germanic propaganda

>right wingers autistically screeching about a science show because it wont conform to their dumb, traditionalist beliefs

what a surprise

PragerU actually flat out lies though. The worst that Kurszegast does is be opinionated.

Its almost like left wing ideologies, which have always sided with scientific research, upset dogmatic conservative sociopaths either sucking religious cock or adhering to outdated science to justify their bigotry...

IKR? This is living proof conservatives deny science.

I take it you take your news from obvious non-propaganda, like Breibart or some italian magazine?

theyre good if you are a poorly educated young adult with the attention span of a goldfish

How butthurt.

If you had gradeschooler level of readin comprehention then you would have noticed that noone minds the science parts.
They are critecizing how the once hard science show that everyone enjoyed has more and more changed into humanities in todays "liberal" direction

So in essence you're a moron that treats science as dogmatism instead of understanding that it changes with new information.

Changing the calendar to an arbitrary system with no real significance isn't science. Unless this is bait, in which case, here's your (you).

>Its almost like left wing ideologies, which have always sided with scientific research

Because we all know what a futuristic utopia the Soviet Union was.

The Soviet Union almost always was progressivist and loved science.

I guarantee Stalin killed more scientists than Hitler did.

>italian magazine
why do we hate italy now?

Wow, your unsubstantiated claim totally disproves my point.

>Posting a video on Facebook is stealing, literally STEALING!
>If you don't like refugees, it's because you are a racist.
>Defending fucking homeopathy
Yeah they're fucking great

The last time we didn't hate Italy was somewhere in the 1500s.

"Arbitary system". Cry harder christian.

Also yes, prior to Stalin the Soviet Union was very innovative scientifically.

Are you stupid? I said the hard science aka physics etc. is fine and fun.
Humanities have the problems of being influenced by feelings on in todays political climate and under the dogma of political correctness.

It is also noteworthy, that once both sies where viewed upon in controvertial topics such as the one about nuclear energy. now every video about social issues goes like "this is the right way, trust us" without showing any other solution or problematic.

So, Americans? Good thing they're on an American website.

If only because it is several orders of magnitude larger than Germany.

Also, Stalin abandoned communist mottos, as seen by his support of the Georgian Church. Hardly a good example.

So basically you're drawing an arbitrary line on what is or isn't science. Hardly a dogmatic sociopath at al...

Its rather telling how you dismiss decades worth of anthropological research, cultural examination and psychology as "feelings".

Italian magazines have succeeded in many a resurgence of fascism by publishing misinformation

>people who are given medical morphine don't become addicts
>your grandmother didn't become a junkie after her hip replacement


They don't defend homeopathy, they say that it's literally placebo and that actual medicine should copy the personal sectarian approach that draws retards to homeopathy.

>an arbitrary line
The more you talk, the more I see that you hold no profession in higher education. You even fling the term sociopath around like it would be related to anything topic related.
>Its rather telling how you dismiss decades worth of anthropological research, cultural examination and psychology as "feelings"
Even moreso telling when actual verifiable and replicatable facts from genetics get ignored in favor of of dogmatic "We're all the same" platitudes.

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their open boarder policies are retarded
and their "EU will have the strongest military in the world" is absolutely laughable

Absolutely no nation state would allow the EU's "government" take control of their nation's military

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>Far right cult image beside a retarded post

Well, Mutti Merkel and Macaroon are still working on it though.

There's evidence to suggest human sub populations vary and evidence to suggest they are similiar. If you think that you are able to view the pure facts and come to a completely unbiased conclusion you are kidding yourself.

>I have no arguments, soI call out the image that was used to make a simple point
>I won't even go into the image itself, but only the person that created it

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with italy poland and france getting eaten by their immigrants
bomb threats and violence breaking out in the streets in their communes
they will run out of time before they get their teeth on removing the other nation's independence.

>facts are right-wing propaganda

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wasn't that video a whole about the pros and cons of keeping or disbanding the EU?

Yeah, on the one hand there is genetics with the clearly different gene exposition and the resulting phenotypes and on the other there's...

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>Sup Forums fake news charts

it was heavily biased
their was no cons in the video about keeping the EU.
it was all about Unity, Acceptance, and helping each other out.
which i guess makes since because they are german and benefit the most when it comes to taking over europe

>Because we all know what a futuristic utopia the Soviet Union was.
Neither was Nazi Germany, but that's besides the point, considered that both ideologies refused science for ideological reasons ("Jewish physics reee!" *has no atom bomb* vs "plant socialism will work!" *famine ensues*)

The point is, the current vocal right-wing isn't "we're fine like we are, let's try to get to perfection and not upset the balance" but "everything is wrong now, go back go back!". Needless to say, that doesn't really bode well for scientific progress.

>attention span of a goldfish
so several months of memory

ya don goofed user

I'm sorry your grandmother became a junkie after her hip replacement


it's still a good idea, just horribly explained


I know about it, and that's why I said "almost", but it was a short-lived thing, just like the Soviet dislike for cybernetics. All in all, scientific research was a very important part of the ideology. Bolsheviks started mass education programs and were quite successful in bringning Russia to the same level with the rest of Europe in education. Materialistic atheism was the state ideology, even in Stalin times. STEM education was very strong for most of the existence of the Soviet Union, and it has produced a lot of great scientists, and USSR had to keep up with the rest of the world while being a shut-in, and did pretty well for the most part.

>attention span
>several months of memory

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Alright Cletus

Imagine being so much of a pessimist that you literally cannot visualize that other people think differently from you.

PragerU lies and Kurszegast lies by omission.

>deny science
How can you "deny science" it's a process not a subject.

important question
Can you like something even when it goes against anything you believe? Or does this make you a hypoc.

Sure, Prine of Egypt is one of my favourite animated movies.


>Its almost like left wing ideologies, which have always sided with scientific research

"Biological gender and race aren't real!"

"gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness and it's healthy to be fat!"

"heterosexuality and the family are a social construct of male opression and not a built in aspect of the human species!"

>"Biological gender and race aren't real!"
Race isn't even a remotely scientific concept, humans are naturall polygamous, gender is a social construct, fatness is 80% genetic.

What's wrong with globalism? Yeah if the nations actually were ruled under one unified power we'd probably be really bad at managing things, but I don't see anything wrong with culturally unifying the planet. It's the only logical step before becoming an advanced space colonizing race.

>What's wrong with globalism? Yeah if the nations actually were ruled under one unified power we'd probably be really bad at managing things, but I don't see anything wrong with culturally unifying the planet.

Because humans are wildly different and often can't get along within their own countries let alone as a world-spanning entity, and what works for some doesn't work for all which means a government will always be run by a marginally larger sector of the population against the interest of the rest. Culturally, different demographics are molded by their living conditions, this means there will always be different cultures generating across mankind's whole range. Trying to suppress or erase that is just going to create resentment, even more if you try to strip away their feelings of belonging and pride, which isn't just reduced to their identities but also their core values.

Humans have a natural psychological need to be worthy and have a voice within their community, in a big country you reduce them to a single vote among millions, in a whole world they're a single opinion against several millions. Look at the EU, it's the prime example of a bunch of states lorded over by an organization in which they have little to no say in the policies, rules and laws that get implemented, and whose economical contributions barely go into reciprocal development and their own interests.

Globalism does not benefit the average person, it only benefits the richest that get to have an uniform demographic that is easy to understand and squeeze money out of, and those that want to have a hopeless grey goop of a society they can mold to their ideas easily.

>Race isn't even a remotely scientific concept

Race is literally genetic and we can identify people by race just by looking at their genes

>humans are naturall polygamous

there hasn't been a single society dating back to the earliest archeological finds that don't show a tendency to monogamous family cores, human reproduction is too costly and difficult for polygamy to work on humans outside of luxurious societies, and we're among thousands of other species that also practice monogamy and raise offspring for long periods

>gender is a social construct
>fatness is 80% genetic

yeah ok you got brain damage

>le EU is bad meme
Spot the american... I'm a european (geographically irish but identify more with the EU as do most people over here) and it's been nothing but good for this country, especially here in the capital.

>potatonigger thinks his countries 0% tax policies won't fuck him in the ass, as soon the EU economy tanks
>he thinks his immigration policies won't fuck him in the ass
>he thinks his country isn't a gigant cancer strain that only survives because of tax evaders, fraud and EU grants

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>Kurszegast lies by omission.
Example? Honest question.

It's great for giving me the basics of a complicated subject that I can independently read up on later.

>>potatonigger thinks his countries 0% tax policies won't fuck him in the ass, as soon the EU economy tanks
Nah, we were literally a third world country as an ethnostate, the workers from all over the world will improve this country tenfold
>immigration policies won't fuck him in the ass
Africansare some of my closest friends, much better than uneducated brainless culchies
>tax evaders, fraud
How ireland got any money in the first place (japanese companies)
>and EU grants
So? We got better with less unlike portugal, italy, greece, spain which are still much more of a burden on the EU.