Authors Standing for Socialism

What an asshat.

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>least qualified

Stupid meme. The whole point is that he has no government experience because that kind of "experience" usually entails decades of kissing ass, sucking dick, and racking up debts that are paid in favorable legislation.

what a Kek

Why doesn't he lose weight?

>main theme of his book series is that violence and war against other people is bad
>campaigns for the war-mongering candidate

really revs up those fryers

He will when he starts hibernating for winter.

that's his winter reserves


I really liked his books too.

You just have to remember that all writers/musicians/painters are like this though. They're all incredibly delusional. That's just how it is.

Who cares what this fat faggot cock gazer thinks? I know I don't.

Why doesn't he just finish the series and die. Not that it really matters to me since the books started going to shit and I've forgot half of them while this fat fuck has been taking decades to write them.

he's a fat manchild who writes edgy lotr fan fiction who cares about what he thinks lol

Does this mean Winds of Winter isn't happening next year either?

George Martin needs to finish his next book, "Dwarfs and Penises"

No we're not
t writer of several best selling books

No self control, he wants Hillary so she can pay for his health coverage when he should instead be shoved into a crematorium and burned.

Probably the most apt description of GRRM, that fat piece of shit hack

He's probably going to die before the show ends, let alone finishing the books.

>Life rule #1: Believe nothing without independent verification.

I demand links from a credible source, and no, I don't have to look for them myself. You posted the image, which means the burden of proof is entirely on you.

It is bullshit until you prove otherwise.

dude is pretty much responsible for a resurgence in popularization for sex between siblings, the fan base for the books and the show, especially the show in the tumblr universe are full of related degeneracy and on par with all that " the pedophiles need to be understood so we can be aware of their feels " shit, his political stance does not suprise me

fucking keen for winds of winter though

Tits and gore with a stupid muddled story hardly anyone understands. He's just a fat neck beard faggot who got lucky.

It's quite entertaining but overrated blue pill faggot shit.

George certainly isn't bringing us "The Winds of Winter" on time or under budget.

>dude ice zombies lmao

You had one job.

also when the only women that will fuck you are fat old ladies at medieval larping fairs because you are the literal king of neckbeards, being this cucked was never in doubt

Except for Scott Baio, he's based.

Fat George likes to gorge on penises.

and the fact the only requirement you need to become president is to be at least 35 years old

Hahahaha that can't be a real quote, it sounds crazy. Winter is coming, we're all gonna die.


>I told you so

Fuck this fat fuck. I hope he dies of a heart attack before finishing his shitty long-winded series

I remember someone posting an excerpt from another one of his books that was lewd and horribly written, but can't remember it exactly.

this, you burgers need Stalin

Is this why it's so easy to find fake incest porn on pornhub now? thanks GRRM!

>t writer of several best selling books

There are a lot of morons you can con with your bullshit, mr Beale.

(not that GRRM is much better tbqh)

Marxist Hemmingway needs to stfu

He is not an asshat, he is just an overrated front men of the author collective of the book he did not write.

> political landscape in book
> intrigues > scandals > investigations > magic > ingenious tricks > 5d chess with 18 opponents

> political landscape in his LJ:
> 1. circlejerk
> 2. namecall

im honestly at a loss for how he can be this obtuse. trump is literally littlefinger, down to his hands. a merchant of no exceptional heritage, entering the political stage and completely outplaying his opponents at every step by playing by his own rules.

>I really liked his books too