Green and Blue skin

Is blue dick better than green dick?

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God tier:
>blue dick
>green tits

Shit tier:
>blue tits
>green dick

I can't imagine Beast Boy having a satisfying dick. Nightcrawler has never fucked in his life.

>Shulkie and Nightcrawler
Call me Fedex because I"d ship it.

Sure, there are Orion slave women, but there are also Asari.

>the best Asari porn is futanari
... point taken.

Attached: liara.jpg (300x300, 19K)

Depends on the size.
Is Kurt naturally well hung? Does the Hulk suffer from tiny roid dick?

>Shit tier
>blue tits
Fuck you

Attached: asari.jpg (500x338, 117K)

Steroids make your balls smaller. They make your dick bigger.

>I can't imagine Beast Boy having a satisfying dick
I don't have to imagine

Attached: bestboy.jpg (397x807, 95K)


He can just morph a horse dick whenever

Attached: Belle_Chere She-Hulk.jpg (1275x1920, 432K)

Attached: disgusting.png (625x312, 400K)

I always wondered if blue and green p*ssies are still pink on the inside

The labia would probably be dark green but the rest of the inside would be "pink", or red like the rest of their internal flesh

Blue would have more melanin (it’s what makes POC dark and their skin warmer so their bbc feels more satisfying no matter the size) because it’s darker than green. So yeah Kurt prob can fuck like a bbc guy.

>blue tits are shit

The sad truth of the universe.

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why does she hulk look like a man??? what the hell is with the corn rolls too

It also depends on how weird Kurt's dick is. Considering the rest of his body, it might be premature to assume that his dick looks baseline human.

Then again, with some ladies that's a positive.



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