Tfw electing Trump moved the kidneys in this timeline

>tfw electing Trump moved the kidneys in this timeline


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How high are you right now?

They used to be on the hips m8

I'm confident they were lower too. I even remember people often claiming to be hit in the kidneys when struck in the lower stomach.

This could of course be the result of a widespread misconception, but I'm a little spooked.

Memories are being rewritten lad

Fight it

I'm actually starting to get scared now.

I thought this whole alt timelne BS was just a joke until I saw this. I am 100% convinced that this was the VW logo, I do not ever remember the space in between the V and W until recently.

Berenstein Bears

Wtf post the new one?

Wait, wait, wait, HOL UP, so you're saying that my pee doesn't come from my balls?

ITT : American Education



>I saw some kind of retarded image
>I didn't validate information given in that image
>therefore they used to be in places they were not in

They've always been at the bottom of the rib cage

hey man no need to be hostile you're just in a different timeline and haven't switched over yet.

No they were on the hips, left and right


No but believe what ever you want. Pasta brain


remember this clearly

the timelines are shifting again

I am seriously starting to believe that what we call "meme magic" is some kind of quantum effect, where we make unlikely event happen by manipulating probability with memes.

This causes structural weaknesses in the integrity of the fabric of reality, so these shifts occur now and then.

transplanted kidneys are in the pelvis.
you are just confused.


this cognitive figment phenomenon, which creates, inflates, and maintains such fantasies, is an escape mechanism

Is this real?

I remember there being no space


Those are ovaries my man.
A kidney punch has always been a deep uppercut near the ribs.

Cartoons put them there

Dont worry mate you are right. Dont listen to the other retards in here. Every organ is covered by the ribbcage now. Wasnt like that before where we are from my friend ;) this is the best time line tho enjoy ur new body. Ur liver is huge now. Absolutely huge!

This, friend punch me trying to knock the wind out of me as a joke and I ended up kissing blood for a few day

Kidneys were never located on the sides, near one's love handles. I'd wager that Sup Forums has no idea where the actual stomach as an organ and liver are either. You don't need to be a successful, functional adult to be familiar with anatomy, however, claiming that the mandela effect has magically switched the position of the kidneys in the human body certainty is indicative of some kind of advanced autism

The kidneys are one the most anatomically diverse organs in the body. They can sit near the pelvis or be as high as the floating ribs, vary in shape, size, and vascularisation. 4 small, or even "grapes" of little kidneys are relativity common. what matters is the amount of viral tissue.

>source: my anatomy professor

That's just OP's balls.

They haven't dropped yet.

Hey Satan, remember watching the Loony Toons?


I meant renal, herpaderp

The one that gets me is that mars is SMALLER than the earth. Could have sworn I was taught it was bigger

No dude, you're just retarded. I knew Mars was smaller since I was 6.

No your just wrong.



I know this it just tripped me out when I found this out. The whole Mandela effect of wtf it is is just people forgeting little details and freaking out about it.

This one can't be true... it isn't even logical. Why would it be called "Tunes"? It's a series of car"toons" not musicals.




What please stop this

>Berenstain Bears

Pretty much toothpaste.

You're just an idiot.

Wait. I could have sworn this was Sup not org???

Literally shitting bricks right now

What in God's cock?

Yeah those were definitely different.

It was always tunes because the cartoons aren't about toons but about tunes.

Your mind fills in the blank based on the angle of the dangle.

And it was always "Berenstain."

You're all fucking gay losers.


nice edit, homo.

Tunes ? Wtf ?!!1!

Am I the only one remembering "Fruit" and not "Froot".

>Loony Toons

wtf is happening right now

and why do I keep getting "CALLE" in my captcha

Did anyone notice GPS shifting slightly after Trump got elected?

I Pokemon GO fuck myself every morning to lose some weight and I noticed after that day there are some stops that I can't reach from where I used to be able to. Like I'm actually standing 10 meters from where I'm really standing or something.

Calle means street in Spanish so it's on every sign

Nah, I think it was always Froot.

why do I keep getting spanish street signs
that's probably the test word out of the two words but for some reason they keep using the same fucking test word non-stop, literally every captcha

what the fuck? this is where kidneys are now? they definitely used to be lower.. something is happening.

>Mandela effect

Kill yourself.

I think they're just mapping south America m8
Happening to me as well

It was always looney tunes, always froot loops, at least in the chic-fil-a universe I'm from.

Ever heard of an Ocean called AUSTRAL in your youth ? It exists now !

I bet in your universe Clinton won

Boston is north of New York now
New Zealand is south of Australia

When I was younger I could've sworn the colors for elections were swapped

bluestates meant R, redstates meant D

>Ever heard of an Ocean called AUSTRAL in your youth ? It exists now !

I've been a surgeon for nearly 20 years (next month btw) and I can confirm that this is where the kidneys have always been. I've performed and overseen many transplants, I'm not sure where the "kidneys in the lower-back" rumour came from; possibly boxing if memory serves.

Remember when forrest gump said life was like a box of chocolate? Well he didn't, fuck you

>Kidneys in OPs pic are millimeters away from the heart and covered by the ribcage

This cant be fucking right. When you got hit in the waist you got hit in your kidneys. I could have sworn they were bigger too

Sorry Doctor, leave this to the experts at Sup Forums.

cuz I remember him saying this.

she used to have braces.

We best timeline lads don't worry

>There's a guy here who's been a surgeon almost as long as I've been alive

You must be a massive fucking loser to still be here son. Get a life for fuck sake.


This is the line now.

Anyone remembers NO, I AM YOUR FATHER

>millionaire surgeon

Right. Better get some sleep, lad; wouldn't want you to be all tired tomorrow while you waste the next 4 years of your life on an arts or humanities degree.

Much comfier. Now they are protected by the rib cage.

>cuz I remember him saying this.
Look at the video

Why has shit like this gone unnoticed? Can we figure out whos from which time line?

Wut, I always remember that space.

Tons of sites actually

Look up Mandela effect

>Can't even bants
>Brings up strawman

Jesus I hope I get one of the indians or chinks instead of you if I ever need surgery.

I distinctly remember it being toons as well, wtf is going on? also I could swear the VW logo was always one continuous thing with no break in it.

>how do you want your kidneys fa.m
>just shove em up in my lungs

John Titor here. Your timeline has indeed branched out. Many of your past memories are in the process of being overwritten to make adjustments for the alternate future. Be patient, soon you won't remember any discrepancies.

We will speak again soon.

seems like the younger generations don't remember changes on any of these things.

Can we determine when did the timeline changed?
maybe then we can find out what event might had caused it.
it must be somewhere after 2000.


Young people brains are more elastic, so they are easier to be rewritten

that's pretty interesting, I want to see how my own kidnes look now

They're not as good as me but w/e

>implying that wasn't bants
You must be from Melbourne

did oliver twist say
please sir may i have some more
please sir i want some more

>Based on the chronology of these experiments, it seems that the effect propagates nearly instantaneously, at a rate comparable to the cosmological inflation5 which occurred shortly after the Big Bang. Grand Unification theories suggest that the combination of the anomalous virtual particle production along with the super-luminal propagation are consistent with a global retrocausality event.

>One interpretation that has been put forth is that the entire Universe is being affected by the artifact. It would be our and the universe's past which is being altered. The subject's memories would then be accurate and would remain the only record of the timeline before its alteration. In light of this possibility, further testing has been suspended indefinitely. The consent of all O5 administrators is required to perform further experiments.

>The suggestion has been made that, in the event of an imminent CK-class reality-ending scenario, SCP-1968 could be used in a last ditch-effort to avert catastrophe, but at the cost of irrevocably and unpredictably altering the past. Such a decision could obviously not be made lightly. To do so would ensure that the world as we know would cease to exist. At the same time, to do nothing might guarantee the same. Such a metaphysical dilemma is perhaps beyond our ability to resolve.

>It should be pointed out that if the artifact had already been used in this manner, we would have no evidence of it. The incursions that have recently taken place might well have been attempts to use the artifact to accomplish exactly that.

they never were

is this board really just full of schizos?
Also what organs *are* in the lower back then?

In Poland we call it "zwariowane melodie" which means "crazy melodies" i remeber it being always this way

i also remembered this but maybe they changed the logo to this or it is not real

earth is expanding as we all slip into the same universe. nice stuff. they aren't able to update the systems to keep pace anymore soon.

I hate you

>Why has shit like this gone unnoticed?
It doesn't, there are tons of sites about it and /x/ has threads about it all the time.
>Mandela effect