The fucking NEW YORK TIMES calls for the end of identity politics

>It is a truism that America has become a more diverse country. It is also a beautiful thing to watch. Visitors from other countries, particularly those having trouble incorporating different ethnic groups and faiths, are amazed that we manage to pull it off. Not perfectly, of course, but certainly better than any European or Asian nation today. It’s an extraordinary success story.

>But how should this diversity shape our politics? The standard liberal answer for nearly a generation now has been that we should become aware of and “celebrate” our differences. Which is a splendid principle of moral pedagogy — but disastrous as a foundation for democratic politics in our ideological age. In recent years American liberalism has slipped into a kind of moral panic about racial, gender and sexual identity that has distorted liberalism’s message and prevented it from becoming a unifying force capable of governing.

>One of the many lessons of the recent presidential election campaign and its repugnant outcome is that the age of identity liberalism must be brought to an end. Hillary Clinton was at her best and most uplifting when she spoke about American interests in world affairs and how they relate to our understanding of democracy. But when it came to life at home, she tended on the campaign trail to lose that large vision and slip into the rhetoric of diversity, calling out explicitly to African-American, Latino, L.G.B.T. and women voters at every stop. This was a strategic mistake. If you are going to mention groups in America, you had better mention all of them. If you don’t, those left out will notice and feel excluded. Which, as the data show, was exactly what happened with the white working class and those with strong religious convictions. Fully two-thirds of white voters without college degrees voted for Donald Trump, as did over 80 percent of white evangelicals.

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Nice digits

Hopefully this article will wake up some of those progressive shitters. Though I feel it will be too little too late.

Jew york times

Exactly, they're the ones calling for the end of this bullshit. You'd expect this from something like the Economist or WSJ.

These stupid kikes and liberals dont get it. You can't un redpill yourself. Identity politics will leave a rift in america for 50 -100 years on the off chance liberals somehow regain sanity. They wont though and they will continue to push ordinary people of all races into a corner and when catastrophe strikes there will be an ideological civil war. They fucked up and now their children will suffer while the jews scurry away to israel

Sad part is, they wouldn't even question it if they won.

It's 90% delusional liberal garbage and a 10% attempt at introspection.

Basically: 'We were so enamored with our multicultural utopia that we lost sight of the fact that our world collides with that of the ignorant bigots every 4 years'.

They will never learn.

they going full alt-left stirner style now?


Oh, joy. They have to swallow the fact that the NYP published this.

it's too late

they opened the box only to realize that when whites start playing identity politics libs are totally fucked because the right got in on it first

lmao this

>w-wait, I don't wanna play identity politics anymore!

i really hope they keep it up. And I really hope in 4 years whites dont forget that they were almost completely thrown under the bus forever in this election. I know I will never vote democrat again.

After the Hamilton thing the left seems content with painting themselves as delusional elitists.

What people should be doing is archiving the nasty nasty things said about Americans that voted for Trump and archive it to play back in 4 years times... the articles in the Huffing Paint about how they now hate white women because they voted for Trump.. yeah, screenshot that before it gets taken down. The Young Turks Ana Kasparian screaming thatthe majorty of people are "Fucking Dumb" who voted for Trump.

I don't see the Democrats and Liberals learning their lessons..... lord knows their followers are doubling down on the nonsense that has gotten them here.

and this

Aaw - just now that they are loosing. There should be no peace amerifats - push the niggers back into the sea while they are weak.

and watch this video, it nails it down as to why the Dems and Liberals lost.

Whoa, that's new. Libtards are waking up, I did not expect this.

>Not perfectly, of course, but certainly better than any European or Asian nation today. It’s an extraordinary success story.

Do Americans really believe they have integrated their minorities more successfully than the European nations whose modern identities are a RESULT of it?

>The moral energy surrounding identity has, of course, had many good effects. Affirmative action has reshaped and improved corporate life. Black Lives Matter has delivered a wake-up call to every American with a conscience. Hollywood’s efforts to normalize homosexuality in our popular culture helped to normalize it in American families and public life.

>The moral energy surrounding identity has, of course, had many good effects. Affirmative action has reshaped and improved corporate life. Black Lives Matter has delivered a wake-up call to every American with a conscience. Hollywood’s efforts to normalize homosexuality in our popular culture helped to normalize it in American families and public life.


>One of the many lessons of the recent presidential election campaign and its repugnant outcome
i guess they just dont learn

They've certainly integrated them more successfully than we have. The MSM would have us believe that diversity has turned Britain into a paradise where we all hold hands and sing kumbaya, but of course in reality it has resulted in self-ghettoisation and the balkanisation of our society, where third-world Muslims run wild because the authorities are terrified of even the slightest possibility of being called "racist". There are parts of the UK that are indistinguishable from the shithole Middle East where you'll hear nary an English word spoken. It's truly shameful that we've allowed our country to fall this far.

No really.

the impression I got is they actually realized white people are sick of their shit. They won't change, though.

It's a start I guess.

>One of the many lessons of the recent presidential election campaign and its repugnant outcome

They're only taking this stance while they're losing.

They're calling for the end of it because they realize whites are now into identity politics and are learning to vote in their own self interest in America.

Did you fuckers read the fucking article? It criticizes exactly the obsession of the left in bringing the identity politics to the political debate, it agrees with the opinion of most channers if anything.

They're literally only trying to shit on white identity politics.

Don't let the kike fool you.

The horrible RAAAAACISTS!! Why aren't whites voting for more Muslims? Why did they vote for a man instead of a womyn? They must be raaacist sexists right?????

-The press

>Black Lives Matter has delivered a wake-up call to every American with a conscience.

They don't want to end identity politics, they want to end them until they can win.

They are only doing this now because whites have suddenly started to play identity politics with the overwhelmingly white rust belt voting Trump and more and more becoming red-pilled as 3rd world immigrants pour in.

Whites are still more than 60% of the US population, and if whites start identifying with their own race then (((their))) narrative and goals are out of the window.

I think its funny that they dance arround the fact that Hillary was terrible.

We're shocked white men are voting in their own self-interest! Why aren't they getting their politics from teenage trannies on Tumblr? It makes no sense!!!!!

Too little, too late.

> Audience plummetting
> Subscribers leaving in droves
> Comment sections turned into a two minute hate
> Twiiter accounts have all switched to whitelisting
> Trump not letting cortege into restaurants anymoe, reporters going hungry
> White House access probably cut off for the next 4 years
> Allies and contacts in Washington going dark one by one as swamp is drained
> Political contacts were all tied to Clinton and she's running off to Qatar with all the cash
> Financial and Corporate backers spent the last week lining up to bend the knee to the man you spent the last years shitting all over
> Condo values crashing

Quick, try to grab some of that "discontented millenial" audience. See if they'll trust us. Hurry!

So now the democrats finally wake up to how dumb identity politics are.
For a nation to function it needs unity not diversity.
If the inhabitants of a nation are united behind a idea or cause. The race, religion, sexuality of the other people united in that cause. Means far less than the cause.

You can't expect her to call bullshit on BLM and hipster liberal arts faggotry especially considering that she probably makes a living giving speechs to the liberal crowd. The overall message of her article is exactly that though: let's stop with this victimism of minorities because it has gone overboard since a long ago and it's not getting us any vote anytime soon.

wont do shit.

they're just going to double down and lose even harder in 2020.

>Affirmative action has reshaped and improved corporate life.

This was the most retarded statement in the article. Many liberal and generally left-leaning people refuse to have a debate on the merits of affirmative action, especially when we have so many immigrants who are from one of the "designated groups" that benefit from it. It's just assumed that if you disagree with it, you're opposed to "diversity" and are racist. They are also tone-deaf on how many people react to both BLM and Hollywood activism. Not a bad article, but it still clings irrationally to some basic liberal dogmas.

>Visitors from other countries...are amazed that we manage to pull it off.

But we don't. Tourists only see the touristy areas (which themselves are getting pretty bad now).

Meanwhile, we have no-go zones where white people can't go w/o being attacked and robbed.

Where cops see white people and just assume they are there to buy drugs (they probably are), and warn them to GTFO for their own good.

nah, fuck you. The intellectual libshits are only pulling back because they realized that their PC bullshit is recreating a unified white voting bloc that will put them back into chains

After all the decades of shaming white's finally our turn for revenge

Again you have to take in perspective how much her rethoric can stretch in face of the crowd she talks and its respective political stance. Affirmative action is like a sacred pole that has been endorsed for decades by the american left and some conservatives theorists alike, John Raws for instance. She can't suddenly write in an article that affirmative action is ineffective, or that it creates more divisiviness than benefits. The political discourse can accept a limited degree of rewinding, and that's exactly what she's doing. Her article specifically is like a victory for Sup Forums and that's what I'm trying to convey to the fellow anons whose brains have been melted by the memes.

Can't believe a Times writer summarized my thoughts

he mentions that the KKK was one of the first real American "identity movements", I think liberals should be aware that the more they push other individual identity movements as paramount (black/gay/female etc) you're going to see a continued surge in white nationalist identity groups. It's a natural consequence, people, feeling excluded or threatened, band together.

We need to reclaim American nationality or else we will continue on down the road towards real civil unrest

>whites decide to enter identity politics
>kikes flip out

it's too late, I am not 100% virulently angry and violent white nationalist

you have to go back, whether it's in a body bag is up to you

>tfw normies will blindly follow the national cultural policy set by cultural icons

>The fucking NEW YORK TIMES calls for the end of identity politics
Truly, we live in the time of the Onion.


how can one author be still so tone-deaf?
Trump singled out and praised each minority constantly and never insulted american nationals. They still live in a fantasy world.

fucking whitey

I'm always confused by how these kinds of people act like they live in real fear and oppression. "White male dominated America" ended slavery, granted citizenship, allowed suffrage, allowed virtually full civil rights in the 60's/70's, and most recently allowed gay marriage, something 50% of the "modern west" has yet to do. Everyone is essentially free to do as they please.

Yet you can't go a day without being huffy under white men because we're all suddenly going to roll back all of the things we consented to over the past 100 years? It's insanity. They probably think civil rights groups walked into Congress and held a gun to their head to get them to acquiesce.

>Visitors from other countries, particularly those having trouble incorporating different ethnic groups and faiths, are amazed that we manage to pull it off.

Fuck me, is this legitimate, does it actually say that?

The rest of the world laughs at the chimpouts,

It's all about attention. They can't get attention for their accomplishments so they look for attention through victim-hood.

I would bet social media has a lot to do with it because it allows people who are the alcoholics of social interaction to drink themselves to death.

Honestly liberals forced me to the far right, just 2 or so years ago I voted for democrats in the midterm.

This election simply opened my eyes, even before the election the chimpouts/terrorist attacks and obamas refusal to do anything pointed me into the right direction

They always say this but never learn. As a PoC, I voted for Trump, because identity politics people almost destroyed my life but racists actually are reasonable people to talk to.

Typical white republican racists.

Ditto. Former Obama supporter => Trump supporter here. PoC, too.

Perfect summary of what article had to say

>tfw in middle school i helped my goth gf make an 'impeach bush' t shirt with electric tape

All this is going to do is make liberals turn on the NYT. "Identity Politics", like "SJW", is a term that they tune themselves out when they hear.

Oh absolutely, social media is turning into a cancer for the younger society.

We can't build a national platform off of a constant assumption of victimhood. How the hell does that work? We're the world's eminent superpower, we need people who believe in that and work to keep it that way.

I'm happy we didn't elect the woman who crawled into a corner and cried for a week after losing to a reality TV star

> but certainly better than any European or Asian nation today. It’s an extraordinary success story.

What the hell are these shitters on lmao ?

America is the worst country for interracial society. Worst racial tension of the whole western world

We are way more peacefull her in europe

Crazy how "not racist" and "racist" have become
>if you disagree with me at all it's because you're a privileged oppressor scum who should be castrated and locked away
>man i just don't care for minorities at all


No please don't. I want to see another term of Trump, 2020.

Bending over and asking for another, doesn't make the rape peaceful you worthless cuck. Get your head out of your ass.

>identity politics is the most important thing ever
>but liberals don't focus on identity politics, Trump does
I want to die.

They won't forget.

I too am a former Democrat

>whites find their identity
>now they want to end identity politics

fat chance.


Too late you scum

>we president now

>Visitors from other countries, particularly those having trouble incorporating different ethnic groups and faiths, are amazed that we manage to pull it off
>are amazed that we manage to pull it off

this is all LBJ's fault lads

truly the worst President


If liberals wanna get out of the hole that they've dug for themselves a lot of them are gonna have to take one for the team and be buried in that hole in order to get the rest out

Which is why it won't be happening for a while until it turns into a life or death situation i.e dems lose significantly more seats and trump wins a second term etc

And they've already freed the millennial beast. They're not going to learn, they're going to go at it harder.

The millennials actually do carry a lot of weight. Their parents are getting old and businessmen need them to buy things. Similarly the Democrats are going to sell themselves to what they think is the average liberal millennial, which means sjws

When Jews, latinos, blacks, homos et cetera do it it's good.

When normal decent honest hard-working white folks do it. NY Times want to end it.

Ain't that interesting?

>>whites find their identity
>>now they want to end identity politics


Identity politics got trump elected. Must be bad.


Never trust them again. They've played their hand. Their hand was
"Hahaha white people, you are irrelevant and we can convince all these other people that you're evil and we'll just have them shitting out kids and make money off them forever with click-bait articles that will last FOREVER as the circular arguments of identity politics NEVER CEASE."

Fuck the NYT and these globalist kikes.

Regressives will never admit that multiculturalism has failed. Such an admission would spell the end of their ideology, and they know it.

Fucking jews


That's the stupidest thing a Belgian has ever said

>the US is doing the multicult better than ANYONE else.

Ahahahahah No.

Relax Denmark, I'm a Jew and I don't care for globalism, we're not all like that.


They are delusional, if You have different races around Identity politics will be there. Even if whites are gone the conflict between the others would still be there. Their anti white coalition is already fragile and sometimes contradictory. You can't just Walk away from Identity politics.

Identity politics is good for white people.
Stop acting like it's a bad thing.

>yfw whites are the only group preventing explosive racial tensions between mexicans and blacks

Well it's not like it was wrong in hindsight.


Yeah exactly , now that whites are using it it has to go right? Don't worry though the non whites and other freaks will never stop using it.

Maybe that's the end goal. The US has the biggest Jewish population on earth. (((They))) need some way to get them to move to the holy land so they can justify their expansion into Greater Israel.

They have a knack for getting expelled from countries. If the US eventually becomes inhospitable to Jews(via racial strife) they can double their Jewish population.

Europe is already doing this with Muslim immigrants. As a result of the migrant crisis more Jews are flocking from France to Israel than any point in history.

>tfw always been Republican since 1st grade where me and my friend called John Kerry a butthead
>tfw always been wary around black folks because as a kid I thought if I touched one of them I'd turn black too
>tfw used to eat Chex Mix according to the "whiteness" of the pieces, with the blacker ones getting eaten first

Feels good always having been redpilled.

Times is semiT backwards

>This article is insulting to people who are not cisgendered, heterosexual white men. Identity is not something which can be quietly set aside in pursuit of common goals, since historically those goals were set by and for white men; women, people of color, members of the LGBT community are seeking to rebalance a society which both intentionally and unintentionally excluded their interests for centuries. Moreover, identity informs key political questions, which may start as attempts to address specific groups' concerns but can broaden into affecting much larger groups. For example, the push to protect the rights of migrant workers, many of whom are undocumented, is not a simple issue of immigrant identity, but can lead to higher wages and better employment protections for all workers. Promoting women's equality in the workforce can lead to greater access to childcare resources and expanded parental and family leave for all workers.

>I also dispute the argument that liberals are responsible for promoting identity politics. President-elect Trump's campaign trafficked heavily in Islamaphobia and xenophobia, he was endorsed by the KKK, and has since selected the white supremacist Steve Bannon as a member of his administration. We don't want to keep defending reproductive rights, gender identity, racial equality and religious freedom and yet, these rights are constantly under attack. Ask conservatives to abandon the identity politics of white Christians and then we'll talk.

>2047 Recommend

They've learned absolutely nothing.

This is what a complete lack of self awareness looks like.

That is epic and accurate.
>I might have to forego the shit
I feel like I could actually listen to this crazy bastard.

This desu. The Democrats lost because they completely alienated the white working class, and the white working class now votes almost solidly Republican in the South, West, and now Midwest.


The only reason you've decided you want out is because you've seen how it can be turned against you, and the right is just starting to learn how to use it.

You don't just get to box it back up, you made your bed, now lie in it. I hope all you fuckers burn for what you've done to the humanities.

>brazilian education

I think i remember having see a documentary, about the gang/small scale civil wars in Oakland in progressive California where this is already happening. If evil whitey stops to enfroce the law little imagination is nesessary to get a picture of how
it would turn into a place, which could easily compete with the Most violent african countries.