Does Franku Miller have a cancer, /co?

He is only 3 years older than Jurgens, yet he looks like his grandpa.

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Bendis looks like cancer
Miller looks like aids

Cancer fucks you senpai.

He's a Alcoholic that's why he looks ten years older than he should be.


Why is Bendis suddenly jacked?

Looks like Freddy Krueger

Judging by the way his appearance has rapidly changed in recent past, all the signs hint that yes, it's cancer. A lot of people have been speculating it for a while now. But I don't think Miller himself has ever wanted to talk about it in public, and he hasn't officially confirmed those speculations.

Bendis is cancer.

Bendis' eye bags are bigger than his eyes.

Attached: CIADubs.jpg (472x472, 24K)

>But I don't think Miller himself has ever wanted to talk about it in public, and he hasn't officially confirmed those speculations.

This, it came to light during the second Sin City movie promotion. He has refused to talk about it but clearly there is/was something wrong.

Part of the DC contract

Do some research yourself. There's plenty of of speculation online over the last several years. I don't think there's anything conclusive.

But yeah, he was probably undergoing chemo for something, so probably cancer. The rapid hair/eyebrow loss is a dead giveaway for chemotherapy.

I don't like most of his work. But I wish him the best outcome. Cancer sucks major balls. Miss you Nana.

Not sure if that's because of the MRSA or the weight loss. IIRC he said he swelled up pretty bad during the MRSA and lost vision for a while though.

I love how Frank now looks like a grumpy Amish grandpa.

Are you new? He looked way worse a couple years ago.

I didn't give a shit about him few years ago.

I think he looks like Adrian Toomes so much that I think literally any other cast but him as a potential villain in Spider-man sequel would be a woefully terrible miscast.

I know I just set myself up for a disappointment, but one can dream, okay. They got Michael Keaton.

Frank's getting better though. Which is good

Brian Manlet Bendis


You can see from the second image, which is a few years older, that he has no hair whatsoever there; but in the OP he does, and he's still alive, which given the length of time since he was balder than Superman rules out both chemotherapy (treatment for cancer which has the unfortunate side effect of making your hair fall out) and living with cancer (because he is still alive, so unless he never had cancer to begin with and was mistakenly given chemo, there's no reason to assume he still has cancer, because he'd be dead).

He's probably what we call a survivor. His long-term prognosis is hard to judge without knowing which cancer he had, but given his age he'll probably be dead within ten years of his original treatment.

This is also true. His well-publicized drink, drugs, and smoking habits all contributed to his looking like shit, and his working habits - I understand he liked to work long hours when he was still something other than DC's charity-case/100variants-seller - probably didn't help either, as a body which doesn't rest properly ages that bit faster. It's also where he gets that hunched posture from - that's all the years he spent hunched over his work. If I had to guess I'd say he's myopic as well, though that's often relatively easy to treat.

Bendis recently had some sort of health problem and lost a huge amount of weight - possibly he was simply told he'd lose his feet to diabeetus if he didn't - but for a 50 year old he really does look like crap. But then again he looked like crap for his age at 40 and 30 as well.

So does chemo. What you're looking at is really a combo move.