"It's Just Hamlet!"


"It's Just Hamlet!"

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Duh. It's why Disney was sued and settled out of court, then bought the NA distribution rights.

"It's just hunchback of notre dame!"

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Not this shit again

And Hamlet was just a modernized version of the legend of Amled, with some extra stuff tacked on to extend the run time.

Rip-off or not, Lion King is still objectively better.

fun fact, majority of stories ae based on either greek tragedy, the bible or myth and legends

hamlet was pretty much your everyday shit back in the middle ages, people thinking shakespeare invented it are fucking delusional just like the people who think tolkien invented dwarves and elves.

>just like the people who think tolkien invented dwarves and elves.
Do people actually think this? Sure in the modern fantasy sense you could argue he did, but dwarves and elves period? Dude was pretty open about drawing inspiration from folk stories in his development of those guys.

>Do people actually think this?
yes, mostly normies and idiots in general.
if you go to /tg/ and tell them about this they usually flip their shit like that guy who flips his shit every time someone mentions harry potter

I hope you're exaggerating, because if not holy fuck. When do these people think Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came out? Did they really never hear old folk stories about Dwarves and Elves, because European folk stories are fucking full of those.

my point exactly

We've known this since the '90s. It's not news anymore.

>implying OP was born in the 90's
he probably just watched it yesterday

Disney is morally bankrupt, whats new

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Nobody said it was NEWS, but this is the first time I've ever seen an in-depth comparison video on it.

"they stand on a rock!"

everything after: "here's some drawings of real animals that actually exist"

decades of kimba media would easily let you find scenes that match generic concepts with a group of animals if you really want to

is the creator of this video really suggesting the creators of the lion king had some kind of fever dream and reassembled this completely different story into the depicted sequence? where the actual scenes have a completely different meaning than they do in the lion king?

it would be a very novel way to make something.

Huh...damn time sure does fly doesn't it?

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You must be a Disney shill, there's so much more there than just "they stand on a rock" and "here's some animals."

To me it looks like The Lion King was originally planned as a Kimba remake, then when the legal battles happened in the early 90s, Disney had to turn what they had started on into an "Original Story", and that's where all the heavy "This is our ORIGINAL Film" marketing came from.

Are you honestly defending this? jesus, talk about brand loyalty programming.

back in the 80's Disney and Tezuka agreed to make a Kimba movie but they didn't go further from some plot script and concept art, with Tezuka's death they recycled the concepts and changed it enough to make their own movie. there was some legal issues but tezuka's family didn't want to keep pushing the whole thing fearing that it will tarnish tezuka's legacy and reputationso so they made an agreement with Disney and they all lived happily ever after until the day when Tezuka's daughter found his dad hidden furry smut and now it's making a book with it.

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One of the things I never get is how so many people think that everyone working on this movie unanimous agreed "yes, let's rip off this japanese cartoon". Like, does anyone even know how animation production even works? The people boarding the ghost mufasa scene had no idea what was happening earlier in the movie because these things are usually written out of order due to how often the story changes in production.

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no, there really isn't.

what is there? a lion appears in the sky. neither property invented the concept of an important character appearing in the sky. and... that's about that.

at best, you can argue that the lion king took a couple visuals, which is incredibly insubstantial. many, many properties owe much, much more to stories like Lord of the Rings.

i don't even watch any disney movies. go back to bickering over cgi stills.

Like, the original draft was about a war between Lions and baboons and was called King of the Kalahari with scar being a baboon. The similarities probably come from a couple concept artists or boarders that take some inspiration from things they watched growing up like you'll find in literally any animated movie.

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evil dark brown lion with black mane with comedy relief hyena henchmen?
stampede framed with the exact angles and scenarios?
The "Long Live the King" scene?
Wiseman Baboon-mandrill hybrid?
Presentation of royal lion cubs over a cliff with animals watching below?
Exact replications of sunrise shots, stylized in the exact same fashion?
Lion turns to eating bugs?
I could go on. You've got your ears plugged.

Now that really does sound like it was meant to be an adaption of Kimba. Kimba is about a lion raised by humans that's trying to make peace between human society and animals. The Lion King has fuck-all to do with Kimba plot-wise, but that draft sounds like it was doing the Kimba plot with baboons instead of humans.

Honestly, I think it started as a Kimba adaption, but the plot went through so many drafts that it no longer resembled the original enough to call it an adaption. Some of the imagery managed to stick around, though.

A snake with tits.
The madman.

Not gonna watch the vid cuz I'm at work, but it still pisses me off that people do the Hamlet comparison.

Lion King is almost nothing like Hamlet. It shares a couple of superficial similarities that were likely deliberately changed to get it closer, because muh Shakespeare ripoffs are so prestigious for some reason;

>Uncle killed the king to usurp the throne
>main character is the king's son
>mc doesnt know who killed dad
>dad appears in vision

Even if it's good enough for dumb ass plebs, this is LITERALLY IT. Otherwise, the plot of Hamlet STARTS with him getting a vision where Dad king tells him his Uncle did it, and then telling him to get revenge. This is the inciting incident. Hamlet spends the whole fuckin play struggling with whether it's right for him to kill his Uncle or not. That plus the exploration of different reactions to grief re: how honest you're being with their effects etc etc - these are The Point of the play.

Where does the equivalent of this inciting incident land in Lion King? Simba finds out his dad was killed by his Uncle at the END of the movie ("I killed Mufasa"), and then how does Simba react? He IMMEDIATELY TRIES TO KILL SCAR ("Murderer!"). That's Hamlet, guys! They did the whole play in just two lines, nice adaptation boys

I'm not at all a Disney shill or even a fan of Lion King, but sometimes it feels like a lot of the RIPOFF accusations are more based on people hearing the similarity of the name "Simba" to "Kimba" and then assuming everything must have been ripped off from there. Despite Simba of course being an actual word that's been used for lion characters since forever since that's literally its meaning.

Like I think if you compare a film about a lion to a whole series also about a lion, there are bound to be similarities. From what I understand the entire plot of the original Kimba series is pretty different; a lot of those moments that are always pointed to as Lion King ripping them off are pretty general things.

And I really don't think Lion King is a great movie and I've bitched about it being overrated in the past. Kimba is probably better. I just don't think it's ripping off Kimba; while it's likely/possible some working on the movie had to have seen it, I don't think that was the guiding vision for the entire production. Also yeah, there were different Lion King drafts that were pretty different from the final movie, so if it was supposedly "always" based on Kimba it'd be weird to start with something not like it and then move toward something with more similar elements than it had before, if they were trying to avoid such comparisons in the first place.

It's only the tip of the iceberg

The video alone shows that Disney certainly took the same characters and scenes and re-drew them.There's a divide between taking inspiration and plagiarism. if you're having an almost parrallel cast being involved in very similar scenes with the same kind of setting then it delves into plagiarism.

You can reuse ideas or concepts and not be a rip-off e.g. Astroboy is probably inspired by Pinnochio but you can't claim it ripped it off because it took the base premise to create something drastically different.

My argument is that those scenes are pretty general and, though I didn't mention this, of course animated animal characters are going to appear similar, specially since both are trying to use animals native to that setting in the first place so they're by default limited to a particular set anyway, and the art styles are pretty different so some just being the same animals aren't enough.