Make Your Own Superhero Thread - Armored Edition

Roll for a random power:

Roll as many times until you get a good power.

If your digits ends with an even number, you're a hero.
If your digits end with an odd number, you're a villain.

Previous Threads
Part 1: →
Part 2: →
Part 3: →
Part 4: →
Part 5: →
Part 5.5: →
Part 6: →
Part 7: →
Part 8: →
Don't forget to visit the Booru!

Attached: image.png (1500x1150, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Other templates for those of you who like muscles and proportion.

Attached: 1521843192188.png (1188x1156, 30K)

OLDer templates for those of you that like nostalgia.

Attached: 1520180467988.png (1225x1072, 86K)

Attached: Portalis New Sheet.png (1500x1150, 122K)

I think it's time for a more proper introduction.

I know the red and black looks hurtful but it's the aesthetic I've chosen and I'm sorry

Attached: GarryGarryverseSheet.gif (1500x1150, 272K)

Pleased to finally be here.

I think we've waited long enough.

Attached: ArmorCharmer.png (1531x1150, 114K)

Project Bulwar is ready to activate.

Let's put him to the test, darling.

Attached: Armar_RiseArmar_Reveal.png (800x600, 79K)

Meanwhile Sup Forumssmotropolis

Attached: ArmorCharmer_TheGameBegins.png (800x1701, 20K)

Attached: ArmorCharmer_TheFirstMove.png (800x1701, 110K)

>Bulwar do as much damage to the city as possible.

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Bulwar.png (800x600, 19K)

>Start with that school over there, Bulwar. It's only the weekend and they won't need it once we've got what we needed.

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Bulwar_Stats.png (756x671, 94K)


Look, I'm just here for the felonies and to harm not a single person here.

Attached: RaveStone_NewStats.png (1500x1150, 162K)

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Bulwar_SchoolhouseRock.png (1170x779, 48K)

Ok, that was pretty rad. I'll stick around and watch this for a bit.

Attached: Ravestone_002.png (253x417, 48K)

Oh, come on now, love. You can do better than that... and while we're at it, lets add a few more to the party.

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Unharmed.png (800x600, 20K)

>Ramblar, be a dear and drop off the boys.

Attached: Ramblar_VRRP_extraThree.png (761x507, 152K)

>Bombar, take out the bus stops.
>Venar, destroy the stadiums.
>Handar, take out the bars and liquor stores.

I want everyone watching, present and sober for this.

Attached: Armar_Threemar.png (1359x1072, 58K)

> It's me Chet! Bringing you some important "News Flash" The event's that happened a month ago from the Rat King seems to be subsided, the rat infestation seems to be subsiding thanks to some unlikely heroes!
>With that a concert happened that blasted the world by storm! "Stars n' Stix! Here's what happened when we asked them...[...]
Hey, old friend, I see you're doing well

Attached: Hey, old friend.png (400x400, 39K)

(Bombar continues to take out every bus station, bus stop and vehicle hub in a 9 city-wide block.)

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Bombar.png (1170x779, 17K)

(Venar continues to destroy the supports for the Sup Forumssmotropolis City Baseboys stadium.)

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Venar.png (1170x779, 23K)

All right supervillain, surrender your.. Armor things and this will all blow over.

Attached: Shadowboxer.png (1500x1150, 132K)

(Handar levels every single bar/liquor store downtown, leaving a wake of upset drunkards and forlorn partygoers.)

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Handar.png (1170x779, 14K)

I would, dear... but then what would I use for all my demolition purposes. A proper princess needs a proper castle, don't you think?

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Smarm_Ara.png (800x600, 22K)

Lamenting over the death of a Garry? But why? This one was just an echo of the one you knew, and he died deep down below. You should go waste your time on someone more finite and static.

There are so many Garry's you never know which one you're even observing.

Attached: TheresNoReason.gif (500x500, 14K)

Ok... this, this isn't cool at all.

Attached: Ravestone_005.png (600x387, 88K)

>Yes, continue on my little pawns!

Attached: TownDestruction.png (1170x779, 22K)

Your loss 'princess'. I'm gonna go ahead and get started on the bomb guy.

>Boxer moves close enough to Bombar to hit him with his shadow and attacks!

Attached: Boxer and his shadow.png (541x375, 38K)


Attached: HERE I GO.png (1244x854, 69K)


(The armor skids back with the force of a powerful punch, leaving marks on the ground and denting in the faceplating. Its fuse ignites slowly on the top of its head)

Attached: Bombar_ShadowStrike.png (1170x779, 78K)

Wh-- I dont give a rat's ass about the multi- theory bullshit he was my friend, you got cra--

>D? D! We got problems! Something happened Downtown Sup Forumssmotropolis! we need you down there ASAP!

Dammit, listen whoever you are, i'll be back later, I'll leave this oil out for em' I don't know what robots need.
>D Gathers himself and leaves for downtown Sup Forumssmotropolis

Attached: Wha--.png (400x400, 21K)

Uhh... I don't think that fuse can be anything good.
Let's get out the shield pal!

Attached: Boxer and his Shield.png (415x381, 32K)

(Bombar crabwalks as menacingly as he possibly can closer to shadowboxer, giving him wiggly eyebrows from the glow of the enchantment, the fuse growing brighter and brighter.)

Attached: Bombar_Fuse_Shadowdoose.png (1170x779, 43K)

Attached: HERE I AM.png (1151x374, 46K)

Attached: GD.png (1404x1795, 213K)

Uh oh... Lets use a little roof.

Attached: Roofed Shield.png (1170x779, 51K)

A large Armored mech?

I hope you're here for me, darling. I'd love to have another soldier in my army.

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Charmed.png (324x465, 11K)

(From under the helmet an eruption of the ash-bomb continues outward covering the area in an enchanted layer of destructive and explosive ashes.)

Attached: Bombar_Explosion.png (1170x779, 16K)

This is no armor! I harnessed the power of hope and courage to achieve this form back in the 80's,Sorry but I'll have to decline your invite young lady.NOW SURRENDER OR I'LL BE FORCE TO USE FORCE FOR THE GOOD OF MANKIND!

Attached: robitface.png (327x221, 26K)

>Go on Bulwar, I could absolutely freeze/control this hero but let's give the large robot a show.

>Smash him, my darling
>Speed enhance
>Strength enhance

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Bulwar._Run.png (800x600, 101K)

Damn... That hurt a bit too much... My shadows going to have to recharge.
>Boxer backs out of the fight, having taken out one of ArmorCharmer's minions, but at the cost of a weaker shadow.

Attached: Shield Injured.png (415x381, 33K)

>Flip the mech

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Bulwar_FliptheMech.png (1170x779, 144K)

What's that? The gemerald I'm looking for isn't even here?

This one seems large enough to let me control even more armor...

>Handar, Venar... pick up the pace and tear apart the city even more.

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Smarm_Generalds.png (1170x779, 29K)

(Handar levels the entire east quarter, unleashing magic shockwave after magic shockwave.)

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Handar._Shockwavepng.png (1170x779, 25K)

(Venar crunches more vehicles and transportation in the streets piling them up as he moves, ruining the chances for police or other vehicles to get through.)

Attached: ArmorCharmer_VenarFang.png (1170x779, 15K)

Rolling for Hero or Villian here's hoping I'm a hero.


(The arm shoots out with a chain attached grabbing the evil suit of armor)
(while regaining his balance he chucks the suit throwing him somewhere will all his might hoping the speed and crash of the earth will rid of him)

Attached: DYNAMO GRIP!.png (1244x854, 102K)


Attached: rollan.png (204x295, 6K)

>While training to sprint in his body without bones made of raw, tone, strengthened, malleable muscle, Spineless is shaken by the blast

What the hell was that!?!

Attached: 2121.jpg (800x655, 170K)

Attached: 1244.png (1225x1072, 168K)

Attached: Bob the bad touch girl.png (1510x1121, 97K)

Alright im here, what am i up against?
>Im getting conflicted information, something about some mechas? 3 of them humanoid. ENKAI DYNAMO tried to help but i'm not sure.

D runs past shadow boxer and slides into battle

>'All i see is a little kid here. I think it's a kid?'
Hey kid! you should run off!

Attached: is this the bad guy.png (495x335, 12K)

Dimension D rolls into battle

Attached: DimensionD.png (1500x1150, 268K)

>Bulwar get your head in the game, this is no time to disappoint me!
>Go on, give him a good thrashing, show me a scuffle I can appreciate

(Bulwar zooms back to dynamo, quickly pummeling and denting the hull of the large robot with each pass.)

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Bulwar_FirstFlight.png (1170x779, 146K)


Attached: Bob wants to touch a healed fool.png (564x732, 79K)

I must say you supers have given me a good show... a VERY good show, but I grow weary of this. It's time to pull out my final chess piece.

>Oh, King~!

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Smarm.png (800x600, 124K)

>Give them a good final goodbye, my most important piece.
>Ramblar, do what we actually came here to do.

Attached: Kingar_Arrive.png (1170x779, 88K)

>enhance output
>enhance stability
>enhance energy
>Fire Cleanar

Attached: Kingar.png (839x645, 50K)

(Cleanar fires a destructive burst from all his main gun, while firing a spray of enchanted bullets at each present superhero.)

Attached: Kingar_gun.png (839x645, 51K)

>While they're distracted my quick-moving bishop.
>Enhance speed
(Ramblar moves from person to person, portal-ing quicker and quicker while drawing blood from the present superheroes.)

(Does this even work for you?)

Attached: Ramblar_VRRP_bloodDelivery.png (1170x779, 165K)

>Good, now bring back all the little goodies you've gathered and the other two handsome and vensome friends who have completed their task and let the poor supers deal with my rook and king.
(Ramblar Vrrps back with the vials of blood along with Venar and Handar.)

Attached: Ramblar_VRRP_extraTwoPlusblood.png (1170x779, 237K)

And with that I leave you all to deal with a rampaging King and Rook, until the next we meet.

If you're not cool with me making an Armar out of your character, I won't, just let me know and I'll check the thread tomorrow. G'night dudes.

Attached: ArmorCharmer_Charned.png (800x1800, 42K)

>Be Patient I have Autism

Attached: who touch the child.png (800x304, 45K)

Too late, but never again.

Attached: Wholate.png (992x903, 75K)

>D dodges out the way form the beam as Rambi steals blood from the kid and portals out D charges his attack at what he assumes is king, and rambi

Don't worry Red kid, i got this.
>See's a capped owl comes in last minute

Attached: nothing personell kid.png (215x141, 3K)

Ignignokt: I love the Lore in these Threads
Err: I need more Action!

Attached: Ignignokt and Err.png (1508x1112, 86K)


>he springs forward in an awkward but speedy way, his light and nearly viscous form gliding forward with a stride as he impacts the ground with a mound of muscle to follow

I guess the time for training is over. Now I have to test my mettle against the task at hand.

>He continues his odd mushy dash around the bend towards Cleanar

Attached: z2z2.jpg (506x284, 30K)

There is nothing better than testing your worth to see if you are competent and capable for what is in front of you, and the most noble thing is to rise above your limits. I once tried to wear armor like this to give me form and run away from the frailty of my own body in some mold that would make me look normal. That would make me feel space, protected and capable. But that armor was a lie. Only by my own hand can I strengthen my resolve!

>He springs up behind Cleanar

Allow me to show you the fruits of my training, hollow suit!

Attached: 45.jpg (847x641, 91K)

>Enkai begins an inner monologue while taking a barrage of attacks from the evil suit

Attached: fighting.png (1244x528, 139K)


Attached: BlueBerry.png (1904x1548, 199K)
>Dynamo begins to gather all of his power as he begins to shine like the beacon of hope he represents
>All the energy is released from the machine into the vicinity, the evil suit being caught off guard of such a great power is completely eradicated.


Attached: DYNAMO BREAKER.png (1194x875, 520K)

>After exhausting all of his energy he reverts to his humanoid self.
"Heh..I guess I've overdone it a bit. I think I'll let the young people take it from here.."

And that's it for me for the evening!

Attached: tuckeredout.png (139x217, 4K)

>See's a capped owl comes in last minute
Horned, actually.

>The silence of his descent broken by a single surgical "SSK!" of his talons as they slice through the Armored King's main gun. His attack punctuated by a very Batman-esque Superhero Landing, as if setting up the proverbial pins for the man of no spine to knock down.

Attached: the owl has landed.png (974x1168, 213K)

>He wraps the entirety of his body in a thin line like a skin around the gun, tenses the full extent like a vicegrip to hold the armor in place, bending it slightly and then getting the gun to point up at its face before wiggling his finger into the trigger inside to fire it

Hollow armor is plated and made of reinforced steel, but such hollowness begs to be filled!

>he pulled the trigger right when he bends the armor slightly enough to have the head right lined up with the blast


Attached: 46466464.png (756x585, 87K)


Good work, Spineless.
Your name may describe your abilities, but not your character

Attached: WhoTU.png (231x194, 5K)

Attached: GarryVerseBump.gif (1771x820, 299K)

Man what the fuck is even going on right now

Attached: Anarchist Joe's Abnormal Journeys.png (1500x1150, 94K)

Taking some of my energy? How rude of you. I hope you plan on giving it right back, I've been collecting so much who knows which part of me you're stealing.

If you don't want to give it back, I guess I'll just have to.... recollect it.

(f you /want/ to make a Garry armar thats fine just don't make a 'Garry Prime' armar you feel me, he's just a collection of Garry's essence at this point so feel free to just spin the wheel if you decide to use it

Attached: BeCarefulWhatYouSynthesize.gif (321x242, 14K)

*singing*Yeeeah, im traveling through the road, and then Some robots decide to destroy a city

Attached: 1521250084050.png (1500x1150, 101K)

*still singing* here comes the city let me see if therare some fuck uuuuuuu-
what the fuck is that thing doing?

Attached: Waitwhat.png (445x510, 9K)

Scarlet's here! How--

Oh, dear.

Attached: scarletv2.png (1500x1150, 84K)

I feel like I should help someone but I don't know if that someone is the sweet looking but city-destroying robots or the colorfully clothed men ineffectually attempting to fight a 13 year old girl.

I'm going to hold my axe out in this awkward yet intimidating position while I think about it.

Attached: I need to axe a few questions.png (262x432, 8K)

You call that intimidating?

Attached: Realy....png (445x510, 9K)

Good grief. You walking crapbuckets pick on my little sister and think this is all fun and games? You're starting to really piss me off.

Attached: asshole gajins fucking up my peaceful town again.png (573x559, 64K)

Sorry but I was raised not to talk to anthropomorphic lollipops.

yes but this anthropomorphic lollipop as a shotgun, a thing that im pretty sure you don't have.

Attached: Garryontuesdays.png (485x510, 11K)

And with that, all this universe Garry's have been taken care of! Thanks for sticking by with this sprinkled issue of Enter The Garryverse!

Check out the next issue when "Dark Garry" make his complete debut with no more cameo gifs and whispers!

I'll see you next issue in

Enter the Garryverse: Dark Garry vs Garmary

Attached: TelekeneticRegenerationRequiresSpirit.gif (500x500, 162K)

Oh yeah, well, who needs a shotgun when...

You're the Egyptian god of death,

Definitely not the Egyptian god of remembering to post my image.

Attached: All anubark no anubite.png (279x434, 7K)

Depends can it resist a shotgun to the face?
Well whatever, Im gonna see if i can stop these robots from breaking the city, join me if you want, but don't expect me cover your damages got once fighting.

Attached: Lockandloaded.png (800x600, 14K)

Well if the little girl's toy's kill you I'm pretty sure I can bring you back to life. Maybe as a sweet skeleton or something.

In fact, anyone got any dead loved ones they wanna see again? Just let me know before I roll a new power.

i don't have any myself that i would love to bring alive, but i know one who could use those powers, i think it was a guy with a weird eye which was connect by 2 purple Cables.

I don't have any dead loved ones ya dolt!

Attached: image.jpg (205x405, 19K)

(Sleeping by a tree several hundred feet away from the mysterious stickman on the hill. Enkai begins to mutter to himself mid-snooze.)

"Zzzz....What do you mean Super Robots aren't in anymore....? Idols...? Well that's just stupid.. It'll never take off...ZZZzzz"

Attached: ZZzenkai.png (1280x720, 17K)

you could resurrect all those other gary's
Emh dude can you wake up and do something? there are robots doing stuff after destroying a city.

Attached: Normal.png (445x510, 9K)

But these Gary's souls are gone, you can't really resurrect without a soul.

I'm sorry to disappoint you.... Garry. But he's right... They're already spoken for..

Attached: SorryToDissapoint.png (500x500, 13K)

Hey hey hey, who's the god of death here, you or me? I can whip of a couple of soulless abominations no problem.