Making a shitlib troll accnt on Twitter

And just calling everything racist and sexist is great, I got 9 new followers with just 2 hours of shitposting.

I can't even be sure who's trolling who anymore

keep it up
shit like this is why trump won

Quote Hitler, but replace Jew with white male.

Got any choice shit to drop on my new cult?

Suggestions? I'm thinking of making it a Twatter suicide cult

Spice it up with some follow back accounts to grow your account. You are doing a necessary work. Be proud about it, we all did it.

This. Excellent idea. However, I would change up the quotes slightly, otherwise you'll be found out too quickly.

And above all, don't make illegal threats.

eeeh I like it


How do I get started shitposting on twitter?

I dont fucking know, just do it

Follow a couple of the usual retards like Sally Kohn and the like and start @-ing everyone with sill SJW horsehit

You don't even have to really think about it just act shocked and appauled and call everything sexist.

Also, you need to literally shake alot

I am currently discussing how we are going to be building a registry for white men, as they are feral creatures who need to be checked

kek, thanks bro

Depends on what your goals are.
>Pure shitposting
Look for hashtags you can harass, use baits or get offensive against people posting on them. Mastery is derailing those tags, keep them active and let them reproduce what ever you like. Sock puppets necessary
Target people who put bait out, act contradictarian to bait em back and try to inject your opinions through consens generation. Mastery would be a bunch of acolyts doing your work and praising your account.
>Marketing, make 200$/h type
[You need to pay] or lurk more

I find it's best to just equate anything wrong in the world white whiteness. They can't ever deny it as a problem, and it splits everything RIGHT down the middle.

Sad thing is though, it's all so fuckign silly, I can't even be sure I'm not trolling trolls who are trolling trolls.

Posted this in the hope they'd migrate to Sup Forums and get butt triggered even more


>his thread

>I can't even be sure I'm not trolling trolls who are trolling trolls
Most of the time you wont know. Just remember to have fun :^)

That may possibly be the most Jewish looking pic of Soros I've ever seen.

Brah I got 11 followers now. I'm a star.

It is, it was taken with a Leitz Shoah Special 6 million frames per pixel edition

come back when you hit 10K

aayy senpai why so much

I gotta tell you I could get used to being permanently triggered, it feels... right.